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File: 1203945996139.jpg -(147530 B, 600x872) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
147530 No.118914  

So, looking through my scans and the tankobons I have, I noticed a few pages had been redrawn, like the one here. This kind of thing really tickles my completist's bones.

Does anyone have a zip of things that got changed between magazine and volume release? I'd really love all those end-of-chapter extra frames too, if anyone knows where there's a zip. I'd be very grateful if you guys could just share with me what little alterations you've spotted!

Something to do while we wait...possibly...

>> No.119400  

bump because shit like this interests me as well.

>> No.119401  

This website enumerates the changes for the volume 6 and 7 tankoubon, but not for any of the earlier ones.


>> No.119482  

Wah, so many changes...

>> No.119483  

Having both the online chapters and the volumes, I have never noticed those differences o_O

Any ideas why such changes were made?

>> No.119485  
File: 1204632068041.jpg -(26088 B, 300x205) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It is my duty to praise that booty.

>> No.119486  


Improvements. We must be dealing with perfectionists!

>> No.119487  

I know whenever I write a story I can't not go back later and fuck with it. Or fuck with parts I'd already written while the story's still in progress.

I don't finish a lot of stories.

>> No.119495  
File: 1204648555878.jpg -(58522 B, 333x750) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.119496  

I miss ninin ga shinobuden.

>> No.119508  

Oh man, some of the faces in episode fourteen of Azumanga were just a tad godawful.

Nothing as bad as that example but they looked goofy as hell.

>> No.119509  
File: 1204661533326.jpg -(14035 B, 320x240) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.119510  

"Yeah, I caught that scene on TV. I thought '2x2 Shinobu-Den's just a goofy, character-fetish show. They've got nerve coming down on other people's work attitude."

I think that's the gist, anyway.

>> No.119511  

That makes him deeply, deeply wrong. That said, most ufotable shows tend to dramatically fall apart after the first few episodes, Shinobuden and Manabi Straight exceptions to this rule, so maybe they really aren't in any position to criticize? Then again, I think he's mischaracterizing them as merely criticizing others when they're poking fun at the entire industry, themselves included.

>> No.119512  

Okay, first off, I LOVE Shinobuden and Manabi Straight. Second, just try comparing episode 10 or so of Shinobuden to nearly any other episode in the series, art-wise - this stuff happens for a reason, and the most frequent of those is money. Thirdly, /azu/: The #1 spot for Ufotable discussion!

>> No.119524  
File: 1204676047936.jpg -(52542 B, 380x380) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.119525  
File: 1204676063060.jpg -(34263 B, 600x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.119533  

so he basicly just adds better backgrounds.

>> No.119547  


Ah, Norio Wakamoto. Bless him. There's no vc: steader male seiyuu.

>> No.119548  
File: 1204713905615.jpg -(49706 B, 175x200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


And I forget the pic. Whatever, Wakamoto-sama vc: reox.

>> No.119551  


A lot of the time, but often whole frames are redrawn.

>> No.119555  


Well, maybe except for Tony Jay, but he's dead.

>> No.119561  
File: 1204729370534.jpg -(35060 B, 494x171) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thank you. I translate my comment afresh.

I saw the scene on TV. Then I thought
'Nininga-Shinobuden' is mere vulgar character-fetish pastime,
what they criticize other people's work attitude is impudence.

>> No.119568  

Wow, so I was actually almost exactly right, then. Thank you for confirming that.

I think I got that right...

>> No.119570  

What is that さ form of 正しい you're using there? Is that something you can do to any i-adjective, or is it just a special form of that particular adjective?

>> No.119578  

eh, he kind of looks like chiyo-dad

I remember the short lived meme of his

>> No.119592  

It renders an adjective into a noun.
暗い-dark 暗さ-darkness
優しい-gentle 優しさ-gentleness
I've also seen it used with adjectives not ending in -i, but not nearly as often.

>> No.119619  
once Azuma wrote : 

(translated roughly)

I got invited some trouble.
Such as correction of graphs for the Tankobon.
The landscape from the shrine in Chapter 5, is that I didn't quite like.
So I decided to fix the drawing.
It would be okay to leave it to my assistant, but I got a little anxiety whether he could set up in my own image, I decided to draw by myself.

I've drawn the double-page spread that appeared on magazine.
When I calculated time back to deadline, I assumed I was running out of time,
so I drew off by myself. But I was not quite satisfied with its execution.

Consequently, I spent to redraw an entire day.
I wasn't able to work up in a day.
Help me, Bob!

Bob is a mysterious foreigner who appeared "Bob's Painting Class" (note: The Joy of Painting) on TV.
He draw up an oil-paint in 30 minutes of the show. Awesome.
I'm wondering that show wouldn't get on the air anymore. If it come out on DVD, I have to buy.


I heard Bob who I wrote about is already dead. Goodbye, Bob.
Eventually, I spent 2 whole days to redraw the landscape from the shrine. Because I got fed up of putting Tones, I let my assistant do it.
Today, I drew the back cover of Tankobon.


>> No.119620  

Japanese people seem to be particularly obsessed with that Joy of Painting guy.

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