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File: 1178080158008.jpg -(28669 B, 332x396) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
28669 No.87016  

Yotsuba prays for the slow, painful death of all pedophiles.

>> No.87019  
File: 1178080939608.jpg -(42607 B, 200x147) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thus spake the oracle:

Outlook not so good

>> No.87021  

looks like a freakin' zoombini

>> No.87033  
File: 1178092027197.jpg -(35879 B, 442x692) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

direct action!

>> No.87038  

But . . . We Love you Yotsuba! Why?

>> No.87043  


Ironically enough, the fact that you love her is why. Most of the rest of us settle for passive, remote adoration of her.

>> No.87045  


Yotsuba is the playful, sprite-like Goddess of Moe, which is why we adore her.

>> No.87048  
File: 1178107703032.jpg -(90886 B, 469x787) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Everyone equates Pedophilia with Brutal forced sex full of blood, screaming and irreversible trauma. Not all of us are like that.

>> No.87052  

qft thread. it hasn't even been a goddamn week!

>> No.87053  


But all of you ARE taking advantage of weaker, receptive, innocent children exploiting and corrupting them for your own perverted sexual perceptions.

date grown women, you perverts.

>> No.87056  

oh yeah? Well YOUR FACE!

>> No.87057  


Don't save a prayer for me now,
Save it for the morning after,
No, don't say a prayer for me now,
Save it til the morning after.

>> No.87058  
File: 1178110987630.jpg -(52910 B, 580x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Exactly. Females above the legal age of consent (16 in the UK) are SUPERIOR.

And I prefer 'em at Asagi's age. :9

Personally, I just don't get this whole Lolicon thing. And as for Paedophilia, you simply DON'T understand it - you just have to CONDEMN it. Period.

>> No.87060  


How would you know? You're basing that statement on only the most sensationalized accounts of who pedophiles are and what they do. I know that there are those with pedophilia complexes that do victimize children: However, people are still individuals and each one will act differently no matter what label they fall under.
For me, it's just admitting to myself that I find children attractive and that they also have they're own sexual drives. To claim that I'm out to victimize someone based on that alone is comparable to asserting that all Men are potential Rapists.

>> No.87086  


enjoy your prison rape.

>> No.87090  

Pedophilia is a mental disease. In a developed society it only brings pain, whereever it goes - to the ones suffering from it, and to the exploited children. Whether they are "child models" or rape victims.

Tend to your illness in silence.

>> No.87091  
File: 1178119966257.png -(25772 B, 500x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.87092  

I'm not a pedophile, but I understand them.
Real Vladimir Navokob's "Lolita", you bunch of ignorants.

>> No.87096  
File: 1178123446244.jpg -(24318 B, 717x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Further engagement in morality and politics of sexual orientation and preference in this thread, as well as in any other, will pose imminent danger of sudden, inexplicable death to all parties included.
Thus spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.87101  

As do I

True dat. Second.

>> No.87117  

Who the hell ever tried to do that? The position most lolicon/pedophiles take is that it's okay as long as they never act on it. I think that's the argument trying to be made here.

>> No.87121  

Chooo Chooo all aboard the fail train!

sage this

>> No.87122  

No doubt human sexuality doesn't start at 18, or even at 14 or 10. And no doubt adults have desires and attractions they didn't necessarily ask for. But neither one of those are the point. The point is the adult who thinks that makes it OK to find an underage kid to fulfill their desires with is thinking like a creep, trying to take advantage of an innocence (meaning lack of experience) they find attractive. It's true that this happens among adults, too, for example with two adults with big differences in age or sophistication. But the differences between an adult and a child are much greater, it's just common sense. People fantasize about all kinds of bad things, but the thing is to realize they're bad. Starting to rationalize about why they may actually be good means you need to take another look at your sense of right and wrong. If you want people to have empathy for you as a human being, don't forfeit your empathy for others by taking advantage of them. That isn't worthy of respect or understanding.

>> No.87125  
File: 1178135265324.png -(25340 B, 500x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Not all pedos harm kids, dammit. What pisses me off more about pedophobes is that they not only don't understand pedophilia, they REFUSE to understand it.

This is coming from a pedo sympathizer.

>> No.87128  


What, in your opinion, should they understand about it?

>> No.87133  

>>87128 see >>87117
As distasteful as some may find it, people should learn to accept that some people are aroused by minors, and as long as no one touches anyone else inappropriately, they should just learn to deal with it.

Some people are aroused by guro, I think it's sick, but as long as they're not slaughtering people in order to get off, they can be aroused by whatever the hell they want.

>> No.87134  

What the fuck is there to understand? You have some socially unacceptable urges, and you just won't fucking shut up about them like anyone with a functioning sense of self preservation would.
Also, while I'm sure some of you assholes get off on real children, a lot of you have just jerked off to some lolimanga, which is, though pretty creepy, hardly even on the same level. I don't know why you're so intent to throw down with people who want to fuck real children.

>> No.87142  


Enjoy your prison rape.

>> No.87150  


Ahh yes, just set up a Straw-man and continue to assert that the other party is wrong instead of making any realistic, valid points. Oh well, I guess that that's just the norm for such emotionally charged discussions as these.

>> No.87152  


>>Disregard that, I suck cocks.


And i'm not a pedo myself you fuckwits. I know a person is one, and his life is being made miserable by ignorant, feeble-minded people like you.

Anyway, pedophobia is on the same level as homophobia IMO.

>> No.87162  

It's your friend's own goddamn fault if he's letting people know that he has urges towards one of the most deeply-seated human taboos.
It's nothing like homophobia, because homosexuality is not socially dangerous; homosexual intercourse is a union of two people who fully understand the actions and the repercussions of those actions. As far as pedophilia is concerned, even if pedos have no intention to act on their desires, making their inclination basically morally neutral (unless they're picking up kiddie porn), you are essentially telling people "I have fantasies involving an abhorrent crime, and those fantasies are an integral part of my persona".

>> No.87165  


>> No.87173  


Actually, Incest is arguably the most deeply seated Human Taboo; since there are not just cultural norms against it but Biological safe-guards ingrained in the Human Genetic makeup to avoid incest. Most likely due to the potential Dangers of Genetic drift. That being stated; Pedophilia has only become a Social-taboo in recent history. Victorian Ladies were wed as young as their early teens, while further back in the Past: Greek Society flourished in spite of a rampant, and sanctified tradition of Pederasty.
Pedophilia isn't stigmatized because it is genuinely harmful (allow me to point out once again that there is a difference between Pedophilia and sexual assault). The stigma of all those with pedophile desires being arboreal Monsters has been perpetuated by those who wish to control the Social Norms dictating Sexual behavior and identity. It's no accident that those who are anti-homosexual rights try to draw a link between Homosexuality and Pedophilia.

>> No.87174  


I know a woman who encountered a member of this oppressed minority as a child. She still has occasional flashbacks and is under medication.

>> No.87175  


I always thought you were scum Iamthecheese. Now I have no doubt about it whatsoever.

>> No.87176  


I'm not sure that's such a good argument. Slavery, another form of human exploitation, also existed in ancient Greece and as recently as the Victorian era (in the U.S., not in England). That doesn't mean its abolition today represents no more than a societal taboo.

>> No.87177  


They like to draw the link because it is something almost every can agree is horrid.

Also, there is a difference between attraction to an adolescent and attraction to a prepubescent. I'm no expert on Greek pederasty or Victorian marriage customs, but I seem to recall both dealt mainly with adolescents.

>> No.87181  

Oh I feel so sorry for you... I mean, "your friend" because he thinks of fucking children. Also, homophobia and "pedophobia" on the same level? Please. One involves two consenting adults where the other is an adult with a power fantasy subjecting a child to it. Guess which one's which, you sick fuck.

>> No.87182  


Sad, however, once again; there is a difference between a Pedophile and a child rapist: There are also many Men who commit Sexual Crimes against Adult Women. Yet common sense dictates that not all Men are potential Rapists. Unfortunately, the Media has done a great job of firmly linking the concept of Pedophilia with Psychological Manipulation, Grotesque Sexual Assaults, Rape, Murder and just about any other horrendous behavior you can name.


Slavery is inherently a Violent act and produced many ill-effects, both in it's time and repercussions still being dealt with by American Society. Pedophilia has a much better track record: Both during the Victorian era and in Ancient Mediterranean Civilization.

>> No.87183  

lawl trying to convince people that pedophiles are okay is like trying to teach spiders how to solve quadratic equations, or teach a IDer what evolution is.

>> No.87189  


How exactly did this fine track record manifest? And weren't these people essentially adolescents rather than children?

>> No.87190  


>> No.87192  

adolesence can start anywhere between nine and sixteen

>> No.87195  

>>87189 Specifically, no long-standing harm was done to their respective societies. On top of that, Mediterranean civilization was a major civilizing force in Ancient World.
Finally, arguing that this behavior was only directed at individuals who where adolescents (It wasn't), is semantics. In America at least, the age of consent is set at 16 in only the most lenient of Jurisdictions. If anyone dares go under that, they will still be arrested for Statutory Rape if caught and the same social stigma of an Immoral Monster will be eagerly applied.

>> No.87196  


Who are you, Benjamin Franklin? What's with these random 18th century captializations?

The reason I kind of have some sympathy for this thread is that I sense a certain mental hypocrisy in myself for being an adult but casually making sexual remarks about the Azu characters, who (except for Chiyo) are presumably as young as fifteen at the start of the series. On the other hand, I wouldn't go around trying to say "this should be OK in real life" with 15 year olds, still less with 10 year olds. It's people who think that way who creep me out (people who say burn them, torture them, kill them also creep me out, but in a different way...). To me, it's simple--keep your creepy thoughts out of RL.

vc: that is, real lefe

>> No.87202  


What kind of harm did slavery, xenophobia and the oppression of women cause ancient Greco-Roman society? They seemed to do pretty well. Or aren't these things harmful either? I don't think that's a very good criterion.

Also, getting women to churn out children is pretty smart when child mortality and overall mortality rates are high. It doesn't mean it's necessarily good for the women.

I mention adolescence simply because pedophilia is defined as sexual attraction to prepubescent or peripubescent children.

>> No.87209  

A bunch of people trying vainly to show that there actually is some sanity on this board and not just a bunch of self-justifying perverts is trolling? Fuck you.

>> No.87210  


>>I mention adolescence simply because pedophilia is defined as sexual attraction to prepubescent or peripubescent children.

not anymore youre (its) not.

>> No.87214  


Well, I believe that's the medical definition. It's easier to go by it than various laws. But please do reply to my actual points.

>> No.87216  

I said it before. I'll say it again in a different way.

Could you give at least... oh, I don't know... a month? One month. Thirty-one calendar days. No, not twenty-eight; kiss my ass.

I demand one month of /azu/ without a mention of the word pedophile or a variant / synonym / allusion thereof. The irritating threads that train behind that word have immeasurably exceeded my tolerance.

I'd rather see this channel dead than put up with this nonsense for one more thread. I ask for a month because I know that's way beyond your range and it's an impossible goal. But I may as well start big.

Go somewhere else and stop trashing this board with this.

>> No.87217  
File: 1178155033962.jpg -(54742 B, 478x334) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

And I'd rather be sane than some sexual deviant, jumping through logical hoops to justify why the gross imbalance of power and abuse of trust that pedophiliac sexual activity entails is A-OK.

>> No.87219  

If people would stop posting about how much they want to fuck little girls then, aside from the occasional shit-disturbing straggler walking in, you would not ever have to hear those words on here again.

>> No.87220  


while being a lolicon and(very) slight pedophile myself i wouldnt have anything positive to say in pedophile defense other than the mass majority dont rape people, just like the majority of men dont rape people. in otherwords your full of shit.

however the pedophile threat is medias smoke and mirriors, everything from parents to peers to stupid tv comercials fuck their minds with 10 inches of brainwashing dick.

>> No.87221  

incase this whole thread started with an OP, go read it and come back and tell us that pedophiles started this thread.

granted there have been a number of threads started before by idiot pedophiles before, dosent change the fact that you are no better at keeping your can shut than them

>> No.87223  

and while im tripple posting this entire thread should be deleted for sucking, this includes every post, even mine.

this post is not shit, you can help by deleting the damn thread.

>> No.87228  
File: 1178157491130.jpg -(14998 B, 300x240) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Just to clarify things.

I thought the same way as the OP this time last year. It wasn't until I started posting on 4chan that I accepted pedophiles and pedophilia. And it still took me until about August to do so.

And how the hell can I be pedophiliac if i'm barely over 18? Besides, I have tons of tits in my porn folder. I could screencap it, but this is a worksafe board, so...

Also, forgot to sage this the first two times.

>> No.87234  

Are we done here? I think we're done here.

>> No.87239  

its not done till everyone deletes their posts, use the check boxes

>> No.87258  
File: 1178163331041.jpg -(28180 B, 200x147) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thus spake the oracle:

Outlook not so good

>> No.87261  

In any case, women are crazy and I hate children(Yotsuba excluded). I'm going gay.

>> No.87293  


To ALL Paedos (& their sympathisers), let me spell it out for you:

Paedos = inferior subhumans who have NO rights whatsoever, and must DIE in the most hideous ways imaginable.

Those (like me) who like 'em this side of legal (preferably 18+) = SUPERIOR

I know which group the press, the police & the baying-for-blood howling lynch-mob will go for.

Now, if sympathising with Paedos is no bad thing, just go to the middle of a busy city street with a megaphone, and tell everyone about your sympathise for these slime. I DARE YA.

...BTW, I'm saging this thread. It's for great justice.

>> No.87315  
File: 1178210076414.jpg -(45109 B, 512x384) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Fucking signed!

>> No.87324  

Once again I come with the all powerful sage

>> No.87328  


You're a fucking oversubordinate pansy if you'd only fuck anyone over 18. Broaden your horizons, man. Besides, i'm a B-Cup kinda guy, and not alot of 18 year olds have those sort of breasts (They're almost obsolete.).

And Pedos may be inferior in a social sense (Since they are forced into seclusion), but to say that YOU are superior...That's just like when Hitler said that white people belong to a superior Aryan race.

How about this scenario...You marry and have a child, but that child grows up to be a pedo himself. What would you do THEN?

But regardless, I like everything from D-Cups to flat chests. Makes no difference IMO.

Also saged, again.

>> No.87350  


Anti-pedophiles = Nazis? Dear god you suck.

>> No.87363  


Not so much to that level, but misha's statements ARE similar to Aryan beliefs.

>> No.87379  


>> No.87382  


>> No.87384  



>> No.87395  

Who the fuck revived this thread?


>> No.87396  

GOD DAMMIT, /AZU/ this is not /b/ so stop acting like it. Let me set my big boot down:

Pedophilia is natural. In the sense that it occurs naturally. As is necrophilia, maesophilia, and... just about every fetish on earth is natural.
However, many fetishes are obviously not exactly smiled upon, and for good reason. If people with a rape fetish went around raping people, it'd kinda end badly for a lot of people.

However, people cannot deny innate desires. A Pedophile, or a loliphile, as is often the case with animu, and not real girls, can't really help feeling sexually attracted to young girls, just as a gay man can't help but feel attracted to other men... or how a straight man can't help but be attracted to women.

HOWEVER, the key difference is restraint and acceptance.
If you fantasize about little anime girls: Fine
If you draw pictures of them: Fine.
If you go out and touch little girls: Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not pick up 200 rape dollars.

It's a pretty open and shut case:
People like what they like. Can't change that.
But some interests hurt people, and sadly the desires must be suppressed. If you can, or can vent through non-violent means that harm no one, go for it. If you can't, seek medical and psychological help immediately.

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