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File: 1201004403455.jpg -(396564 B, 830x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
396564 No.116183  

It's that time again!
Yotsuba & The Typhoon.

In this chapter, RAIN! also pajamas and Yotsubas true opinion on the poundcake.

Ichigo Mashimaro should be soon.

>> No.116184  

Just the thing for when I'm wishing winter would just freaking end already, a Yotsuba chapter about one of the things about summer that I miss the most.

>> No.116186  

Here's the 6 pages of IM for the month.

>> No.116191  

Holy shit yes!

Downloads and begins translation

>> No.116195  

can someone please link the raw of chapter 50? i seem to have missed that one...

>> No.116196  


>> No.116199  



>> No.116200  
File: 1201018520455.jpg -(389253 B, 830x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Awesome chapter.

>> No.116201  


p 16 typos - 'saoking' and 'do want'

>> No.116202  
File: 1201021302947.jpg -(369132 B, 830x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.116208  

Great chapter. Thanks so much for the quick translation.

>> No.116209  

Doesn't take long to get a translation round here. Nice work.

>> No.116212  

Thanks for the translation! Great chapter!

>> No.116213  

woohoo! Thanks for the timly translation.

This is the one place I can rely on for that.


>> No.116214  

On the title page, I think the kana read "rurou" (流浪: Wandering) i.e. "Wandering during an official warning" or more naturally phrased "Wandering around during a severe weather alert."

On page 5 (and other pages in this chapter) whenever you see a よ? my understanding is that it's not a question, but rather like saying "you know?" at the end of a sentence. So my interpretation for the last two panels of this page would be "Really.. if I had to say/explain how awesome it is..."

On page 16, rather than telling Fuuka to get ready, Mom is specifically talking about preparing some kaki (the way you have it now sounds more to me like she's telling Fuuka to get dressed or wash up or something.)

On page 20 there's a typo (you'l) but also, I think your wording sounds funny. I would either say "You'll fly away" or "You'll be blown away" but saying "flown away" sounds strange to me.

On page 21, in the first panel the verb is in past tense, so she's not asking Yotsuba if she'll eat some, she's asking about how she already had some. Also, in the second panel I read the last word bubble as more of a suggestion towards Fuuka "You should have made a more impressive one since she was looking forward to it."

On page 22, your meaning is the same, but more literally, Ena's saying "Where did Yotsuba go?"

And just so it doesn't sound like I'm being overly critical, there were several places where I liked your interpretation better than what I had come up with.

>> No.116215  
File: 1201032841121.gif -(104141 B, 267x327) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

yay for translation!

>> No.116218  
File: 1201034970690.png -(32694 B, 793x382) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Koiwai has the epic face this month.
Also: Wonderful, ultra-cute chapter.

>> No.116219  

>>116200 I can't really explain why, but this might be my new favorite page this far. It pretty much define enjoying everything.

I love you /azu/, you are so good to me by providing these scanlations. Y&! is the best anti-depressant I've ever tried.

>> No.116221  
File: 1201037869048.jpg -(162160 B, 792x349) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Taking >>116214's considerations into account, here's a v2.


>> No.116223  



I thought the same thing.
Alternatively, he could be doing Platoon.
Either way, I lol'd, hard.

>> No.116224  
File: 1201041441168.jpg -(298495 B, 980x1400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I just noticed another error on the last page. I thought it said "Honey" myself at first, even though it doesn't make sense that the "ha" would be in katakana and the "ni-" would be in hiragana. I went with it though because I couldn't think of what else it might be.
Then, looking at this page from Vol. 6, I realized it's supposed to be a "ro" albeit a strangely drawn one. So the final blurb is saying "Hello Typhoon. Goodbye Yotsuba." which makes a whole lot more sense.
Also, please note how the first kana on the title page looks distinctly different from the "ha" on the final page.

>> No.116226  

Man, I'm way behind as usual... 10 chapters or something. I started waiting, since they usually go through several iterations, corrections, etc, but then I forgot about it... Anyway, seems like the books are actually coming out now, so..

>> No.116228  

Fuuka in pajamas is moe~

>> No.116231  

Thanks for the speedy translation! (Even though I'll have to wait for it to come to 4chan.biz -- RS insists my JavaScript is turned off...)

Looking at the publication dates, I'd say that Volume 8 will be out somewhere in late summer to early autumn. (I'm guessing June for ADV's Volume 6...)

>> No.116235  

Oh boy, there'll be no stopping her now: next, she's going to want to stroll through a car wash...

>> No.116236  

Amazon says February 25 for ADV's volume 6. They've already got the English cover posted on the item's page, so I believe it.

>> No.116238  


Nah, I'll upload it on my site, which has no scripts whatsoever because I don't know how to use them. Yeah, fuck you, scripts.


>> No.116245  

Drenched in the rain.. Hair fluttering in the wind.. I very nearly turned gay for Koiwai in this chapter.

>> No.116246  

Oh, OK, thanks... I didn't think to check at Amazon because I assumed Vol. 6 would be quite a ways off yet. I figured they'd maintain a constant distance behind the Japanese volumes to avoid the "caught-up" problem they ran into with many of their titles a couple years back... (February, eh? The folks I've hooked on Y! will be pleased to hear that.)

>> No.116247  

How coud you NOT go "om nom nom" there?

>> No.116249  

Here's Ichigo Mashimaro.

>> No.116252  
File: 1201057032382.jpg -(308965 B, 830x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

If that were my dad he'd be betting her money she didn't have the guts to run down to the corner and back in that weather.

>> No.116256  

I'd say another word, it's a common pun that's turned of 波浪警報 (harou keihou/ high-sea warning).

>> No.116257  


I'm thinking more of the Shawshank Redemption myself.

>> No.116258  



I posted it in the wrong thread.

>> No.116273  


And don't forget about the wet T-shirt! Mmm...

>> No.116289  
File: 1201110308634.gif -(83088 B, 150x150) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thanks for another great translation.
I wonder how long it will take before wallpapers start turning up. I really like the first panel on the last page where Yotsuba are blown away by the typhoon :)

Another thing, anyone know where I can get previous pages of Ichigo Mashimaro?

>> No.116290  

Check out the thread on /c/ linked in >>116249.

>> No.116292  
File: 1201114974637.jpg -(245791 B, 821x807) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.116295  

I lol'd.

>> No.116297  


>> No.116300  

Nevermind, I found it

>> No.116301  
File: 1201122490395.jpg -(632765 B, 830x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

A bit late, but the last page corrected.

Honey -> Hello

>> No.116305  
File: 1201126091933.jpg -(71547 B, 600x872) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The scene in this image is really wonderful, especially if you think about it in relation to the part on the left, from all the way back in chapter 7.

>> No.116308  

If it were my dad, he'd be out in it and encouraging me to come with him.

>> No.116309  

Whoa, huge nose is huge. Did Mr Koiwai change that much over the course of the series?

>> No.116322  

Thanks again for the translation -- I just picked it up off 4chan.biz. Not bad a-tall, considering this installment only hit the stands three days ago... To get it much faster, we'd have to fly Ralen, Sprocket & Veers to Japan to watch over Azuma's shoulders while he was drawing it!

(Which sounds vc: vagely like a plan...)

>> No.116324  

I've sometimes wondered -- more than ever in this Chapter -- what the other neighbors think about what goes on over at the Koiwais and Ayases...

("We mostleh jus' watch from ah windehs... sometahms it's better'n TV!")

>> No.116325  

Are you willing to pay? 'cause I'll do it.

At first, when Yotsuba ran off and found the gate was locked, I thought she had made a wrong turn out the front door, and gone to their other next door neighbors by mistake.
That would have been quite the vc: foux pas.

>> No.116327  
File: 1201136594811.png -(390050 B, 794x650) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.116334  

Man, that would be a blast.

>> No.116339  
File: 1201141544501.jpg -(130013 B, 1680x1050) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

awesome chapter, thanks guys. keep that awesome train rollin

>> No.116340  


Ha, that's the first thing I thought of when I saw that pic.

>> No.116350  
File: 1201154063680.jpg -(143715 B, 750x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Is it just me, or does Koiwai have random fits of awesome (like the "Boxer Man" moment)?

>> No.116353  

What other movies have characters doing that in the rain?

>> No.116356  

He could be doing Gene Kelly in Singing in the Rain...

>> No.116358  
File: 1201159526029.jpg -(25341 B, 320x320) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Somebody should shoop in a sword and lightning bolts.

>> No.116360  
File: 1201161520967.jpg -(43028 B, 334x399) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

"I'm laughing at clouds
So dark up above
There's the sun in my heart
And I'm ready for... cake!"

(Try not to think of Malcolm MacDowell in a bowler, um?)

>> No.116364  
File: 1201164559573.jpg -(91003 B, 161x490) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thanks for the translation in light speed, as usual.

>> No.116365  

even her PJs are loud.

>> No.116366  

It's okay, 'tis my type of music.

>> No.116368  


Is koiwai.biz run by the same person as 4chan.biz. I assume. One former is at ch. 50 only but!
If you read, please update koiwai.biz thanks.

>> No.116382  

can anyone upload chapter 48+49 RAW? i missed those :(

>> No.116384  

They're both on rapidsearch.

>> No.116385  

Wonderful chapter!

>> No.116397  

Loved this chapter, probably my favorite one since the farm visit: the ending was great, and the rain scenes looked lovely.

I think so too, it's just that we haven't seen it for a while; like I said last month, he's been playing the serious parent so much lately, this scene was quite welcome.

This was a moment too, you could just hear the pennies drop.

>> No.116447  

hm, i only found dead ones and one megaupload, which i can't download from...

>> No.116455  


i DIDN'T WANT TO LAUGH, but I did anyway.

I'm horrible.

>> No.116458  

Here you go, nice and freshly uploaded:

>> No.116541  

I can't believe I nearly missed this. But Daddy's pose made me go WTF, and that means this was a good chapter. Thank you, all.

>> No.116565  


Thank you very much!

>> No.116631  

Yotsuba saying "Mommy" bothers me. I don't know why.

>> No.116637  

Up until now most of the translators have translated it as "Mom." Maybe it's cute to call your neighbor's mother "mom," but calling her "mommy" is a little too personal?

>> No.116653  


The point is that Yotsuba doesn't reflect on it. She calls her mommy because her peer group calls her mommy.

>> No.116656  

Well actually, her peers (Fuuka and Ena) probably call her "okaa-san" while Yotsuba calls her "kaa-chan." But yeah, she calls her what everyone else around her calls her. It'd be awkard (and out of character) for Yotsuba to call her "Mrs. Ayase."

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