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File: 1198432290766.jpg -(125433 B, 1078x947) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
125433 No.114466  

Unhand my Yotsuba, you crazy #6's!

>> No.114481  

When I took a class in Japanese culture and literature last year, there was this one girl who was a mix of #2 and #5.
All the girls in the anime club (of which I am not a member) seem to be #1s.

>> No.114482  

...I'll take #6 please. Yes, >>114481, 90% of female anime fans seem to consist of a mixture of #1 through #3, which kind of pisses me off, considering I take Japanese classes (we killed off the vast majority of them in the first semester of the first year though, so things calmed down. There are only 5 kids left in 202 class).

>> No.114489  


No shit. Japanese class is like that scene in Soldier with Kurt Russell where the little kids in army training get shot if they fall behind.


>> No.114490  

The only female anime fan I know is a mix of 2 and 5 as well. She's actually a very nice person, except for the occasionally interjected kusos and kawaiis. Then again, nobody's perfect...

>> No.114491  

If someone bothered drawing a chart of male anime fans, it would be much shorter and much more brutal.

>> No.114494  

The one I know is a mix of 2 and 4...

>> No.114495  


Here's my list then. There are two main divisions; immature and mature, which eventually merge to form the ultimate weeaboo.

"Mature" anime fans:
Level 1: Has seen a few animes. Probably is a fan of Bebop. Probably doesn't think much about anime.
Level 2: Has seen a bunch of animes. Knows that he knows too much about anime for his own good. Tries to avoid being a hopeless weeaboo, but is willing to admit when he's being one.

"Immature" anime fans:
Level 1. Your standard Narutard. Has seen a couple DBZ/Naruto/etc-like series and loves them. Maybe wears one of those fucking stupid headbands.
Level 2: Mega-stereotypical weeaboo! Has terrible taste in anime, has watched loads of terrible anime and loved it, and cannot get enough of crappy high school dramas.

Level 3 (same for both categories): Ultra-mega-gigantic weeaboo! Does little in his life unrelated to anime.

>> No.114496  

My sister would be offended by this chart. Then again, though she watches a lot of anime, she, like myself (except for a very few things), is pretty passive about it.

Then again, I guess these are the charts of "obnoxious and obvious anime fans" not the well-rounded or closet anime fans.

>> No.114497  


>> No.114498  

>>114490 Actually, she just said "I refuse to believe I'm fat". D'oh. How could I miss #1?

VC: hawt. Well, actually, why not. Thankfully she's already got someone, though, so this weeaboo's bachelorhood is safe.

>> No.114499  

See: timestamps of said coincidentally same-spirited posts :] My sis is level 1 mature fan, I'm probably level 1.5 or 2 mature fan.

>> No.114506  
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>> No.114507  


Whoa, you're nearing Level 3 territory there! Anime is a loanword, and therefore I can pluralize it the English way if I want. If you act as if its solely a Japanese word and it MUST be pluralized the Japanese way, you're even more of a weeaboo ;)

>> No.114508  

Well, the few weaboos that made it actually have good work ethic, so they don't bother me. It's the damned "narutards" that wouldn't shut the hell up in the beginning about their stupid fanfictions and failed their Hiragana and Katakana tests. No motivation to work at all, they were in it because they thought Japanese would be fun in a classroom environment. WRONG.

>> No.114510  

I've never met any of these wacky stereotypes but strangely enough I'd love to encounter one in real life just to see what it's like. Well, you know, with the option of escape at any time if it gets too much.

>> No.114512  

sorry, but #1 reminds me of Fuuka :(

>> No.114514  

>>114507 what the hell are you talking about? how the fuck would you pluralize anything in japanese?

anyway I'm a mixture between 3 and 6, and a mature level 2, I say i like anime but in reality majority of anime is all the same so i avoid most if not all except ones i like, EX, Ranma, Azu, Touhou<proof of #3 etc.

While the Loli is certainly there, I'd say I'm moar emphisized on the batshit insane portion.

>> No.114515  


Japanese has plurals; you don't need to have an ending on a plural word to make it plural. Great example in English: sheep can be used in a plural fashion without any ending. That doesn't mean its not plural.

>> No.114517  

>>114515 but if you say sheep, its the same as one thing, is easy if theres only some words that have identicle plurals, but from what i understand every word is like this in japanese, our teachers also say there is no plurals, its all based on the pretext.

now that i look at it this way, you could say words like sheep have no plural in the english language

>> No.114520  


Weeaboos who think that an anime is the best because its opening is uberomegakawaii and the chars make a cool dance, and the animu is full of "philosophical" crap.

No offense, haruhi and lucky star lovers. I think that I have enuogh with evangelion and lain.

By the way, im the only one who thinks that some authors made this philosofical shat only to laugh at us?

>> No.114522  
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But you will never crush my Japanese spirit!

>> No.114523  


>our teachers also say there is no plurals

There's always "tachi."

>> No.114524  


>By the way, im the only one who thinks that some authors made this philosofical shat only to laugh at us?

You mean like NGE and Lain, right?

I don't think Haruhi or LS even pretend to try to be philosophical so I don't know what point you're trying to make. Haruhi takes archetypal girls, adds in a great main character (Kyon), and manages to be an interesting story. Try the books, because the first season of the anime doesn't do a good job of telling the story. And LS, while I was entertained by it, has very little in the way of redeeming qualities.

There's a difference between injecting some believable questioning of life and such and in spinning an entire plot around zomg philosophical.

>they were in it because they thought Japanese would be fun in a classroom environment. WRONG.

Everyone should read http://pepper.idge.net/japanese/

>> No.114525  



>> No.114526  

Yeah, yeah, my buzzer went off, too, but sometimes I just can't resist feeding them :|

>> No.114527  

Calm down dear, it's only an imageboard.

>> No.114528  


Obviously, lucky star is not in the philosophical thing, only have a cool opening.

>There's a difference between injecting some believable questioning of life and such and in spinning an entire plot around zomg philosophical.

Agree, but this stuff is still there. Is like if the author wants to fill some blank spots, cos he haven't more ideas. Is an easy way to end things in a lot of series.


No, i'm not. I'm only say what I think, my personal opinion, sorry if you don't like it.

>> No.114529  


I'd say that Haruhi definitely implies a few philosophical aspects; the difference is that unlike Eva, it doesn't stuff them in your mouth and force you to swallow them whole.

Lucky Star on the other hand is just silly. I've heard it called a "30-minute long Haruhi advertisement."

>> No.114530  

No, sheep definitely has a plural:
My sheep eats paper.
My sheep eat paper.

Compare with mass nouns like "information":
Information wants to be free.
*(=incorrect usage) Information want to be free.

Notice the difference?

>> No.114533  

Implies, sure. Full of, no.

Anyway, I am pretty curious to see how how LS does in the states on DVD. It was big in Japan but that doesn't mean it'll do well here. And considering the first 4 episodes (aka, the first disc's worth!) are probably the worst of the show, I can't help but think it won't do well among those who didn't watch fansubs.

>> No.114535  
File: 1198461997201.jpg -(20654 B, 704x396) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's called verb conjugation. When you say "eat" it implies "sheep" is plural. The plural and the singular are the same. So... ummm... yeah... no.

And, seriously, what the fuck, /azu/? What the ranch style fuck? Haruhi? Philosophical? ANYTHING can be philosophical if you look deep enough. Anyone age 10 and over or any stoner has thought "whoa, what if, like, I can change the world with my mind only I don't know it?" or something like it. It just animates that silly concept into a story. If that's philosophical, well, what isn't?

I like Haruhi. And I like Lucky Star. I like them for the same reason I like Azumanga Daioh and Yotsuba: They entertain me. I like the characters, their interactions, the "everyday" atmosphere, etc. Why does it have to be more complicated than that? Osaka is cute, Yuki is cute, Tsukasa is cute, and I like cute. Don't make it so complicated and enjoy something for what it IS.

Anyway, as for fangirls, the chart is accurate for the most part. Me, as in
I think I'm a level 2 mature fanboy. I've seen quite a bit, but I try to avoid being a weeaboo. I'm not always successful, but at least I try. Japan is a country and a culture, it has its ups and downs. I don't want to live there, but I would like to visit someday. I'd like to learn the language (it would make this hobby a lot easier), but it's way too much effort and time to be worth it. I say "konnichiwa" and "sayonara" sometimes, but I like to say "hello" and "good-bye" in a lot of languages.

And if I ask myself, why do I like anime? Because I can just enjoy it. It doesn't feel like live action dramas on network TV these days. Shows like 24 and Lost PRETEND to be "relevant" and "realistic" in its characters and such, but it comes off as corny and stupid. It just pisses me off. (and don't get me started on "reality" shows.)

Azumanga, Pani Poni Dash, Lucky Star, Haruhi, Ichigo Mashimaro, FLCL, Samurai Champloo... look, it's just FUN okay? It's just SUPPOSED to be fun! STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT MORE THAN THAT!

Pic related. To me, anyway. Except I'm not cute.

>> No.114537  
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>> No.114538  


>great main character

that's an interesting way of writing 'boring, spineless stand-in for the viewer'.

>> No.114539  

Also 'data', which is a mass noun, and also (archaically) the plural of 'datum'.

'to put it bluntly, the data you used in you program were wrong' <--correct
'to put it bluntly, the data you used in you program was wrong' <--correct

>> No.114540  


Isn't that the whole point? Everyone else is completely abnormal--both eccentric and otherwordly--while Kyon is entirely normal, and serves as the viewer's way of getting a perspective on a story which, absent Kyon, would seem too "far away" to empathize with.

In any story, you always need at least one character who is "normal" for the viewer to be able to empathize with.

>> No.114541  

But yes, I would say that Haruhi is much more of a "main character"--Kyon is hardly even a foil by comparison.

>> No.114542  

The story is told from Kyon's point of view. Kyon is your token "normal guy" but because of that, his ability to take things in stride yet still be curious about what's going on, and his witty narration that the audience (and seemingly Haruhi) get to hear all are reasons why I'd say he is a main character, and a good one at that.

Do yourself a disservice and watch something like Shana and then tell me with a straight face that Kyon isn't miles ahead of 90% of his "normal guy main character" competition. :]

>> No.114543  


Good point about the narration. Kyon is also somewhat different in the novels; he apparently makes comments about topics ranging from relativity to quantum physics, far beyond what he should know (implying that in a sense he is more of an author standin than a reader standin).

>> No.114550  


>Touhou anime


>> No.114551  


Marisa stole the precious anime.


>> No.114556  

haha oops ment number 4# not 3#
>>114514 (my post)

VC wowsher

>> No.114568  
File: 1198493004050.png -(328994 B, 1600x1225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Extrapolation of this thread's direction leads me this way.

>> No.114576  

I'm sure you'll be a wonderful basketball player one day soon!

>> No.114579  

Yeah, someday soon.. But not yet.

>> No.114589  


> In any story, you always need at least one character who is "normal" for the viewer to be able to empathize with.

It's always the "normal" characters I have the hardest time empathizing with.

>> No.114591  


>In any story, you always need at least one character who is "normal" for the viewer to be able to empathize with.

Eternal Family.
American Psycho.
The Wasp Factory.

>> No.114592  


OK, technically you don't need such a character; but without one, you can't expect the viewer to empathize with anyone.

I can say that I spent the last half of Evangelion just waiting for most of the characters to get themselves killed.

>> No.114594  

Hell, no. I totally empathised with Frank.

And House, come to think of it.

Neither are at all normal, which is what makes them awesome.

>> No.114598  

I also spent the last half of Evangelion trying not to kill *my*self.

>> No.114605  


A pretty funny pic, is there only six types?


>> No.114606  


I can't laughing at this one.

Someone needs to do a male chart.

>> No.114613  
File: 1198548471885.jpg -(30100 B, 533x399) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

soooooo coooooool!

>> No.114615  

What for? There's only two types - fat and skinny

>> No.114631  

That "sooo cooool" guy looks just like a guy I know (of).
It's scary.

>> No.114633  
>That's called verb conjugation.

Still, "sheep" has a plural form. It just happens to be the same as the singular.

>> No.114638  

And if you're having difficulty understanding this, try fixing the sentence 'my sand are yellow'.

'Sand' is a mass noun, and has no plural. 'Sheep' is not a mass noun, and has a plural. Which is 'sheep'.

>> No.114646  


There are plenty of layers in the weight category. XD

Skinny, slender, middle, stocky, kinda fat, fat, obese.

Plus there is a decent level of diversity in personality and preference.

Unfortunately, I don't have the programs(and have some computer problems) to make an image chart like the anime female one.

>> No.114677  

Have you ever heard the phrase, "The sands of time?"

>> No.114679  

Well done! You've discovered that mass nouns can be pluralised in certain situations. I'll drum up a few more: "cured meats of Germany", "novelty monies", "grasses, and grass-like plants".

But that still doesn't make the phrase "I sell twenty meat" correct.

>> No.114705  
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>> No.114707  

According to Downing & Locke, there are at least six degrees of countability, as opposed to a nice binary system.

>> No.114729  


>> No.114803  

There are four types of threads on /azu/

  1. Troll fests
  2. Bitter rantings, mostly about females, real or imaginary, being bitchy for not being "nice" or willing to flock around some smelly otaku, harem style.
  3. Pedo innuendo.
  4. Yotsuba chapter submissions.

I'm normally coming here for #4. But since this thread is already in #1 with a dose of #2 I thought I add my part.

>> No.114804  


I come here for the intelligent people pretending to be stupid.

And the stupid people pretending to be intelligent.

>> No.114805  


4chan = Intelligent people pretending to be stupid.
Gaia = Stupid people trying desperately to seem intelligent.

>> No.114806  

Can't say I've ever seen a 2 here.

In b4 murk loar.

>> No.114811  


I think the above post is a good example of the first type.

One thing I like about Azu is that it isn't a harem show. And maybe some people might assume that's because the male viewer already "has them all to himself." I ain't gonna say I never knocked one out to a Yomi doujin, but with the other hand I swear the main reason I like the show is because it's about a bunch of interesting and amusing friends, who are allowed to just be friends, and not measure themselves by their boyfriends.

>> No.114821  

>>114803 I come for 2 and 3

I wanna vc: reepe chiyo

#6 related

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