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File: 1193957080387.jpg -(67308 B, 391x265) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
67308 No.111004  

An urgent request:

I need the pic with Tomo and Osaka, "ADS, ADHS, there is a difference". Could somebody post it please?

Pic to the left shows a character from the same aneemay, so it's marginally related.

>> No.111005  
File: 1193957608718.jpg -(73938 B, 600x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

anonymous delivers

>> No.111007  

Ah, disorder, not syndrome.

Thanks, that was quick. But it's probably no wonder considering the millions of Azu fans gathering here ...

>> No.111020  

I don't think that Osaka has A.D.D. I just think that she's unnaturally lathargic.

And Tomo probably has both.

>> No.111046  

Take it from someone who as an adult has been on ADD meds all his life. Tomo is like the other kids on meds were in my grade school; no medical problem, she just needs to get her shit together, sit down and shut the fuck up. Osaka, on the other hand, is clearly Asperger's or something; she's very much like I am if and when the pills run out.

>> No.111055  

When there is a disorder concerning someone's attention deficit, doesn't that mean everything is OK? Or at least not so bad? God help those with an orderly attention deficit.

>> No.111067  

Strictly it should be hyphenated. Attention-Deficit Disorder. That takes care of the ambiguity.

>> No.111069  


It still sounds like a disorder of a deficit. I think we just have to accept that it's a disorder involving what precedes it rather than a disorder WITH what precedes it!

>> No.111073  
File: 1194015448041.png -(684461 B, 922x653) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Will I wake up? Some dream I've made up?
No, I guess it's reality

V.C.: plow

>> No.111086  

Yeah, I agree. I like how Osaka is, and the things she thinks about... it seems like the beautiful and specific, and sometimes outlandish things that people with self-controlled A.D.D. (I am a very calm person, even though I don't have A.D.D. to control) can easily be appreciated. Seems like they were given their thinking ways for a reason...

>> No.111088  

After all, we were "caught in a landslide"; therefore, there can be no escape from reality.

>> No.111112  

I can see Osaka musing for a full school day about the question if attention deficit disorder means that a deficit is disordered.

>> No.111140  

She would probably seek the answer, seek to correct gramatical errors in the world, and lead the world into a linguistic revolution.


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