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File: 1116805486019.jpg -(761585 B, 3168x936) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
761585 No.2594  

Because they are grayt

>> No.2595  
File: 1116805521655.jpg -(790740 B, 3154x1008) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2596  
File: 1116805546918.jpg -(565899 B, 2592x1008) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2597  
File: 1116805589479.jpg -(660140 B, 2592x936) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2599  
File: 1116805703707.jpg -(898935 B, 4177x1008) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.2600  
File: 1116805768536.jpg -(1006767 B, 4177x951) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2602  
File: 1116805899657.jpg -(891737 B, 3384x936) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2603  
File: 1116805959225.jpg -(485269 B, 1728x1008) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2604  
File: 1116806029976.jpg -(231784 B, 792x1008) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

If there's more, please post!

>> No.2605  
File: 1116806142226.jpg -(80944 B, 800x339) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

no problem

>> No.2610  

I know this is a stretch, but if there's any way to split each of these into an individual image (Or point me at a place that has already done so) in a size decent enough for a desktop background, I would be much appreciative.

If not, I will die a happy man if the third Osaka from the left could be done in such a manner.

(Why the hell didn't they give her a scene with that look in the anime? O_O)

>> No.2611  

Write another chapter of "Socks" and I'll crop it for you. Osaka is big enough not to need any vectoring for a 1024x768.

Vectoring seems challenging though...

>> No.2631  


Are you Pete Z.? o_O

I'm working on Tomo's chapter, but since I just got my Treo, it's hard to focus on writing when I'm trying to chase down a Tori no Uta MIDI to upload as a ringtone...

But for a cropping of that image, I'll drill through Mount Everest. I'll get right on it tomorrow. ^_^

Oh, any requests for who comes after Tomo? I was thinking that in honor of Osaka's hotness in that banner, she'd come next.

>> No.2634  


>> No.2637  

I'm glad there's someone else who appreciates that manga Osaka is SEXY. Yes, she's cute (and there's no shortage of people who recognize that), but she's also fucking hot.

>> No.2639  
File: 1117075111835.jpg -(50869 B, 380x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.2640  

Is it so wrong to be in love?

>> No.2642  
File: 1117100359882.png -(576811 B, 1280x1024) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

OK, here's a 1280x1024. No vectoring - I have no idea how, sorry. I did not crop the Finnish manga, but rescanned from Japanese manga instead. This gives a good resolution (remember - I'm unable to vector), and also I more or less got rid of the annoying checkering on the Osaka's left elbow. Original is shaded with parallel strokes and the checkering (cross-hatch pattern) is an artefact of digital resizing. The donwside is how the strip on the other side of paper shows throw, it looks like lint on scan. I cleaned it mostly, but not all of it. Well, enjoy...

If anyone wants to take this further, be my guest. The picture belongs to Mr. Azuma anyway.

>> No.2643  
File: 1117101681728.png -(242753 B, 492x776) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is how the raw scan looks. You can see the damn lint on it (which is not a lint, but a see-through).

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