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File: 1201150367195.jpg -(77600 B, 517x640) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
77600 No.116346  

Where do I download azumanga manga?

>> No.116349  


>> No.116351  

Barnes & Noble

>> No.116386  

I presume you're reading this in lynx?

If not, please take your high horse and fuck off. Every single image on this site, bar the donate button, infringes someone's copyright. It's hypocritical in the extreme to say that it's fine to infringe the copyright of small artists, and large Japanese companies*, but not large American companies.

* What's that down there, but the latest copyright-infringing scanslation of Yotsuba?

>> No.116388  


99% images on this site either falls under fair use or protected parody

as for scanslations, where there's no plaintiff there's no crime - publishers don't sue because fans generally respect the 'licensed' status (and i hope it stays that way)

>> No.116389  

I believe you're confusing copyright infringement with theft. Posting images of Azu characters here probably falls under fair use though, so it wouldn't be infringement anyway.
Now yes, the new chapters of Yotsubato are distributed illegally here, but that's just becuase it's nigh impossible to find them outside of Japan until the English volumes are released. I would say the majority of us encourage purchasing the volumes once they are released outside of Japan though (I personally own all of the ADV releases).

And anyway, in answer to your question, unless you can read Japanese, there simply is no place that I know of to download Azumanga Daioh.

Also, what is Lynx?

>> No.116390  


Dreamhost don't care about copyrights, so go on. I've reported CP in some site since november 2007 and the pics are still there.

And by the way, some time ago there was posted some links to the mangas on english. So.. yeah... maybe this behavior of "buy the originals" is a little hypocritical.

>> No.116391  

Never mind hypocrisy; if you're looking for pirated material then you should at least be expected to find it for yourself. If you can't steal when left to your own devices, you have no business stealing.

>> No.116405  


Only the first volume and parts of the second though, as the person who did the translations stopped because some of the protected parody hurt his feelings.

>> No.116406  

Lynx is a text-only web browser; it doesn't show images.

>> No.116412  


Read that post again, please.

>> No.116413  



>> No.116419  

You lost me.

>> No.116420  

Technically, it doesn't matter how much of Azuma's work (or any other manga or anime) you download; what matters is whether you then buy the licensed version or not. It's only on the licensed version that the creator makes any money, and gets the satisfaction of knowing for sure that someone liked his work enough to buy it.

Anybody bothering to post to a board dedicated to Azuma's works should also care enough to buy them--it's not like there's a lot of stuff to buy...one Azu omnibus, five Yotsuba volumes, six DVDs, and you're done.

>> No.116423  

What about the calenders?

>> No.116428  

Oh, yeah ^_^

>> No.116431  

Bollocks is this fair use. Fair use is very narrow, and only really protects education and parody. Fanfiction/fanart is always an unauthorised derived work, and an infringement of the copyright of the original author. It's defensible under fair use only when it's a parody. Most art here is in earnest. And anyway, posting it here, no matter if it's parody or not, infringes the copyright of the author of the fanart, because you don't have their express permission to distribute it.

Scanslations, as well as being straight infringement of the art, are also unauthorised derived works of the text, and could be presented as a textbook example of what is not defensible under fair-use.

The only way image boards get away with operating at all is that they count as safe harbours, and both the infringers and the infringees are hard to identify, and too poor to sue.

Every image on this page, apart from the donation button, infringes copyright. So the only way to rant about someone wanting to infringe copyright without being a complete hypocrite would be to be viewing it in a text-only browser.

>> No.116432  


Not every country has insane copyright law as the United States does.

In most of the rest of the world, the vast majority of what is posted here would be legal.

>> No.116433  

How so? Just curious.

If something is copyrighted the same policy (I would assume) would apply to pretty much everywhere.

>> No.116440  

Countrys have no copy right law. It is international.

>> No.116443  

It's kind of pointless to get into an argument about copyright law. We know that hundreds of Azu doujinshi exist in Japan, and remember these are bought and sold openly there. If that use of the characters is tolerated, I don't think image boards like this are going to create much upset. But again, the point isn't what images you download, but whether you're doing the right thing by the creator and buying his licensed work. That's what really counts.

>> No.116444  


Copyright itself is international, but fair use laws differ from country to country.

>> No.116445  


>I've reported CP in some site since november 2007 and the pics are still there.

I lol'd.
Anyplace else there would be cries and outrage for the link is not posted.

>> No.116446  


>Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. the Supreme Court recognized parody as a fair use, even when done for profit.

Is it unauthorized ? Yes. Is it illegal ? No, even in the US.

Every country has it's own copyright laws. Of course pretty much every country accepted international treaties to respect each other's copyrights (but not copyright laws). For example DMCA doesn't apply in EU (although we have our own similar laws).

Also it's something depressing to see that recording industries succeeded in spreading their FUD about copyrights (that unauthorized = illegal or that american laws apply worldwide).

>> No.116463  

Unauthorised == illegal, in almost every western country. The fiscal might turn a blind eye, but if someone wanted to prosecute you, and had the means and money to do so, they could. And they can get statutory damages for each infringement, far greater than any damage they've actually suffered (if they've even suffered any). Copyright hasn't been purely a civil matter for a very, very long time.

And even if it were purely civil, 'illegal' does not necessarily mean 'criminal'. For example, it's illegal, but not criminal, to breach a contract.



>Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. the Supreme Court recognized parody as a fair use, even when done for profit.


>Fanfiction/fanart ... is defensible under fair use only when it's a parody. Most art here is in earnest.
>> No.116464  


>Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc. the Supreme Court recognized parody as a fair use, even when done for profit.

Oh, and I totally forgot: this ruling is about the parody artist's right to create and distribute unauthorised derived works. It has nothing to do with your right to then post them up here without his permission. They're copyrighted just like everything else.

>> No.116465  
File: 1201286723100.jpg -(218711 B, 800x588) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Am I helping?

>> No.116481  
File: 1201298818915.jpg -(59883 B, 600x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


I lol'd. Way to spoil the ending for OP.

Not that there's really a significant overarching story to spoil, but still.

>> No.116482  
File: 1201302948052.jpg -(216640 B, 800x588) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Spoilers: everyone dies.

>> No.116483  


Thus ends Hiroshima Highschool's Class of 1945

>> No.116485  
File: 1201303538529.jpg -(105514 B, 549x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.116488  
File: 1201305689184.jpg -(84169 B, 549x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.116492  
File: 1201311070133.jpg -(107894 B, 549x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

(Now why can't I find the one with all the panels changed? I swear some of my Azu images just disappear.)

>> No.116493  



>> No.116496  
>Dreamhost don't care about copyrights, so go on. I've reported CP in some site since november 2007 and the pics are still there.

/r/ link.

>> No.116501  


I lol'd

>> No.116699  
File: 1201464139866.jpg -(106240 B, 549x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

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