Where can I find the Yotsubato Manga Scans?
Nowhere. They aren't available anywhere on the internet.Or they're at http://4chan.biz, either answer is equally valid except for one being true and the other being a blatant lie.
Nowhere. They aren't available anywhere on the internet.
Or they're at http://4chan.biz, either answer is equally valid except for one being true and the other being a blatant lie.
>AZUMANGA ONLINE SOONDid anyone else notice that on .biz? What's that about?
Did anyone else notice that on .biz? What's that about?
>>126171I think it's about having the scans of Azumanga up soon.
>>126171 It's an ad for the upcoming Azumanga Daioh MMORPG.
>>126179Classes include:BonkuraLesbianCatI'm waiting for the Yotsuba expansion so I can play as an awkwardly hot teenager.
>>126179Classes include:BonkuraLesbianCat
I'm waiting for the Yotsuba expansion so I can play as an awkwardly hot teenager.