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File: 1211998187014.gif -(6652 B, 100x100) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
6652 No.125982  

we need more games on /azu/ so here's one

which character are u? pretty much just find a character with the same personality

i would be osaka

  1. i am a bit slow and enjoys daydreaming
  2. always tired, but happy
  3. has a hidden energetic and psychotic side.
  4. has no athletic abilities what so ever.

so who are u?

>> No.125983  
File: 1212001076759.png -(277771 B, 419x598) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Closest match would probably be Torako.

  1. I'm not all that talkative around people I don't know.
  2. I'm bad with kids
  3. I drive a vehicle that doesn't technically belong to me.
  4. My bike is broken.
  5. I'm into photography.
  6. Also people seem to think I'm cool for reasons I will never fully understand.

I don't smoke, though.

There's probably a little touch of Osaka in there too, as I love a good knife. (I just got a new one today... takes away the sting of having fallen down the stairs last night.)

>> No.125994  
File: 1212009061231.png -(170023 B, 660x495) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm Yukari!

1) I'm a bit of a smart-ass
2) I got long hair that I never tie back (dreadlocks)
3) I drink, and hog all the meat at buffets....
4) Don't matter if your my friend or not, i don't care...
5) When i8 first started college, I always get my class rooms mixed up....
6) I love sea food...
7) I pick on little kids at work...
8) I have a xbox and a 360....
9) I've been in 3 accidents in the passed 2 years with my Buick....
10) Also have a bad case of "lead foot"....
11) I love swimming pools...
12) And yes, if you hit me (even if it IS/WAS a accident... I'm beat you til you can't grow no more....

>> No.125995  

credit loaners must love you

>> No.125996  
File: 1212013865251.jpg -(8628 B, 188x285) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm tadakichi-san

  1. i'm tall(201cm) and big
  2. mostly i don't talk at all
  3. i'm flegmatic
  4. i had fleas once
  5. i dream about beging hugged and petted by Sakaki
>> No.126023  
File: 1212037463040.jpg -(50203 B, 718x482) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

-Likes to read.
-Poor eyesight.
-Loves hot and spicy food.
-A little overweight. No one else cares.
-Was a very good student, but some prodigy got better grades than him in almost every class.
-Calmly takes a lot of crap from all the idiots around him, until he finally snaps and starts (verification) bawshing some heads.

>> No.126168  
File: 1212160709169.png -(29878 B, 150x132) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

i would have to be kamineko

  1. i hate people touching me
  2. sorta mean
  3. i like to bite
>> No.126191  

Someone once told me I'm something between Sakaki and Osaka.

>> No.126207  
File: 1212191614011.jpg -(8301 B, 235x205) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm Kimura sensei.

-I am constantly aroused.
-I think 13-17 is the best age for girls.
-I am married to a woman who's beautiful appearance and heartwarming personality are disproportionate to my creepy appearance and eccentric personality.
-I have an old-timey fashion sense when I go swimming.

>> No.126210  
File: 1212191915015.jpg -(65119 B, 600x448) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.126211  


I don't think you're married. Enjoy your body pillow.

>> No.126215  
File: 1212192307573.jpg -(81612 B, 292x302) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.126387  
File: 1212377881488.gif -(101019 B, 150x103) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

If you met me, you would understand

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