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File: 1210767630357.jpg -(109697 B, 500x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
109697 No.124789  

Is anyone else disappointed with the way Pretty Neighbor turns out? I thought it would be good if the relationship between Fuuka and Koiwai became more romantic. But then then Koiwai reveals he's an asshole and it was just a series of casual encounters that ends up with Fuuka feeling regretful. It's also disappointing because I wanted to see scenes a few years later of Fuuka acting as a mother figure for Yotsuba.

Well, it isn't canon anyway, so I can just pretend the storyline is a little different when I fap.

>> No.124790  

I liked it because it wasn't romance. And Fuuka doesn't exactly get a bad deal there, like she understands after the initial shock of realising sex is not necessarily a part of love and romance (and vice versa). Sex is fun and that's how Koiwai sees it. If you want to seek out the real bad guy/girl in Pretty Neighbour (although imo there isn't one), it would be Asagi because she just wants what Fuuka has.

>> No.124791  

I was more disappointed with the Ena chapter, personally.

Y'know, that it happened at all.

As for the end though I was left more with the impression that it wasn't really over, we just weren't able to follow along anymore. So maybe their relationship did eventually mature into something more, or maybe it didn't and they just kept having casual moisture-style touches every once in a while, or maybe she eventually got heartbroken and ran into the arms of Torako only for them both to be brutally murdered by an insanely jealous Asagi. The way it ends I think you could tack pretty much any ending you want on there.

I will admit that the romantic idiot in me was angling for the first option too.

>> No.124792  

I think the real villain is the artist for having an Asagi/Koiwai scene instead of an Asagi/Jumbo scene.

>> No.124793  

Well sure that's how it generally is in real life...but this is anime. In anime, everything is supposed to be perfect and romantic ;_;

>> No.124795  

vc: No.

>> No.124796  


RL, in MY /azu/?

>> No.124797  

Of course, in real life single parents of pre-teen girls do not have indiscriminate sex with their underage neighbours either, so...

>> No.124799  

Actually, given the abysmal judgment I've seen people exercise I'd be more surprised if that didn't happen from time to time.

>> No.124800  
File: 1210782291986.jpg -(55189 B, 617x888) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

In this doujin Fuuka and Koiwai hook up, and at the end she tells Yotsuba
"You know.. I might just end up being your mother someday."

At the bottom Koiwai says he vows never to become one of those guys that regrets his youth old age. (and Fuuka was delicious)

>> No.124804  


>> No.124810  

I'm going to second that DO WANT with a secondary TRANSLATION PLOX on the side.

>> No.124811  

Here's my entire collection of Yotsubato related hentai (minus Pretty Neighbor).

>> No.124812  

I don't look for much plot or romance in pornography, so for me the great disappointment of Pretty Neighbour wasn't that Koiwai and Fuuka's relationship never became anything more than sexual, but that Jumbo didn't jump in to help double-team her.

>> No.124813  

I just imagined Fuuka and Koiwai going at it and then Jumbo literally jumping into the room (or, alternately, in through the window or out of a closet) shouting "THREESOME!"

It made me laugh.

>> No.124814  

Ooh, or smashing through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man.

>> No.124817  

Well, Pretty Neighbor accomplished what it was set out to do, and that's all I care about.

TBH, though, I don't even see a serious romantic fling happening in the series anyway.
So, stick to fanfaction.net, ladies.

>> No.124818  
File: 1210798866550.jpg -(137438 B, 555x459) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.124819  


I didn't save the Ena chapter, it made me feel pretty uneasy. I also couldn't quite understand why Koiwai didn't seem to appreciate Fuuka going to see him in her uniform - it just didn't compute. I'd have thought It'd be like all my birthdays coming at once.

>> No.124822  

I demand someone write a fanfic / draw a fancomic taking place a few years later, based on the premise that Fuuka and Koiwai are married. I can't get the idea of Yotsuba calling Fuuka "mom" out of my head. Even though she already calls Fuuka's mom "mom."

On a somewhat related note, I just now realized that I have never seen a single piece of Yotsuba& fanfiction. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

>> No.124823  

I'll take a stab!


One day Fuuka was in the Koiwai house making breakfast. This was not considered unusual, as they were married.
"Good morning husband," she said as Koiwai slogged into the kitchen. She did not refer to him by name because she still didn't know it despite being married to him for the last year.
"Oog," he grunted and sat down.
Then the planet exploded for no reason and everyone died. The end.

Wait god dammit, I forgot to put Yotsuba in there.

>> No.124826  


Then Yotsuba brought everything back to how it was before, because she's Yotsuba. Yotsuba walked into the kitchen and looked at her father. "Hi daddy!" she said. Then she looked at Fuuka. "Good morning mom!" Yotsuba referred to Fuuka as "mom," despite that Fuuka was actually her step-mother. But this can be ignored, since really Koiwai wasn't her real biological father either.
Then the planet exploded for no reason and everyone died. The end.

>> No.124827  

Why hasn't this won at least twelve online fanfiction awards yet? COME ON PEOPLE

>> No.124834  


Because there is one thing that has not been made clear, and THE WORLD HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW.

Does Yotsuba still refer to Fuuka's mother as mom even as she refers to Fuuka as mom?

>> No.124835  

Knowing Yotsuba, she probably just goes around telling everyone she has two moms (and one dad).

>> No.124838  
File: 1210809823501.jpg -(104878 B, 715x940) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Does the world need to end each time?

>> No.124841  


Then Yotsuba brought everything back to how it was before again, because she's Yotsuba. Just then, the telephone rang. Fuuka looked at the caller ID display, and saw that it was her mother. "Sheesh, does she really need to call so often? I only live next door, why not just come over?" Yotsuba walked up to Fuuka. "Mom, are you talking about mom?" she asked. "Yep, it's mom."
Then the planet exploded for no reason and everyone died. The end.

>> No.124843  

Yes it does, shut up.

>> No.124844  

Continued again....

Then Yotsuba brought everything back to how it was before again, because she's Yotsuba. "Why;'d mom call, mom?" She asked Fuuka.
"That's a good question," Fuuka said. "Why did mom call? I forgot while the planet was exploding."
"Maybe you should call mom back, mom."
"That's a good idea, I'll call mom back."
"Okay mom, I'll sit here while you call mom. Mom."
"I, your mom, am calling mom. Who you call mom."
"Mom mom mom mom mom mom mom. Mom."
"What were we talking about again?"
"I don't know mom, but my head hurts."
Then the planet exploded for no reason and everyone died. The end.

>> No.124845  
File: 1210817153593.jpg -(22901 B, 444x366) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.124846  
File: 1210823484134.jpg -(98811 B, 479x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I see it.

>> No.124847  
File: 1210824032545.jpg -(74121 B, 600x725) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Whoever the artist is, they clearly like Yotsuba..

>> No.124848  

never felt like DADADADADA

>> No.124853  

What the hell is this, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Yotsuba edition?

I'm gonna want some sauce with that.

>> No.124854  

Whatever it is, the word "mom" has lost all meaning to me now.

>> No.124857  


it degraded in OMNOMOMOMOMOM in my head

meanwhile, I feel like drawing this entire thing, possibly without the planet exploding each chapter...and maybe less mention of the word Mom :\

>> No.124862  

Has nothing to do with the discussion, but I feel compelled to mention that I find the bare hint of Fuuka Ass on display in OP's pic easily a thousand times more sexy than the most blatant pantyshot or cameltoe. (Though to be fair, I find cameltoe shots to be all crass and no class anyway.)

That is all.

>> No.124865  
File: 1210875843200.jpg -(64126 B, 321x533) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This thread now serves the dual purpose of Fuuka cheesecake.

Dammit, knock before you enter a lady's room!

>> No.124868  
File: 1210878612795.jpg -(88458 B, 500x675) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Alright, stop.


>> No.124869  
File: 1210878723636.png -(17901 B, 350x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.124870  
File: 1210878816924.jpg -(280090 B, 975x1101) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Obligatory shot from Pretty Neighbor.

>> No.124872  

Dan Koiwai?

>> No.124874  

You know, I think Fuuka might get cuter the more she's wearing.

Quick! Somebody draw her in a parka! (standing next to something covered in vc:rime)

>> No.124875  
File: 1210881988140.jpg -(89187 B, 398x863) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is the closest I got.

>> No.124876  


>You know, I think Fuuka might get cuter the more she's wearing.
>Quick! Somebody draw her in a burka!
>> No.124885  

Somebody draw her encased in cement!

>> No.124893  

... That would be incredibly hot.

>> No.124894  
>You know, I think Fuuka might get cuter the more she's wearing.

I actually agree.

Although this NSFW was relevant to interests:

>> No.124898  
File: 1210916049062.jpg -(23803 B, 271x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here's one of the most-clothed pictures of her that I have.

>> No.124903  
File: 1210923251538.png -(15632 B, 532x623) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I will never understand some fetishes.

But here ya go.

>> No.124904  

And I also agree with the "more clothes" statement. That's one reason I find her one of the cutest ladies in the manga, because she doesn't need to show off a lot of skin or get all dolled up to be attractive. I'm a huge sucker for cute modest girls. (And Fuuka definitely counts with her lazy haircut and caterpillar eyebrows and fat legs.)

>> No.124958  

Cool. Hey SD! Can you draw me a lamb?

>> No.124962  

fap fap fap fap fap

>> No.124971  
File: 1211002780150.jpg -(364794 B, 823x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Ayase Fuuka&school life

>> No.124987  
File: 1211014311734.jpg -(72175 B, 600x872) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I appreciated the way her skirt clung lovingly to her (fat) thighs in her first appearance.

>> No.125002  
File: 1211026815196.jpg -(28666 B, 671x362) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh god, what am I contributing to?

>> No.125009  
File: 1211030271333.jpg -(305817 B, 823x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.125010  

Asagi's gonna be pissed that someone's been in her toybox.

>> No.125013  

You were supposed to draw a box.

>> No.125022  

Must be a regional thing, because I do not see how "lamb" equates to "box."

>> No.125037  
File: 1211052898397.jpg -(44610 B, 556x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.125060  

What does the Little Prince have to do with anything?

>> No.125063  

you fail

>> No.125065  

Well, >>124958 didn't ask for a boa with an elephant inside.

>> No.125066  

Wasn't it a hat?

>> No.125068  

I'm not even going to try to wonder what's going on anymore.

>> No.125070  

Read The Little Prince. It all will be clear.

>> No.125072  

Oh, it was in the book? I only ever saw the TV series.

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