Well, it's a Churuya-style Osaka, anyway.So...so...moe!!!!
Well, it's a Churuya-style Osaka, anyway.
>>121466Satan doggie?
Frankly, I think I prefer the name Chosaka.P.S. the cherry blossoms are getting ready to start around here.
Frankly, I think I prefer the name Chosaka.
P.S. the cherry blossoms are getting ready to start around here.
Didn't Osaka predate moe? Or was she the one that brought moe upon us?
osaka person edition
>>121473 I believe she predates moe entering the mainstream, but I think the concept is quite a bit older than her.
Apparently Osaka was the runner-up in 2002's SaiMoe contest, being only beaten by Sakura Kinomoto (that's what Wikipedia tells me).
>>121585As moe as osaka is, Sakura is the queen of moe.
>>121590Bullshit. She's just prepubescent and wears cute clothes.Osaka is a mandelbrot set of moe, endlessly iterating from the limitless depths of her being.