I defecated masonry. That anti-bird eye is NOTHING compared to that...
/azu/ + /touhou/ = ?
Take it easy, Yotsuba!The status vc: quo will never be restored now.
Take it easy, Yotsuba!
The status vc: quo will never be restored now.
Since we're doing this...Not mine, found at http://unowen.net/wtfr/index.htm
>>126376hahaha Tomo as Cirno thats is fitting on so many levels.
>>126494Indeed. Yukari as Yukari, of course... But I think Yomi would fit her better in personality. Calm, collected, and kinda mean. Likes to pull nasty pranks on people, even though you wouldn't suspect it.Kagura as Marisa is quite a long shot, they have nothing in common.
>126501Both sleeps all day and nobody can stop them ffrom doing whatever they wants.
Both sleeps all day and nobody can stop them ffrom doing whatever they wants.
So how about that Phantasmagoria of Flower View