IIchan/(wakachan) : [-art- -b- -news- -ph- -r- -sp- -v-]   [-a- -cf- -cm- -ff- -mm- -rom- -w-]   [-abe- -azu- -dou- -jo- -mai- -mik- -nek- -os- -pan- -ro- -tou- -tm- -yuu-]   [-art- -od- -op-]   [-bij- -cam- -cos- -cm-]   [-auto- -city- -rail-]   [-bnr- -mod- -t-]   [-f- -mf- -m-]   [-sm- -sw-]   [-bri- -bon- -d- -fet- -y-]   -   [-trans- -dis- -img-]   [-err- -down- -soc- -sup- -waka-]   [-4ch-]

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File: 1199035528247.jpg -(111367 B, 500x773) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
111367 No.114895  
>> No.114896  

so who won?

>> No.114898  
File: 1199040959729.png -(275164 B, 448x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Whoever wins, we lose.

>> No.114902  


Cross counter double KO.

It was epic.

>> No.114903  

Always bet on the girl with four, green pigtails.

>> No.114910  

"She's not human... she's like a piece of iron".

>> No.114916  


"...I must break her."

>> No.114922  

everybody knows that yotsuba is invincible...

>> No.114923  


The explanation for this is clearly that Yotsuba was the prior incarnation of Haruhi before she recreated the world three years ago. The real question, of course, is what could have possibly made Yotsuba unhappy enough to create a new world? Perhaps we'll learn about this in a later chapter: Yotsuba & Sealed Realities!

>> No.114924  
File: 1199058109273.jpg -(91917 B, 484x722) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.114925  



>> No.114926  
File: 1199060006247.jpg -(47001 B, 450x353) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Sorry, dunno - got it off /azu/ about a year ago.
I wanted to look it up on Danbooru but it seems that's members-only these days (if you want to browse past page 1...)

>> No.114927  

You can use gelbooru (has the old danbooru database and pics, and doesn't use members-only restrictions) or sagubooru (still read-only, but also has the old database & pictures)

>> No.114929  


>> No.114937  

Dunno, but there is a lot of Haruhi these days on azu.

>> No.114952  

Haruhi? In my /azu/? Its more likely than you think.

>> No.114954  


Yeah, I know, but there are like 3 threads with the same subject and start to be annoying. Is normal to see a haruhi thread, but 3?

Anyway, happy new year, I going to get drunk in a couple of hours.

>> No.114965  

While we're on the topic of Haruhi, have a video of my new animated Haruhi desktop. And yes, her eyes follow the mouse!


>> No.114969  


(dismissively tosses something across desk with a derisive snort)

Oh for Pete's sake!! Are you so shameless?

(p.s. lol nice)

>> No.114970  

You have my attention. Please share this.

>> No.114971  
File: 1199162046125.png -(248219 B, 1205x845) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


  1. Download this 7zip file of the Haruhi, Yuki, and Nagato animations ( http://www.mediafire.com/?12cgn1tjwyu ).
  2. Go to http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager04.html .

Add to the "allow" list the flash files, in the directory you put them in. If you don't do this, it won't work. You can also allow all flash, but that is obviously a security vulnerability.

3. Turn on Active Desktop, dump the HTML file for the character you want into it. Resize/move it to where you want.

Associated image shows how to do 3). Note that if Active Desktop isn't enabled, ttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/171437 may help. The directory sub-tree included (the Original folders, etc) must be maintained for the SWF files to work.

>> No.114972  

Bleh, make that Haruhi, Yuki, and Mikuru.

>> No.114974  

>>114971 Sharing and how-to appreciated.

If the source of these Flash animations decides to do some /azu/ characters, please alert us. A wide-eyed :D Yotsuba following the mouse would be a big win, but I'm happy with these.

>> No.114975  


Sauce is http://www.bandaigames.channel.or.jp/ . If anyone knows enough moonspeak to navigate the site, there might be more.

>> No.114993  
File: 1199228259271.png -(102112 B, 505x255) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I was the anon who asked earlier. Thank you for sharing this. It worked to perfection.

>> No.115100  


That thing pretty awesome. Just have the white bar to the right for me. Also I don't like having background color for my icon titles...

Otherwise, great find. Its pretty amusing.

>> No.115109  

Why, exactly, can't they run sandboxed?

I'm suspicious.

>> No.115112  


You mean the Flash security issue? The reason is because they use the data files in the original/ directories, which they cannot access unless given appropriate security privileges. They were ripped off a website, so I can't change the directory structure.

>> No.115130  

I can change the directory structure, using swf-tools and a hex editor. Putting them all in the same directory doesn't seem to help, though: it still won't work from the local drive.

And, of course, flash doesn't give out any error messages, so that's probably where I'm leaving it.

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IIchan/(wakachan) : [-art- -b- -news- -ph- -r- -sp- -v-]   [-a- -cf- -cm- -ff- -mm- -rom- -w-]   [-abe- -azu- -dou- -jo- -mai- -mik- -nek- -os- -pan- -ro- -tou- -tm- -yuu-]   [-art- -od- -op-]   [-bij- -cam- -cos- -cm-]   [-auto- -city- -rail-]   [-bnr- -mod- -t-]   [-f- -mf- -m-]   [-sm- -sw-]   [-bri- -bon- -d- -fet- -y-]   -   [-trans- -dis- -img-]   [-err- -down- -soc- -sup- -waka-]   [-4ch-]