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File: 1213024976330.jpg -(51728 B, 512x384) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
51728 No.127016  


A waste of 56 dollars.....

>> No.127017  

That's why I just watch 'em with the subtitles.

>> No.127018  


I saw it and thought I was getting a steal!

Oh my god thw voice for Osaka need to die for this sin she commited

>> No.127019  

...and they used the name "Clinton" in my /azu/-dubs......

I believe my death should be quick and painful...

>> No.127021  

I liked the dub. It's not perfect but at the time when it was first released I was a bit impressed overall.

>> No.127022  

what was I thinking.....?

I mean, Azu-eng, was weird and funny. I just thought that i was seeing poor work....

But i enjoy the show, because of my time watching the original japanese voices....

I like to thank Mr. Azuzama for his hard work, and thoughts into such a wonderful peice of work.....

I learned if I loved something that was part of my life. I enjoyed my garduation at University of Southern Indiana.....

Now, with my job at Barry Plastics as a foreman, I... thank that Azumanga was a place in my life.....

But, in the end... weather, it's it's Azumanga the anime or /azu/ the image board, i just want to enjoy the show and the moments we enjoyed as a student and a person.....

And Koyomi, good job. it always the late ones that are most importnat.... to us....

>> No.127023  


I'm sorry.. i was wrong, it was great....

I was just too quick to judge based on my thoughts on the subbed version

>> No.127035  

Japanese Humor = Japanese Language

Makes sense, doesn't it?

(Also, pic needs more Azu)

>> No.127036  


meh, i got use to it after the 4th ep, now i cant picture her with out the cheap southern accent

>> No.127038  

the dub studio was in Houston so I thought it was authentique

>> No.127039  

Well, Kira Vincent Davis doesn't talk like that 24/7, so at most she learned it from authentic speakers.

>> No.127041  

People nerdrage about it, but I think that Osaka with a southern accent is kind of cute.

Or maybe it's just because my childhood and cultural upbringing have left me with a residual shame/hate of the south, which gives me a fetishistic desire to rape and ravage gentle southern belle type characters?

>> No.127049  

I was made a fan by seeing the dub first, which I thought was good. Then I heard the original voices, and thought they were even better, so I guess I'm lucky I was able to enjoy Azumanga Daioh two different ways.

>> No.127050  

I prefer the English dub, Osaka sounds like a retard in the Japanese one.

Thats just my opinion.

>> No.127052  

I think that's kind of the point, though.

What I didn't like about her English dub was that it sounded to me too much like they were deliberately trying to sound all spacey but just came off sounding really fake. Of course mileage is variable, etc.

Osaka was nothing compared to Yomi's English voice though. Holy crap I did not like Yomi's English voice, especially after the original moonspeak dub.

>> No.127054  

the dub is survivable, but i can't shake off the feeling that all american girls simply sounds the same

>> No.127055  

I think anime dubs are probably the absolute last place you'd want to get your opinions on the voices of American girls from.

>> No.127056  

The only problem with Tex-Osaka's voice was that it was way too sexy for the character. Osaka is not supposed to make you hard each time she speaks.

>> No.127057  

She's not?

>> No.127063  


I more or less entirely disagree with this.


This, however, I can see, but only because Rei Tanaka is <3.

>> No.127065  

Squeeky Japanese voices aren't really my thing. I prefer the English version.

>> No.127068  

The only voices that matter in the dub are those of Tomo and Yukari

They are absolutely perfect

Other than that the others (especially Kaorin's voice) should be quickly forgotten

>> No.127069  
File: 1213070218327.jpg -(27875 B, 500x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.



>> No.127070  

Yeah, it totally sounds like an authentic Kansai accent.

>> No.127076  


Is that her seiyuu?

>> No.127078  


She sounds adorable in Japanese.

>> No.127081  

i use to hate the dub, but like i said before by the 4th ep i loved the voices.

i can care less dubs or subs, anime is anime

>> No.127083  

Meh. They both work. They have their faults.

>> No.127084  

I haven't listened to the english dub, because I can't imagine they could possibly match the perfection of the japanese dub so what's the point.

But they made Osaka southern? Wouldn't sort of a brooklyn accent have made more sense? Or not?

>> No.127085  

I always lol'd at "Suck-cocky" in the the dub.

>> No.127091  

Someone in an earlier thread mentioned that the difference between a kansai accent and a Tokyo one are as stark as those between an American accent and an English one. Thus, they were implying that Osaka with an English accent would have been fitting. All I can say is that it sounds cute. Then again, an English accent wouldn't have fit the more "laid back" perception of the kansai accent.

As for dubs vs subs, I always watch subs just because they are the originals. I want to hear the voices of the voice actors cast by the creators.

>> No.127093  
File: 1213109737689.jpg -(10111 B, 154x228) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Is that her seiyuu?

This is Yuu Asagawa.

There are very few pics of her on the net so apologies for the overall crapness of the pic. Unfortunately, she doesn't cosplay as her characters like Rie Tanaka does...

>> No.127100  


>The English dub of the anime, which was done later, gives her the Southern United States accent from around ADV Films' headquarters in Houston, Texas, "which shares the business-oriented attitude with Osaka as well as the country image that color both the Southern and Osaka accents."
>> No.127102  
File: 1213114154925.jpg -(25813 B, 712x481) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>A waste of 56 dollars.....
>>I saw it and thought I was getting a steal!

Just now it took me about thirty seconds to find a set for less than half that. (Factoring in time for typing and page loading.)

>> No.127104  

I liked Osaka's japanese voice, but would've preferred a Canadian accent in the dub (dunno, that's just how I imagined reading the manga).

>> No.127108  
File: 1213118155054.jpg -(54584 B, 718x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

We totally don't have accents.

>> No.127110  

reminds me the "sa-cure-ah" days

I prefer the original dubs with subs just cuz they're the original. I don't claim to know what's good acting or sounds like the character should sound like because I'm not familiar with the way they talk or should talk in Japanese
how daytime/news show people talk very different in speech and tone compared to anime series shows that I don't know jack

>> No.127115  


It took me a moment to get that, but ^_^

>> No.127116  

Är det bara jag som tycker att Osaka skulle prata en riktigt "go Göttebosska" om hon talade svenska? En stad väster om huvudstaden, som är känt för sin underliga och rätt trista humor

>> No.127117  

Only on Tuesdays.

>> No.127118  

Rat trista humor indeed.

>> No.127129  

En inte helt otillfredsställande teori.

>> No.127132  

The only voice I didn't like was Kaorin's. I'm generally a dub kind of person. I think that's because reading bright yellow subtitles at Youtube or Veoh quality is hell on my eyes.

>> No.127165  

DVD subtitles suck. The US anime localisers need to do something about this, because currently the pirated stuff is better than the legit DVDs*: pirated AVIs have embedded softsubs (OCRed off the DVDs), which can be rendered in above-DVD resolution on your HDTV. (And rendered in a colour of the viewer's choosing, and anti-aliased to give nice smooth curves (DVD can't do this, because DVD has only got four colours to play with) ).

By comparison, the proper DVD subtitles look like ass.

Now, here's a dangerous suggestion: most anime DVDs have an assload of wasted space, seeing as they have as few episodes per disk as the localisers can get away with. So, how about not being cheap-asses, and shipping the stuff on DVD9s instead of DVD5s, and using the extra space for some well-rendered hardsubs?

* (it's also been argued that the fansubbed Azumanga has better subtitles. It certainly has more legible subtitles, because (being the primary (and, in fact, only) version) they've actually been tested against a live audience, and don't do any of the dumb things DVD ones do, like having characters' lines move around the screen (RODTV), or change colour depending on how many people are talking (Excel Saga). They also don't do the 'pronouns to names' or 'honourifics sometimes' things that ADV's translation department are so fond of, so there's no confusing moments when the voice says something different to the subtitles.

>> No.127166  
File: 1213159847038.jpg -(87879 B, 600x331) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

BTW, it's "DVDs", not "DVD's", unless you're talking about something belonging to a DVD.

ex: "The DVD's subtitles are really crappy".

>> No.127168  

You're lucky I'm not a huggy kind of guy.

>> No.127169  

Tell that to anyone who spells decades with an apostrophe (80's, 90's, etc.)

>> No.127171  

Or rather UNlucky, methinks.

>> No.127176  

Okay fine, I'll make one exception.

Wait, that's just my computer screen.

>> No.127178  

I agree that fan subtitles are sometimes better looking (not necessarily better translated) than the official releases. I noticed it on Gunbuster 2, for instance.

>> No.127181  
File: 1213174706169.jpg -(43490 B, 400x523) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.127193  

Then why is it improper to use it's when referring to what belongs to it?

>> No.127194  

Because it just is.

Don't question, or they'll send Boba vc:Fett after you.

>> No.127196  

Because "it" is a personal pronoun.


>> No.127198  

I just did, didn't I?

>> No.127199  

For the same reason as it's wrong to use hi's when referring to what belongs to him.

>> No.127210  

>>127019 ...and they used the name "Clinton" in my /azu/-dubs......

Isn't it great? A reference to American politics in a Japanese high school. A reference to Clinton! Turning a poor Jap cartoon into a truly timeless masterpiece of American culture!

Brought to you by the magicians of ADV. Improving your anime experience since 1894.

It's these horrifying news that ocassionally reach me from the far-away island of Dubland that convince me to never spend my holidays there.

May the ADV staff all lose their jobs and may their words be twisted into inside jokes about Slovakian infrastructure policy whenever they try to apply for a new one.

>> No.127213  

you don't think chiyo-dad looks like Bill Clinton?

>> No.127214  

What if Chiyo-chan gets a job interning for Clinton in America? "Ahm just gonna hold onto these pigtails, honey..."

>> No.127218  

Stop. Just stop.

>> No.127227  

That's what she said.

>> No.127229  
File: 1213231430451.jpg -(33636 B, 261x205) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.127230  

Why would you want to spend a holiday at ADV?

>> No.127233  

I think of a few reasons...

>> No.127236  


Now I am a dub fan.

>>http://stars.ign.com/articles/709/709159p1.html WANT
>>http://stars.ign.com/articles/710/710043p1.html Sort of want.
>>http://stars.ign.com/articles/712/712821p1.html DO NOT WANT
>> No.127251  


Did ADV change business from selling bad dubs to selling ugly whores?

>> No.127252  

All of them look way too high-maintenance. Of course they're also all tarted up like cheap call girls, which may have something to do with it.

Well they don't seem to be making enough off their dubs and manga to keep from going belly up, so I suppose it makes sense that they'd try other avenues.

>> No.127280  

When exactly did IGN branch out from venal game reviews to weird showbiz articles and a mini-site full of anime 'features' that read like someone's dad trying desperately to look 'with-it'*?

* For example, here's a synopsis for Lain written by someone who's never watched it ( http://uk.dvd.ign.com/objects/841/841322.html ), and check out how their #4 most popular anime doesn't exist, and may not ever ( http://uk.anime.ign.com/objects/142/14223979.html ).

>> No.127281  

You know you've got a well-designed website when people have to look around the page for a good forty-five seconds before they find the actual content.

The one sentence of content.

>> No.127283  

I hope this isn't respective to their abilities as voiceover artists, because if they are then you are wrong, wrong, wrong

>> No.127285  

Dub voiceovers should be seen and not heard?

>> No.127287  


you do know that many anime fans have been created by ADV dubs. and that ADV is people too

Also not many people would get the reference in the subtitled version just like they mentioned Mia Hamm when referring to soccer. Pardon me for not recognizing top female soccer stars that are an ocean away

and horrifying is really too strong a word for something that can be changed by a simple click of the remote it's guys like you that keep anime down STFU it's not that important Especially since you'd bash it no matter what the dub sounded like.

>> No.127289  
File: 1213300574110.jpg -(33419 B, 704x528) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I assume we're referring to the 'yukichi-san yaaaa' bit?

Having not watched the dub, I'm just guessing. And am probably wrong, seeing as Clinton wasn't ever on a note. They probably had her say something like 'I'm Ben Franklin, y'all'.

>> No.127291  
File: 1213301462786.jpg -(59314 B, 703x476) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The dub has now mutated in my mind to such an extent that everyone has Eddie Izzard's 'Robin Hood' voice.


>> No.127301  
File: 1213306483533.jpg -(29480 B, 704x528) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The yukichi-san scene really deepened my understanding of global economy.

>> No.127302  

Search: "10,000-yen note".

>> No.127476  

>>127287 "you do know that many anime fans have been created by ADV dubs"

And many fans of universal health care have been created by an AIDS infection.

>> "and that ADV is people too"

You mean, just like Soylent Green?

>> No.127514  


Screw you, Nadesico and Excel Saga were awesome.

>> No.127517  


Now that's uncalled for.

Spike Spencer was a great Shinji.

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