The series is paced the way it is because it gives the reveals maximum impact, it gives you knowledge of the characters in the most meaningful way, and it places the climax actually at the end rather than smack in the middle. Possibly even more than the attention to detail, the catchy insert numbers and dances, and the clever writing, it turns a show based on a mediocre light novel series into something fairly wonderful.
And christ people, it's like you watch your cartoons as some kind of replacement for dating rather than enjoying cartoonishly rambunctious characters for their interesting antics. Haruhi's a bitch. A hilarious, wonderful bitch. She couldn't exist in the real world, and I probably wouldn't want to date her if she did (although I will burn that bridge when I come to it), but she's fun to watch.
AXYPB, why the hell do you have this tree branch lodged three feet into your rectal cavity over this "Haruhi as God" thing? She's just an otaku Bokonon. We as nerds can be obnoxious when we repeat a mantra like that over and over again, I know, but uh, if anyone actually believes in the actual divinity of Haruhi, they're a distinctly fucked up individual who should be ignored or admired at a distance.
"There is nothing in any official canon or manuscript that attributes Haruhi to any god-like powers or characteristics; how anyone could come to that conclusion is anyone's guess" Well, uh, except that she unconsciously makes and unmakes the world in the show. That's pretty much something a god would do.
And if misha would shut his idiot mouth and stop trodding out the same fucking godawful jokes ad nauseam, /azu/ would be 65,535 times more tolerable.