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File: 1191692884234.png -(98631 B, 598x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
98631 No.108583  

Thought I'd put it out there that AMV Hell4 came out a day or two ago, some excellent scenes - including a Yots ^_^
cheers guys

>> No.108585  

You know, AMV Hell 3 is what introduced me to Azumanga in the first place.

>> No.108593  

Actually, I laffo'd over the Yotsuba part in a VC: big way just this afternoon, and wondered if I should post about it here.

>> No.108636  

Wow. This one sucks.

There were a few good clips, bus so far between. MMWHATCHASAY...more than twice? Get real.

>> No.108638  


MMWHATCHASAY was this one's "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP," but even so, this one still sucked.

However, I didn't see a Yotsuba one. I just kind of skimmed it so I guess I missed that one, so what time is it at?

The Ayumu-on-Cowbell one was one of the best, though.

>> No.108639  


Oh, and BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP was actually funny. I'm just saying that this is the reason they probably did that; not that it was a good reason.

>> No.108640  

I laughed hard at the Cowbell one.
(Also at the "wizard in winter" christmas lights one)
I really wish they'd hurry up with the credits, I want to know the anime and music used in some of these (like the anime in the Captain Picard song).

Yotsuba is at 14:04. I don't know the source music of that one though.

>> No.108643  

The "Picard" song was used in synch with Pani Poni Dash. The "human" alter egoes of the aliens who watch the show.

And I finished watching it, and I will say this:
I lol'd. Quite a bit. And I think you could tell they tried to go light on Azumanga this time. I mean, there was still a few, ("She Drives Like Crazy" was a great choice) but it seems like Deathnote was the new "most frequently used work." Of course, it also spoils the ending of the series frequently. ...But at this point, you probably already know how it ends (I'll put it simple: Like Shakespeare, EVERYONE FUCKING DIES. EVERYONE. EVEN YOU. YES, YOU.)

>> No.108645  


Sucked? You serious? This one was even better than AMV Hell 3, if only because of the sheer mass of 3-way crossovers, like the SuperSmash+Excel Saga+Pokemon, and the ingenious editing.

I laughed my head off... and watched it again... twice. With two different groups of friends, too, mind you. We had to keep pausing the video to finish laughing.

>> No.108646  
File: 1191738674340.png -(413940 B, 636x475) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Have a screencap.

>> No.108648  

Do you know which episode that was in? The series has its good moments, but they're few enough that I don't feel like wading through all the episodes.

I really wish they had put in the feature that lets you skip straight to each of the clips like they did in AMV:CE.

>> No.108658  

If nothing else, this is good for having introduced me to the song Hard Rock Hallelujah by Lordi.


>> No.108683  

Laughed at that one. Laughed at the Wilford Brimly one. Laughed at the Lain technologic one. at the Daft punk Blue. Some others gave me some chuckles, but Thats about it.

Did not find the Azu videos that funny this time around. Way too much deathnote, wierd Al and re-used songs (Both within the video, and taken from earlier AMV Hells) Weak interlueds and thefeeling of the same joke repeated 20 times.

Yeah. Funny, but still, the worst of the AMV hells...Though I haven't seen Zero.

>> No.108689  


needs moar animation

>> No.108690  

May I also add, that I was expecting a clip where Chiyo-chan enters in her penguin outfit, and Yukari screams "THIS IS SPARTA!" and pushes her over.

But no. I won't even mention the 300 clip they used.

>> No.108691  
File: 1191790283669.gif -(1608820 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here ya go.

>> No.108732  

I refuse to believe people don't love this. I mean, so many awesome scenes
One Piece Jackass
FMA "Why Mommy Left Us"
Excel Saga "Wabbit Swayer"
Ichigo Mashimaro "Rollin'"
Inuyasha "I Wanna Rock"
Haruhi "What if God Was One of Us"
"Cowbell Hero"
One Piece "My dad molested me"
Wilfred Brimley...
I mean, come on, what more could you want?

Plus, if you're a Freakazoid fan, look at the very last credits for "The Hopping Woman."

>> No.108734  


>Plus, if you're a Freakazoid fan, look at the very last credits for "The Hopping Woman."

See also: Fat Man and Boy Blubber / DBZ bit.

>> No.108737  

See, the problem is that Death Note, Haruhi, FMA and One Piece are all very much love-it-or-have-never-even-wanted-to-watch-it series. If you don't get the jokes, their pervasion kills the momentum.

>> No.108741  


I've never seen Haruhi and I still liked the Dragonforce one.

>> No.108742  


Same, out of those I've only seem FMA but I laughed hysterically at many of the Haruhi ones, along with the great "rain" Death Note one.

>> No.108743  

way too much deathnote. craptastic compared to AMV hell 3, which had a wide range of awsome, the only thing i really laughed at was the daiabetus. where as AMV3 HURT me.

>> No.108745  

anyone know what game is on 12:30?

>> No.108757  
File: 1191859924153.png -(35008 B, 400x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.



Right back at ya. Watching AMV Hell, I had no idea who the hell anyone was, and would have forgotten the whole thing completely before I started watching Death Note.

But now, not only did you put all the random people dying in context (>>108643), and NOW YOU'RE NAMING NAMES?

>> No.108759  

Oh, and now that I've got that out the way, and in no particular or coherent order:

  • I'm perfectly familiar with the premise of One Piece, Haruhi, and Death Note. And that's sufficient to make the sketches comprehensable. But to actually make them funny, I guess you'd have to have watched the series, not just heard of them.
  • Haruhi on stage could have been anyone on stage.
>> No.108762  

>>108757 Hey I've got news for you. In the Bible, Jesus dies at the end. For your sins.

(And then he comes back to life.)

(And then he dies again.)

>> No.108763  

Who turned this thread into another "shit thread" and why?

>> No.108766  

Actually, he dies somewhere in the middle. And then it starts waffling for a bit, and then there's a snake or something.

You just did. You're getting kinda good at it.

>> No.108772  
File: 1191867620674.jpg -(220894 B, 1192x624) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Though not as awesome as AMV Hell 3 it had a lot of scenes which were good. And yes, there were some at which I was laughing so hard I actually had to stop the video for some minutes until I came back to senses.

Oh yeah, as we're spoiling Death Note I might as well post this picture.

>> No.108775  
File: 1191869496468.png -(275164 B, 448x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

FUCK. I'm a dumbass. I was supposed to [censor] those. Typed it up and forgot it. Well, it also seemed I overestimated the prevalence of the spoilers. I mean, the characters are supposed to be recognizable, and I've never read or seen ANY Harry Potter, but Snape [verbs] [proper noun] is pretty common knowledge, is it not?

Anyway, fuck me with a rusty spoon for being an idiot and an ass. Here's the post, censored for your non-spoiled enjoyment/flamebait.

I disagree. Admittedly, there was a LOT of Deathnote and Haruhi. And some of them only make sense if you're aware of the concepts of the show (Deathnote = boy kills by writing name in book, tracked by detective screwball L, Haruhi = God is a Japanese school girl and she's fucking nuts) but let's face it: If you're even REMOTELY familiar with these series, which you ARE, period, if you'd actually download it, you should have gotten most of it from context.

If I had to make some complaints, it'd be to ban further use of the following scenes:
Hellsing episode 1. All of it. Yes, it's awesome. And Alucard showing his tongue and reforming... all awesome, but, seriously.
Haruhi on stage. Awesome scene, but overused.
The Death of Various prominent Deathnote characters. Seriously. I mean, I already knew it would happen, but, yeah, THANKS FOR SPOILING IT, ASSHOLES [INCLUDING ME].
Grenadier. Meh. Guns and bullets from boobs and spinning is getting old.

I still did like Osaka's "Bodies" scene.

Oh, and what's the song from the end credits? I did like that quite a bit.


>> No.108776  

Huh. Here too. People I know seem to be coming down hard on AMV Hell 4 for some reason. I wonder if its just another case of "Man, back in my day this was great" syndrom that stuff like GI Joe suffers from.

Either way, I enjoyed this one very much. Yes, there was more reuse than their should have been, and DN got overused, but Evangelion was basically the entirety of AMV hell 2 and both Eva AND Azu got an excessive amount of face time in 3.

There was a lot of lulzworthy stuff in this, what with cowbell and dragonforce and whatnot, but for some reason the one that got me the most was "L is for Loser" at the end. I just couldn't stop laughing for a couple minutes once the chorus started and it flashed up on the big screen.

And the song at the end was "The Black Parade," by My Chemical Romance, and it was totally an epic note for the series to close on in my opinion.

In before the enevitable storm of "That band sucks," and "No, the bands YOU like suck!" any discussion of music on the intenert always brings.

>> No.108777  
File: 1191871465119.png -(282072 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Ah, sorta like how "Cartoons today suck. They're basically nothing but toy commercials, and unfaithful adaptations of other stuff, not like when we watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... hey, wait a minute..."

And for the record, I do think MCR sucks. But even a sucky band can make an epic song. This is one such example. Now to find a way to obtain it without the MAFIAA finding out...

Anyway, let's shed a tear for the glorious end of a lulz-worthy series. We will always remember the BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP.

>> No.108778  

The music is, essentially, irrelevent. Making a vanilla AMV entirely out of a compilation of sketches that mock the AMV concept would still be epic win set to The Birdie Song.

Using a copy of AMV Hell 3 with all the delta frames removed as an intro was also pretty awesome.

However, there weren't really any rememberable sketches in this one: nothing like "I am watching you peeee", Naruto/Katamari, Dragonball/Whitney Houston, or the Azumanga intro/body outline one. Even CE had its moments, with sped-up Johnny Cash.

Finally, disappointment that there was no Studio Sokodei this time round (the 'Madlax' advert).

>> No.108779  
File: 1191872097616.jpg -(27236 B, 323x462) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Their Guitar Hero expansion kicks all kinds of ass.

>> No.108782  

While I remember, "Snape [verbs] [proper noun]" is common knowledge, but the term-7 version* is still considered armed and dangerous.

* I can't even think of a way of redacting it without giving it away to people that have read the other books, except maybe as [proper noun] [verbs] [proper noun], which would be no help to anyone. Suffice to say, there's a serious spoiler (in the 'you can't enjoy the work in ignorance as you were expected to' sense, rather than the 'it gives away the ending' sense) for book seven, and either of the proper nouns would be a dead giveaway.

>> No.108786  

I want that guitar.

>> No.108850  
File: 1191905738561.jpg -(146350 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Trivia: "Real" tomb of Jesus Christ locates in Aomori, Japan (pic shown).

>> No.108930  

I was hopin' for more but it made me lol... a bit.

>> No.108944  


all i can say is that AMV hell has hundreds of clips, and more than half of the ones in 3 where funny, this list does not impress me

>> No.108960  

funny != awesome
This was a list of my favorites, not the ones that made me laugh. I laughed at more than these.

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