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File: 1204122035141.jpg -(298656 B, 802x1204) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
298656 No.119070  

Man that was a tough week to endure, but it's FINALLY HERE!

Link to the raw:


>> No.119071  

Yeah! And you wouldn't BELIEVE the VC I got!

>> No.119072  
File: 1204124976803.jpg -(105183 B, 777x410) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.119073  
File: 1204125286739.gif -(16203 B, 535x570) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

What's going on?

>> No.119074  
File: 1204125558368.jpg -(64597 B, 715x422) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I think it's hitting on you.

I notice Yotsuba's art is better than mine.

>> No.119076  

Lucky for you guys my class this morning was cancelled.
I'm on the job.

>> No.119077  



I love you!

>> No.119079  

i failed at an important interview today... you guys are my insanity's current best salvation.

>> No.119081  

Don't worry, i am sure there will be many more interviews for you to fail at in the future.

>> No.119083  
File: 1204132809548.jpg -(247203 B, 836x936) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

just like yotsuba kept on bumping on the head, but never got tired for the fun of it.

>> No.119084  

Translation is done, but I've got some other things to attend to before I can get to editing. Shouldn't be much later than this afternoon though.

>> No.119085  

>>119070 Oh!thankyou

>> No.119086  


That's one chunky looking ciggie in Torako's hand. HINT HINT EH?

>> No.119087  

lol 420 blaze a bowl every day

>> No.119088  


I never noticed this before, but Yotsuba's hair looks like buds.

>> No.119089  

Fun chapter. Hopefully now we can put to rest the idea that Yanda is gay (or at least, openly gay).

>> No.119090  

We'll save your insanity any day!

>> No.119091  


Um, if you say so. I don't see the resemblance.

Anyway, I've just realised it's taken me just over an hour to get through this with a dictionary and my not exactly stellar Japanese skills. Yeah, go team me. I probably learned something useful along the way I suppose.

>> No.119092  

YANDAAAA!! (\ /)

>> No.119093  

I guess we can put to rest the idea of Jumbo getting it on with Asagi now, too.

>> No.119094  


>> No.119098  

Status report: there are 5 pages left to edit, but I have to go to class. It'll be done in about an hour.

>> No.119099  

I love you.

>> No.119106  


Azuma's style just gets more and more visually wacky.

>> No.119108  


>> No.119110  
File: 1204155737590.jpg -(346298 B, 802x1204) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here it is. As usual, suggestions, comments, and corrections are welcome.
There are some places where I didn't translate literally, but rather went with something that felt more natural.

>> No.119111  

>>119110 Totally worth staying up waiting for. You're a credit to team, Ralen.

>> No.119112  

Seriously, Thanks Ralen!

>> No.119113  

Over here, it's totally worth waking up early in the morning.
>>119110 thank you for the new yotsuba chapter, perfect for the morning coffee

>> No.119115  


using the relative pronoun is difficult.
but if Yotsuba called Tora "her", Jumbo mistakes Tora to be a man who is kind of Asagi's lover.

>> No.119116  
File: 1204157543007.jpg -(396448 B, 804x1207) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh, was that the joke there? I was wondering why Jumbo was so interested in Torako. I thought maybe he was just girl crazy, so a friend of Asagi's could be a friend of his iykwim.

Thanks to looking at that page again, I also caught another error. I interpreted Yotsuba's "くるまで" as "来るまで" (which doesn't make much sense) instead of "車で" which makes a ton of sense.

>> No.119117  
File: 1204157587006.png -(63819 B, 187x295) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This pose made my day for some reason.. I would buy a dozen shirts with this on it.

>> No.119118  
File: 1204158346523.jpg -(157362 B, 804x762) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Lazy edit.

>> No.119120  

yeah thanks, now i can finally go to sleep

>> No.119121  

Same here. I really need some sleep.

Thanks for the translation! it was AESOME!

>> No.119123  

I love /azu/. I post the raw before bed and it's translated by the time I wake up.
Kickass Ralen

>> No.119127  

I've been waiting for Asagi's meeting with Yanda. But Jumbo is much more vc: manish.

>> No.119128  

Thank you for the kind words everyone.

Where do you live that you're waking up right now?

>> No.119130  

... I slept in late though since I was up past midnight camping Share.

>> No.119132  

Turnabout is fair play: I'm remembering Jumbo getting the worst of it in the cicada-hunting tandem...

>> No.119133  
File: 1204170556182.jpg -(129722 B, 729x369) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

at >>119115 , I was hurried and posted,
thank you for considering my words.
as you might recall, that's the same depressed pose.

>> No.119134  
File: 1204171584468.jpg -(274123 B, 801x1343) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.119135  

Oh god, I totally considered doing that joke when I saw this chapter, except I would have made it "The world's most giant Japanese."

>> No.119143  

Yargh...while I appreciate a new chapter any time it comes out, releases right in the middle of the work week mean I always come in late.

Well, you saved me some effort, Ralen, and it's a new chapter, so I suppose I'm hardly in a position to complain. I am in a position to critique, though... :-)

On the whole, pretty much what I had in mind as I read the raw version, barring minor choices of phrasing. I'm just going to touch on points I found a bit more significant, as well as comment on my reactions in general.

Page 3, panel 4
"You suck" seems to me a bit strong for Yotsuba to use.
Y1: Boy, you're bad at this, Jumbo!
Y2: I found you every time!

Page 9, panel 1
(Her expressions on this page are awesome, BTW.)

Page 11
What's this? A little genuine concern for Yotsuba from Yanda?

Page 12, panel 3
I had the impression that Yotsuba's talking about plans that were already made, so:

Y1: I'm having beef bowl!
Y2: We're going out to eat beef bowl!

Ya: What?!

J: Yep.

Page 13, panel 2
Congrats on sussing out "ginger". That one took me a bit.

Page 15, panel 1
J2: I can't put my arms down like this!

panel 2
Hee hee... Silence! You will obey the Yotsuba!

Page 19, panel 2

Page 20, panel 2
Finally, proof Asagi DOES attend school!

Page 21, panel 4
I think this "ohhh" is more like an enthusiastic affirmative, kind of like Yukari's response when Tomo tells her to floor it. No biggie either way.

Page 22
More new info--have we seen Daddy Koiwai drive his own car before? They came to town in Jumbo's truck, and I don't recall him driving anywhere else since; it's always been Jumbo at the wheel.

Page 23 on
Love the kid-logic. She knows it's wrong to throw the water balloon, but she figures she did her part by warning Daddy first. Everything else is Yanda's fault.

Page 24, panel 1
Y: It's a new weapon, Daddy! Water bombs!

panel 3
Y1: So it's Yanda's fault!
Y2: It's all Yanda's fault!

Page 25
More awesome Yotsuba facial expressions

Page 26, panel 2

For the side caption, otonashiku is "adult-like" literally, but it's usually used to mean "obediently".

>> No.119144  
File: 1204189115432.jpg -(134294 B, 753x339) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.119146  
File: 1204197575528.png -(187385 B, 360x410) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Sorry, but it had to be done eventually.

>> No.119147  


...oh you know the rest!

>> No.119148  

Thanks, Ralen. I've been swamped with work and stuff lately and wasn't gonna have time to translate until the weekend.

>> No.119149  


>Page 3, panel 4

I thought "you suck" was more personal as a colloquialism, but not all that rude. For ぜんぶ見つけた the past tense of the verb there led me to interpret it as "I found all of you" which I then paraphrased as "I can see all of you." Please correct me if I've interpreted the use of ぜんぶ incorrectly though.

>Page 9, panel 1

I know this is literally "GO HOME" but I thought "GO AWAY" was funnier and sounded more like something Yotsuba would say. They mean basically the same thing either way though.

>Page 13, panel 2

I have the Excite Japanese/English translator to thank for that. I couldn't figure it out on my own either.

>Page 21, panel 4

I thought about that, but I thought the affirmative "o" was used when you were acknowledging someone's direction to do something. It didn't make sense to me in this case for Yotsuba to respond when Yanda was the one being told to open the door. Again though, let me know if there's a use of "o" in that sense that I'm just not familiar with.

>Page 24, panel 1

I actually went with "New weapon" originally, but then I looked up the phrase しんへいき on google image search and came up with pictures of: digital cameras, cell phone accessories, a rifle scope, and a toy claw. So while "new weapon" might be literal (and maybe more appropriate in this case) I took it to be a phrase used to describe some new piece of equipment that one has acquired, which in English is often described as "Having a new toy."

>panel 3

This is something I also considered, but noticed that Yotsuba doesn't freak out like she's in trouble until she hears about the cake, so it didn't make sense to me to have her assigning blame just yet (i.e. she's still in play mode here). Your thoughts?

>For the side caption, otonashiku is "adult-like" literally, but it's usually used to mean "obediently".

I actually wasn't aware of that, but I went with "adult-like" because of the whole "Look, I've grown up!" thing going on with Jumbo. I thought it was meant to be a joke about that.

Thanks for all of your suggestions, I'll be making a couple of minor changes when I get the chance, but I'm running late for class right now.

>> No.119150  
File: 1204212178426.jpg -(105021 B, 264x516) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I've never seen a flatwoods-monster like that.

>> No.119154  
File: 1204219600105.jpg -(438890 B, 797x1211) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here are the pages I've changed based on Sprocket's comments. I may change more pending further discussion, so I'll hold off on uploading a new rar until then.

(in retrospect, changing this page makes the context of their going outside and getting in the car make much more sense).

>> No.119155  
File: 1204219723375.jpg -(433885 B, 803x1211) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.119156  
File: 1204219912234.jpg -(438749 B, 806x1209) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm holding off on changing the "otonashiku" because I still think that might be a pun about how Yotsuba was "like an adult" while taking care of the house.

>> No.119157  


>>Page 3, panel 4
>I thought "you suck" was more personal as a colloquialism, but not all that rude.

Well, personal taste is in effect, then.

>For ぜんぶ見つけた the past tense of the verb there led me to interpret it as "I found all of
>you" which I then paraphrased as "I can see all of you." Please correct me if I've interpreted
>the use of ぜんぶ incorrectly though.

Actually, she says みつかった, the past tense of an intransitive verb. Even so, I agree that "maikai" would make more sense than "zenbu", but it's not unheard of, and Yotsuba's age makes the odd use less unlikely.

>>Page 9, panel 1
>I know this is literally "GO HOME" but I thought "GO AWAY" was funnier and sounded more
>like something Yotsuba would say. They mean basically the same thing either way though.

More or less. I just found the idea of her telling him to go home funnier and so felt it better to translate more literally.

>>Page 13, panel 2
>I have the Excite Japanese/English translator to thank for that. I couldn't figure it out on
>my own either.

My problem (and I suspect yours as well) is that I initially interpreted the が of しょうが as the subject-marker particle rather than part of a word.

>>Page 21, panel 4
>I thought about that, but I thought the affirmative "o" was used when you were
>acknowledging someone's direction to do something.

That's usually where it's used, true, but not exclusively.

>It didn't make sense to me in this case for Yotsuba to respond when Yanda was the one being
>told to open the door. Again though, let me know if there's a use of "o" in that sense that
>I'm just not familiar with.

It's a matter of word balloon placement. She's not responding to "open the door," she's responding to "let's get going."

>>Page 24, panel 1
>I actually went with "New weapon" originally, but then I looked up the phrase しんへいき on
>google image search and came up with pictures of: digital cameras, cell phone accessories, a
>rifle scope, and a toy claw. So while "new weapon" might be literal (and maybe more
>appropriate in this case) I took it to be a phrase used to describe some new piece of equipment that one has acquired, which in
>English is often described as "Having a new toy."

I can understand that colloquial use, but as you yourself note, the more literal use is more appropriate here from context. Also remember that thanks to Daddy and Jumbo, Yotsuba's probably seen too many war and gangster movies. :-)

>>panel 3
>This is something I also considered, but noticed that Yotsuba doesn't freak out like
>she's in trouble until she hears about the cake, so it didn't make sense to me to have her
>assigning blame just yet (i.e. she's still in play mode here). Your thoughts?

I think she's just ducking blame, kind of like she did with the soccer ball through the window, so she doesn't have to apologize for getting Daddy wet. When she realizes she might not get cake, THEN it's time to apologize.

>>For the side caption, otonashiku is "adult-like" literally, but it's usually used to
>>mean "obediently".
>I actually wasn't aware of that, but I went with "adult-like" because of the whole "Look,
>I've grown up!" thing going on with Jumbo. I thought it was meant to be a joke about that.

It's possible, I suppose. That certainly makes your choice more feasible.

>> No.119158  
File: 1204225524313.jpg -(315744 B, 808x1204) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Quick and dirty edit.

>> No.119159  
File: 1204225778798.jpg -(446091 B, 794x1210) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Actually, she says みつかった

Weird, I've been reading it みつけた this whole time (probably because that's what she says in the first bubble).

>I agree that "maikai" would make more sense than "zenbu", but it's not unheard of, and Yotsuba's age makes the odd use less unlikely.

I bow to your more extensive experience.


>> No.119160  
File: 1204225908204.jpg -(457738 B, 802x1209) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.119161  
File: 1204226140453.jpg -(432741 B, 805x1214) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

These last 3 changes have been stylistic more than anything, and don't significantly alter the reader's understanding of events from previous versions.
Here's a rapidshare that includes all the changes made since the original upload in >>119110.

>> No.119181  


>Page 9, panel 1
>I know this is literally "GO HOME" but I thought "GO AWAY" was funnier and sounded more
>like something Yotsuba would say. They mean basically the same thing either way though.
>More or less. I just found the idea of her telling him to go home funnier and so felt it better to translate more literally.

I just make sure, do you notice Yotsuba switch in mid-sentence "おかえり(welcome home)"?
"おかえれ" is an odd word something like "welcome go-home!"

>> No.119185  

I really am impressed by the speed with which chapters have been scanlated these past few months, it has to be said. Thanks a lot to Ralen and the raw provider, and everybody that's contributed to the fixes.

Reminds me of one of the Colossi from Shadow of the Colossus, what with that green glow. You've found it's weak point, Yanda! Now just cling on and stab it in the head a few times and it'll be as good as dead!

>> No.119197  

I'm pleased to see Yanda meeting one of the Ayases(Asagi). Now I wanna see what Fuuka makes of him.

You know, this is the first time I've gotten a decent VC, and I can't think of a joke for it.

>> No.119203  


>I'll finish all of you off
>This is no time for that!
>Clean it up!


>> No.119217  


>I just make sure, do you notice Yotsuba switch in mid-sentence "おかえり(welcome home)"?
>"おかえれ" is an odd word something like "welcome go-home!

Ooh, good point. I missed it because of her facial expression. :-)

So maybe something like "WelcGO HOME!!" Hmm...not quite the same...

You have some question about these lines?

Jumbo wants to continue the water-bomb war and is ready to nail all three of the others with water-bombs, but Yotsuba tells him play-time's over. Now they have to clean up the mess--from the one water-bomb she threw, and maybe any others that were thrown before Daddy came back. After all, there's cake at stake!

>> No.119219  


>You have some question about these lines?

I believe The Time Traveller was reading some sort of perverted innuendo into these lines.

>> No.119223  


But of course. Sometimes I am woefully naive about such things.

>> No.119233  

Yanda/Asagi OTP

>> No.119322  
File: 1204362163710.jpg -(37009 B, 872x613) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.119323  

...is it just me or is Yotsuba looking kinda cool there?

(vc: spoy's sappin' mah sentroy!)

>> No.119335  


>I'll finish all of you off
>Clean it up!


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