depression thread.
depressed headshop
>>90394I never could figure out why, but that scene never failed to freak me out...
>>90394"Come and play with us. Come and play with us, Chiyo-chan. Forever... and ever... and ever. "
>>90360 This scene of Sakaki's & Maya's parting brings a tear to my eye too.;_;
This scene of Sakaki's & Maya's parting brings a tear to my eye too.
>>90538Surely the whole episode, seeing as they all die?
>>90467Naw, that's not an Orz, THIS is an Orz*!:...I'll get my saddle.*- Serious Expression Sakaki sold separately
Naw, that's not an Orz, THIS is an Orz*!:
...I'll get my saddle.
*- Serious Expression Sakaki sold separately
>>90679 That's a very big Horse, and a double saddle big enough for Kaorin to 'cower in'!
That's a very big Horse, and a double saddle big enough for Kaorin to 'cower in'!
>>90679That's not an Orz, this is an Orz!...I'll get my Utwig bomb.
That's not an Orz, this is an Orz!
...I'll get my Utwig bomb.
>>90804 That's not a menacing extradimensional mindfuck, that's a space parrotfish.Oh, wait.
>>90804 That's not a menacing extradimensional mindfuck, that's a space parrotfish.
Oh, wait.
>>90785 'for Kaorin to 'cower in'!'Here's your - saigh (If not for the pics in this thread, I'd Saigh this thread for your pun! Besides, I do the puns around here!)
'for Kaorin to 'cower in'!'
Here's your coat.
vc - saigh (If not for the pics in this thread, I'd Saigh this thread for your pun! Besides, I do the puns around here!)