Let's not forget how many people look back at high school and get nostalgic? I can tell you this: I am in college, and if I ever... EVER.... miss my high school days, I want somebody, anybody, to put a bullet through my skull, and then toss me into a funeral oven (though an E-Z Bake oven will do if nothing else is available), and then nuke the site from orbit (It's the only way to be sure).
My point is, as time passes, we tend to forget the parts we really, really hated about the past, and remember the parts we love... though we overvalue them. For example, take movies and music. I think there are few people out there, at least on this forum, who will argue that modern, western movies and music, on the whole, suck. We look back and remember a time when movies had substance, when music was more than angry white boys screaming about whores.
But we also forget that back then (whenever "then" was), they sucked ass, too. I mean, look at MST3k. Despite the fact that most of the movies on that show came from an era where pumping millions of dollars (or the deflated equivalent) into CG special effects and screwing the rest was not an option. And it's an era where people would NOT accept the idea that Lucy and Ricky Ricardo could sleep in the same bed on TV. Not doing anything IN it, just having the same bed. So, there goes the sex scenes. All they have left to work with is plot and characters... and they STILL fucked it up. A lot. A LOT. And music? Well, for every Boston, for every Elvis, Beatles, and the like, there were a thousand imitators... whose songs just never took off and faded from memory.
And besides all that, ignoring all the similarities of culture we forget over time... well, "back in my day, black people knew what end of the bus they belonged at, women knew their place was in the home, and I say we shoulda just finished them damn Japs off and bombed 'em back to their non-Christian Hell! ...Also, gay people don't exist. Because every time one of them fags pops up, we hang 'em."
Truly an age of morality, hmmm? (And as proof that government does not change... the first immigration act passed by Congress in America was the Chinese exclusionary act. Basically, "those damn Chinese are coming here and takin' our jobs! I say we kick them out! And then let's go lynch us some gays and blacks!")