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File: 1208706851908.gif -(110011 B, 321x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
110011 No.122483  

Found some new stuff on a mecha-themed oekaki board.

>> No.122484  
File: 1208706950029.gif -(55912 B, 320x240) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

VC: sageable. :(

>> No.122485  
File: 1208706979888.jpg -(78913 B, 600x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.122486  
File: 1208707016166.jpg -(129884 B, 500x334) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.122488  



>> No.122490  

Piercing the heavens with cardboard?

...If only there were a cardboard drill...

>> No.122491  

>>122490 The original caption to this one is "Possibility that the two people might have obtained son."

>> No.122492  
File: 1208709416678.jpg -(52996 B, 500x334) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.122495  

Danbodeon, Danbo Laggan and...Danbo no Ken?

>> No.122510  
>>Danbo No Ken

Oooh, now I see it.

The animated >>122484 is pretty cool.

>> No.122511  


No, I would expect mechs to be built to very rigorous engineering standards. Cardboard would be right out. And cardboard derivatives.

Otherwise the front could fall off.

>> No.122766  

Actually, paper derivatives are stronger than you'd think. You could build a full, working suit of armor through papercraft, for example, but don't expect it to be too mobile.

>> No.122785  



>> No.122804  
File: 1208975384463.gif -(1010627 B, 249x159) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.122806  



>> No.122818  


>> No.122820  

Sweet shit, that is terrifying.

>> No.122821  

Isn't that one of those wind powered sculptures that are made by a dutch guy? IIRC he sets them loose on the beach to wander around and terrorize picnickers.

>> No.122827  

Yeah, from what I recall, he's trying to design some that can reproduce on their own, effectively creating an artificial species.

>> No.122829  

Which, as has been proven, is AWESOME.

>> No.123212  
File: 1209269405612.jpg -(94600 B, 600x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Found this on the raki-suta image board.

>> No.123215  

Baaaaw! I was gonna post that one too!

I guess I should do things as soon as the idea pops in my head. Oh well... At least it got posted.

BTW Ralen, I have seen you there. Lurking, posting, having fun, translating stuff and falling in love.

>> No.123216  

How do you know which one is me?

>> No.123217  

You used the same name there. And I'm sure I saw you on danbooru too. Didn't you translate at least part of the Ronery Kagami amazing saga that can not be censored?

>> No.123218  

I've got an account on Danbooru as "Ralen" (and have done some translations there, including a few pages of Kagamin Bocchi) but I've always posted anonymously on the raki-suta board.

>> No.123222  

Perhaps I just recognized your style. I dunt remembar.

>> No.123236  

Holy crap, Raki-suta is still alive?

It's been dead to me ever since the whole board deteriorated into BAAAWWWWing about the dub.

>> No.123245  

It's mostly dead. The h-board gets about one post per day, and the regular board gets a handfull, but not much discussion goes on.

Ocassionally nice gems like >>123212 pop up though.

P.S. who's going to >>123456 get now that win-anon is no longer around?

>> No.123247  

BAWWWWing about the dub of Lucky Star is like BAAWWWWing about the wallpaper in a Vietnamese prison camp. No matter how you gussy it up, you're still going to die alone and in pain.

>> No.123301  

But the wallpaper still sucks.

>> No.123305  


But no one said you had to look at the wallpaper.

>> No.123308  

Well I... I think Lucky Star is cool...

>> No.123309  

Damn straight Chileanon.
Lucky star was great. The manga sucked balls though, so I guess I can see why people don't like the anime.

>> No.123311  

The first episode where they spend six minutes talking about how they like to eat their food still confounds me.

>> No.123312  

I thought that was just cute.
Cute girls talking about how they like to eat their favorite foods=Moeeeee~
What really sold me on the series was the OP though. I'm a sucker for synchronized dancing; it's why I initially got into Haruhi.

>> No.123315  

I aint sayin' I hated it or nothin', I just couldn't understand why I found it entertaining at first. It was like it was so boring it looped around on itself and became funny.

>> No.123317  

I'm the first to admit shit was Azumanga+moe-25% of the fun.

>> No.123318  


So you're the one keeping those Olympic events alive. I was wondering.

>> No.123319  

Synchronized dancing is an olympic event?

>> No.123324  
File: 1209370452564.jpg -(313630 B, 750x1150) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.123341  


I'm feeling with that guy.

Lucky Star is pretty much hit or miss.

Either you get the feeling you completely missed what's so funny about it or its utter stupidity hits you into the face. Or both. Most likely both.

99 percent of the "jokes" consisted of mentioning Haruhi, FMP, Haruhi, beep, or Haruhi.

I'm probably not otaku enough yet to confuse an anime reference with a punch line.

>> No.123346  

As much as I liked Lucky Star, I will admit that it IS more or less a fanservice animu, albeit not the typical sort.

Think about it: All the standard anime archtypes are represented (the tsundere, the klutz, the otaku, the moe-moe girl, the yaoi fangirl, the foreigner, etc.), and the show and the manga make no problem with pointing out its use of these archtypes. Moreover the constant shoutouts to other aspects of otaku culture, not just Haruhi, makes the show almost a game of shout-out bingo to seasoned anime viewers, but all of this really adds up to the show's charm: It's all about giving viewers/readers what they want, a.k.a fanservice.

Oh, and it was extremely cute and pretty funny too. At least to me it was.

In any case, saging for /azu/: The #1 spot for Lucky Star discussion

>> No.123356  

Lucky Star is too cute for me. When it comes to moe, Azu is my limit--no further. And as an otaku, what I want is better anime, not non-stop otaku references. See, Tomo liking Lupin isn't one of those--it's a famous series in Japan, no more an otaku thing than doing a Columbo imitation. Just one more thing, sir...

>> No.123361  
File: 1209403800640.jpg -(49462 B, 480x640) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

If anime wants to go as far as Potemayo when it comes to cuteness, fine by me. My moe limit I'd say is Digicharat. For me at least, Osaka will always be the most adorable character ever. And I don't feel guilty when I enjoy other shows, even if they are filled with moe fanservice.

Look! It's Danbo!

>> No.123365  
File: 1209408436404.gif -(212159 B, 200x200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Fed-Ex ...classy. Say what you want about them, but those white boxes are awesome. I wish Gateway still made those cow boxes.

could use more UPS, though.

>> No.123366  
File: 1209411276187.jpg -(133277 B, 900x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Cardboard boxes: Serious business.

Look, moar Danbo!

>> No.123367  
File: 1209413230610.jpg -(23086 B, 292x437) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

There we go, getting back on track.

>> No.123375  
File: 1209421686327.jpg -(198894 B, 900x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I just noticed a copyright statement. In bottom right, next to (c)kiyohikoAzuma/YotsubaSutazio.
It says, (c)TV Asahi Toei Animation.
So... is the possibility of animation is really exizt?

>> No.123376  

Do not toy with my feelings!

>> No.123377  

I'm guessing there's just something else on the page that excerpt is from.
But we can hope.

>> No.123378  

The specific article only talks about danbo, and the orange box tells danbo details (such as release date 2007 December).
Nothing tells about animation. maybe in another page...

>> No.123388  
File: 1209431895232.jpg -(1651355 B, 1600x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Since Yotsba isn't getting her own series any time soon, I wouldn't mind seeing one of Danbo.

They could show his origins from NASA and how he was sent to Japan as a spy working for the president (or I'm confusing background stories with Robo-ko?).

>> No.123397  

I've often contemplated building a Danbo suit using boxes from the stock room at work. The arms would be tricky though, since we don't get a lot of stuff in long thin boxes.

Now they're just messing with us.

>> No.123402  


Or it was whatever it was on the top half of the page when the scan was vc:saw in half

>> No.123407  

I can get the materials and I'd love to bouild one, but I'm too darn tall. Danbo should be cute and small.


>> No.123418  
File: 1209453689556.jpg -(54816 B, 600x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Then build a cute and small one, like this one!

>> No.123419  

I wouldn't mind making a waifu out of that
just make a few holes here and there, and maybe some roller blades...

>> No.123421  

Oh, then I'll just make one for my cat.


Reminds me of that "sex doll" made out of wood with a hole in the middle of the back from Hate Song. Which reminds me I haven't read Hate Song in like forever. Which makes me wonder why because that comic is awesome.

>> No.123433  
File: 1209482540127.jpg -(119373 B, 1024x770) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


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