GOD DAMMIT, /AZU/ this is not /b/ so stop acting like it. Let me set my big boot down:
Pedophilia is natural. In the sense that it occurs naturally. As is necrophilia, maesophilia, and... just about every fetish on earth is natural.
However, many fetishes are obviously not exactly smiled upon, and for good reason. If people with a rape fetish went around raping people, it'd kinda end badly for a lot of people.
However, people cannot deny innate desires. A Pedophile, or a loliphile, as is often the case with animu, and not real girls, can't really help feeling sexually attracted to young girls, just as a gay man can't help but feel attracted to other men... or how a straight man can't help but be attracted to women.
HOWEVER, the key difference is restraint and acceptance.
If you fantasize about little anime girls: Fine
If you draw pictures of them: Fine.
If you go out and touch little girls: Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not pick up 200 rape dollars.
It's a pretty open and shut case:
People like what they like. Can't change that.
But some interests hurt people, and sadly the desires must be suppressed. If you can, or can vent through non-violent means that harm no one, go for it. If you can't, seek medical and psychological help immediately.