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File: 1150063473634.jpg -(221929 B, 959x742) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
221929 No.26794  

...those "futaba niji-ura users"
turned ayase-family into
evil & mean family...

(this one is easy to translate, but...)

>> No.26800  

(fawn) Must... discern... Japanese!

>> No.26804  
File: 1150070954629.jpg -(615483 B, 1005x761) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Kanji - readings = killin' me...

But speaking of sata andagi, I just made some (recipe from that other thread) this afternoon and it was awesome. Sure spoiled my apatite for dinner though. xD

>> No.26805  


Mine were too greasy and made me ill to my stomach. Yours don't look greasy though. How'd you do that?

>> No.26806  
File: 1150072645588.jpg -(577844 B, 1005x761) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Well, I followed the recipe except I halved it and didn't use a skillet/frying pan to cook them in (see pic).

The batter was incredibly sticky so it was hard to make it into balls...most of mine started out looking like turds, but as they cooked they rounded out pretty well.

>> No.26810  


I used a sauce-pan half full of olive oil, but the bread retained too much oil after I took them out. Even after letting them sit on paper towels for a few hours, they were still oily. Mine also looked like turds (or other weird shapes) because I didn't have a nifty baller like you do. I just had a spoon.

Baking the leftover batter in the oven returned some tasty results though.

>> No.26811  

I just had a spoon, too. But I figured out a trick to it... Since the batter is so sticky and sticks to the spoon (making it really hard to get the whole scoop off without turning it into funnel cake) I cleaned the spoon off, then dipped the spoon in the oil, scooped some batter, and tossed it in before it had time to stick to the spoon. That worked just as well as using a small balling tool (I tried both) though it is a bit slower. They came out weird shapes either way. I had one that looked like an octopus and one that was the spittin' image of a Bomb from Finaly Fantasy VIII.

This was my first time making it and I don't cook that often, but maybe your oil issues were from the temperature being too low? If it was, they wouldn't cook fast enough and might soak up too much oil because of that. I mean, I'm assuming you had it at the right temp, or close, though. Just a thought.

>> No.26812  


Good point, I have no idea what my oil temperature was. I just set the burner to about medium and fried them. They took several minute each to fry completely though, plus I had to flip them halfway through. I may try this again sometime, only next time I'll 1/4 the recipe (because half was still way too much batter)

>> No.26813  

I wanna make some sata andagi. It looks tastimish.

Meanwhile, that Japanese isn't getting more Anglican. (waits)

>> No.26818  

Here's my attempt at it...

Fuuka: Hawaii is on/to the right.

Asagi: Huh?

Asagi: What about "left" and "right?"

Ena: Hey, do you have a souvinere for Yotsuba? (Then something like "She will probably come over today" but there's something else there--"zuuzuushiku" that I'm not sure about...JDIC says "(adj) impudent; shameless," which she is, but I dunno how to work it in here.)

Asagi: Huh. Ahh...

Asagi: I'll give her two or three of these. And then (kanji I don't know) (something about minutes)

Ena: She might get mad... (motto mukureru (to become more angry) Dunno if she's talking about Y. or talking to Asagi motto mukureru (to become more angry)

Fuuka: That brat has no shame. (Or something like that)

(?? enryo is written here in katakana and I can't guess at its meaning if it's an English word, but "enryo"--the Japanese word--I think mean reservation or restraint)

Mom: (Something like "Her father sure isn't raising her very well" or maybe "With a parent like that, it's no surprise" is my guess. The words are (parent) (upbringing) ("become" or "bear fruit") ("doesn't have" or "is not there")

Yotsuba: Good afternoon!

Ena: See, she's here.

Asagi: Here you go.

Yotsuba: Ooooh!

>> No.26822  

>>26818 Ah... They are unforgiving and harsh.

>> No.26859  

Also speaking of the Sata Andagi, I didn't have vanilla on hand, so instead I used coconut extract. The insides were green :O

>> No.26932  


Were your SATA Andagi 'fry-matted' in FAT32?!

...I'll get my coat.

vc - devune (but I bet the end result tasted 'Devune'!)

>> No.26937  

Don't be silly

Who still uses FAT32 these days

(I know there are those out there who insist so don't answer that question)

>> No.26942  


slowly raises hand


>> No.26946  

Who are those "futaba niji-ura users", anyway?

>> No.26992  

All Anonymoes I hear

>> No.26999  


>> No.27003  

I hope you never get a power failure - losing data is not fun>>26942

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