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File: 1203097826037.jpg -(243623 B, 527x799) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
243623 No.118127  

Because I was bored.

>> No.118130  
File: 1203100220620.jpg -(158187 B, 806x614) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.118133  

This is too true to life to be comfortable.

>> No.118140  

You could always do what they did for the whaling comic.

1) Translate to Japanese.
2) Post on 2channel.
3) ???

>> No.118152  


>> No.118183  


Countries never like owning up to what they've done. Rape of Nanking, Amerindian Genocide, Firebombing of Dresden, etc.

The only way they'll do it is if you beat them over the head with it again and again until they finally get the damn picture.

>> No.118184  


Or they simply tell you that they don't give a shit 'cuz they won.

Vae victis.

>> No.118199  

I don't have it but there is a version where Ena is reading about Japan Whaling.
In the second comic she asks if Asagi is Japanese because of her "small chest"
Someone posted it, fully translated on 2chan but I missed how they reacted.
Someone here should have it still hopefully.

>> No.118209  
File: 1203135243104.jpg -(276939 B, 826x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

here's the original edit, i don't seem to have the screengrab of the results

>> No.118213  
File: 1203135869496.jpg -(49124 B, 960x540) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.118214  

That occured to me, but I aint got the knowin' for it.

>> No.118216  
File: 1203136343683.png -(2060067 B, 1537x8944) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here is the thread with the translation of the 2chan thread.

>> No.118217  


"Firebombing of Dresden"?

Are you serious?

>> No.118219  

Does that apply to Germany?

>> No.118224  

I don't know about any of you guys, but I learned about all the unkind shit we did to the injuns in high school. And I'm pretty sure German schools are required to teach about the Holocaust.

Meanwhile a Japanese historian has to go to court to get even a mention of Nanking in a schoolbook, and a mayor of Nagasaki is shot for saying Hirohito bore responsibility for WWII.

But this is turning into another WWII thread, so I'll shut up now.

>> No.118229  

Hah! All we ever did was rape a couple thousand Russians in the ass. And there were only about a couple hundred of us doing the raping.

Anyway, what're we talking about again?

>> No.118238  

Also, in Germany, isn't it a crime to even SAY that the Halocaust was a lie?

You know, I'm one of the biggest proponents of free-speech, but I like that law. There's definitely proof that it happened. Like the accounts of thousands/hundreds of thousands/millions we saved from said camps after the war. Denying it is like denying 2+2=4. It happened. Period. Saying it didn't is, essentially, an attack on society's perception of history.

So, yes, Japan should be forced to teach it to its students. Just as we Americans should teach more of our atrocities. By no means is any country in the world without blood on its hands, but I've noticed lately a lot of people with a "The U.S. can do no wrong" mentality.

>> No.118244  


>Also, in Germany, isn't it a crime to even SAY that the Halocaust was a lie?

Correct. A British 'Holocaust Deny-er' was prosecuted in Austria and got 3 years! And quite right too.

>> No.118250  

the problem is, codifying history (or interpretation of thereof) into law makes things worse rather then better. The first question usually is - if that really happened and there is shitload of evidence to prove it, why the hell we need law for it ? It really fuels all the conspiracy theorists and general distrust of government. Germany has many neo-nazi groups that more or less deny holocaust but i don't see much of them beign prosecuted (just some crook historian who probably isn't nazi anyway, just believes his bad interpretation of what happened is right).

>> No.118255  

In this case, I think it's because I've heard of a holocaust denier who wasn't also a major anti-Semite. Generally, anyone who's willing to say that millions weren't killed has some sort of agenda that must be stopped and is quite illegal in the first place.

And yeah, it fuels the flames of conspiracy nuts, but let's face it, what DOESN'T?

>> No.118261  

funny thing is that they don't talk at all about japanese women's chest size

>> No.118267  

Why do anti-Semites deny the Holocaust anyway? People are more inclined to be believe things they'd like to be true, right? So, anti-Semites should be all like, "The Holocaust: Best. Genocide. Ever." But they're not.

>> No.118269  

They think the jews are lying about it for sympathy, to facilitate their eventual takeover.

>> No.118288  
File: 1203202058221.jpg -(73588 B, 800x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

or they're in just for the girls

>> No.118295  


Or some will even say that if any Jews did die in the Holocaust, it was all a plot by other Jews--rich Jews somehow manipulating things to kill off poorer, Eastern European Jews. You can't win with those people. When Ahmadinejad hosted that Holocaust deniers' conference, Angela Merkel, the chancelor of Germany, basically told him, "Look, I'm German, and I'm telling you it happened," and he still stuck to his line.

Maybe we need more Jewish moe. There have been a few Jewish names among guy characters in anime (Spike Spiegel, Bernie Wiseman), but it's hard to think of any girls. The anime adaptations of The Diary of Anne Frank don't count--besides, they didn't even make her kawaii, adding insult to injury.

>> No.118296  


>>The anime adaptations of The Diary of Anne Frank don't count--besides, they didn't even make her kawaii, adding insult to injury.

I can't think of anything that is more insulting than the fact that someone PUBLISHED her DIARY.

You know who else had no respect for personal privacy? Hitler!

>> No.118297  


There's a great deal of variation. At St. Maur's International, a English-based Catholic School in Yokohama, the Japanese occupation of Nanking was (and I assume still is) taught in all of its gory detail (at least, to what is considered an "acceptable" standard for 5th Grade sensibilities).

Of course, that's going to be an exception--it's a school for foreign students. In Japanese public stories, it's an entirely different story. Which is bad, and should be corrected.

American history textbooks have their own degree of revisionism--for example, you'll never here of manifest destiny described with the word "genocide"--which it was (millions of people died over the course of decades). It just doesn't happen. You'll hear about the spread of disease, Indian-Federal warfare, massacre of buffalo. But genocide? Not on the Dept. of Education's watch--the book just wouldn't be approved for public use.

Certain other events, like the Firebombing of Dresden, or Operation Phoenix (campaign of terror tactics, like rape and murder, against Vietnamese civilians to weaken the NVA) aren't necessarily mentioned in text books....period.

It's far from perfect. In the case of Germans, specifically relating to the extermination of Jews, better measures have been taken--the German state has even erected memorials to the Holocaust, something you'll never see America or Japan or Britain do of their own violition.

Though from what I've heard, Germans don't really talk too much about the 11 million Soviet civilian deaths at the hands of the German Army during WWII. It was taught in East German schools (guess why), but it's become more or less a footnote--despite being almost twice the number of Jews murdered.

It might come from the fact that the Germans of the time saw the Soviets the same way the Japanese saw the people they subjugated (though unlike the Chinese and Koreans, the different nationalities of the USSR got their revenge--resulting in more forgotten war crimes).

In short, don't depend on public school textbooks to know history. Or private school ones, for that matter.

>> No.118299  



A lot of people dismiss things like the Phoenix Program, Operation Ajax, Indian Genocide as "anti-government propaganda/conspiracy theory shit".

Which is possible.

Of course, it's the same line of reasoning a lot of Japanese use when someone actually does bring up the Nanking Occupation. And thus, the problem begins...

>> No.118300  


When you've won the war or successfully executed your genocide(Armenian & Amerindian genocides, for instance), you really don't care.

Vae victis.

>> No.118305  


>Vae victis.

Which is also why "we must not lose the war in Iraq." As one historian put it (in so many words), success crowns mistakes and atrocities. Failure will lead to many embarrassing investigations...

>> No.118307  

There is also the issue that the ancestors of many of the "deniers" (including some in high office) were complicit in the operations...

>> No.119162  


This is absolutely correct. Outlawing Holocaust denial basically gives complete credence to the Jew-big-brother theories many European neo-Nazis espouse.

At any rate, Holocaust deniers are rarely pro-Nazi, more they are just really really into conspiracy theories. Your typical Nazi won't really deny the Holocaust, he'd just say it didn't go far enough.

>> No.119164  

I wish there was a global Jew-big-brother conspiracy going on. Then maybe we could get in on it and actually afford a car that runs.

>> No.119165  

Failure also lets us learn fun new words like "Reeducation Camp", "Killing Fields" and "Boat People".

>> No.119166  


>> No.119326  

thats because it wasn't genocide
We where brainwashing them, and killing the ones that wouldn't cooperate. If we wanted to kill all the Indians don't you think we could have?
why would we go through the trouble of trying to force them into our life style if our overall goal was to kill every last one of them?

>> No.119328  

weren't they forced to move towards west, ala Trail of Tears?

well, they have reservations if not all the casinos outside vegas now.

>> No.119330  

I wouldn't call those reservations much of a consolation.

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