Yargh...while I appreciate a new chapter any time it comes out, releases right in the middle of the work week mean I always come in late.
Well, you saved me some effort, Ralen, and it's a new chapter, so I suppose I'm hardly in a position to complain. I am in a position to critique, though... :-)
On the whole, pretty much what I had in mind as I read the raw version, barring minor choices of phrasing. I'm just going to touch on points I found a bit more significant, as well as comment on my reactions in general.
Page 3, panel 4
"You suck" seems to me a bit strong for Yotsuba to use.
Y1: Boy, you're bad at this, Jumbo!
Y2: I found you every time!
Page 9, panel 1
(Her expressions on this page are awesome, BTW.)
Page 11
What's this? A little genuine concern for Yotsuba from Yanda?
Page 12, panel 3
I had the impression that Yotsuba's talking about plans that were already made, so:
Y1: I'm having beef bowl!
Y2: We're going out to eat beef bowl!
Ya: What?!
J: Yep.
Page 13, panel 2
Congrats on sussing out "ginger". That one took me a bit.
Page 15, panel 1
J2: I can't put my arms down like this!
panel 2
Hee hee... Silence! You will obey the Yotsuba!
Page 19, panel 2
Page 20, panel 2
Finally, proof Asagi DOES attend school!
Page 21, panel 4
I think this "ohhh" is more like an enthusiastic affirmative, kind of like Yukari's response when Tomo tells her to floor it. No biggie either way.
Page 22
More new info--have we seen Daddy Koiwai drive his own car before? They came to town in Jumbo's truck, and I don't recall him driving anywhere else since; it's always been Jumbo at the wheel.
Page 23 on
Love the kid-logic. She knows it's wrong to throw the water balloon, but she figures she did her part by warning Daddy first. Everything else is Yanda's fault.
Page 24, panel 1
Y: It's a new weapon, Daddy! Water bombs!
panel 3
Y1: So it's Yanda's fault!
Y2: It's all Yanda's fault!
Page 25
More awesome Yotsuba facial expressions
Page 26, panel 2
For the side caption, otonashiku is "adult-like" literally, but it's usually used to mean "obediently".