Yomi: 'fgsfds'vc: yeay. A Yomi invasion? Yeay!
Yomi: 'fgsfds'
vc: yeay. A Yomi invasion? Yeay!
All is going according to plan
>>116553Flawless victory.
>>116564Somewhere Kimura-sensei is crying his eyes out.
>>116568Either that or the warning signs of a future eating disorder....Jus' sayin'
>>116568Either that or the warning signs of a future eating disorder.
...Jus' sayin'
>>116568camal toeVC: GO away
camal toe
VC: GO away
>>116580Redacted for your puritanical sensibilities.
>> No.116587 That's amazing--one that's never been posted before! Or did I just miss it?
>> No.116587
That's amazing--one that's never been posted before! Or did I just miss it?
>>116813Why does this look a lot like a confirmed not-Yomi I somehow remember
>>116833I posted that pic first,since it has her name I take that it's her.
I posted that pic first,since it has her name I take that it's her.
>>116558 >>116571 Mmmmm, Zettai Ryouiki, he said vc: vainly.:9
>>116558 >>116571
Mmmmm, Zettai Ryouiki, he said vc: vainly.
I dunno why but every time I see her I want to call her "Cathy" Weird no?
I dunno why but every time I see her I want to call her "Cathy"
Weird no?
Yomi - Who provided the series' only twist ending.
Yomi r teh lezbain