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File: 1179837603387.jpg -(235779 B, 819x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
235779 No.90534  

Here we are, after missing a month.

In this chapter, Koiwai shops at Amazon Japan, and Yotsuba shops at the local store. BY HERSELF!

Yotsuba & Errands!

>> No.90544  

I've got class right now, but I'll see if I can't take a shot at this when I'm done in 3 hours.

>> No.90568  

Thank you very much!!

>> No.90578  

Cultural meta-references are in, it seems

>> No.90595  

'kay, translation done, editing beginning.
(This is one of the better chapters IMO)

>> No.90599  

Thanks for your hard work. We're rooting for you ^^.

>> No.90612  


i'm pumped, i've been yotsubato deprived for nigh on two months now and i needs me some charmingly innocent super mega fun time adventures

>> No.90625  
File: 1179881272242.gif -(84055 B, 404x656) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


one of the points of this is color.
Not-red is "Midori no Tanuki" (green Japanese-raccoon), and it's in pairs of "Akai Kitsune" (red fox).
but they're not ramens and even if it's red, the flavor is not hot.

>> No.90629  
File: 1179883093756.jpg -(34209 B, 419x602) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>the flavor is not hot.

You need to put THIS
in your kitsune & tanuki
to make it HOT.

>> No.90630  

who's this jerk who sages every thread he posts in

>> No.90635  
File: 1179886230501.jpg -(150776 B, 738x647) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Alright, here it is.

<--Ah, decisions, decisions... (nice work on >>90625 by the way, finding all the things she bought).

Note that on page 26, I have no idea why the clerk says "10" when Yotsuba clearly only has 4 items.


Man, now I'm hungry for some super spicy ramen...

>> No.90637  

Oh my god. That's the first time I've laughed out loud at a Y&! chapter in a while. Classic.

>> No.90641  

Thank you, Ralen-sama ^^.
You're god ^^.

>> No.90642  


Saging doesn't lower a thread, all it means is that his posts don't bump it.

Its a way to post on a forum without having an effect on any of the threads' positions on the page (so you're never seen as bumping, etc).

>> No.90643  


>> No.90644  

My god, is it weird that Yots reminds me of Mii-chan in this chapter?
Could it be because I saw the third Ichigo Mashimaro ova this week?
Bah, it does not matter. Yotsuba still reminds me of Mii-chan in this chapter.

>> No.90645  

fine work!
now I'm checkin out

> I have no idea why the clerk says "10" when Yotsuba clearly only has 4 items.

I guess it's carrying-down of subtraction.

>> No.90647  

Thanks! It's pretty neat to see the actual food containers. About the okashi on the bottom row -- I've seen Choco-boru, but what are the items on either side of it?


> Ah, decisions, decisions...

And these being candy and Da Yots being five years old, what "choice" does she arrive at...?

>> No.90649  


>I guess it's carrying-down of subtraction.



>And these being candy and Da Yots being five years old, what "choice" does she arrive at...?

全部!! (All of 'em!!)

The one on the right in >>90625 looks like a ramune bottle with candies (presumably lemon flavored) inside. http://www.okashi-depart.com/cgi-bin/goods_nb/goodsprev.cgi?gno=NB01519&in_yid=&in_ypass=&kategory=153

The dice I believe are caramel flavored.

>> No.90651  

On page 21, who (or what) is saying "HOME-RUN!"? It's written in a different font, and there's no pointer on the word balloon, so I'm guessing it's a TV or store display of some kind?

"If you go home like this, you'll regret it for the rest of your life!" Crazy convenience store lady is really dedicated to making the sale, huh.

>> No.90652  

The sales clerk is saying it. I put it in a different font because it was Engrish, but I was hoping it wouldn't be too confusing.

And yeah, she is way over dramatic (there was no artistic interpretation on the "you'll regret it for as long as you live" line).

>> No.90654  

Ah, that makes sense then (the English). It's just in sort of an odd spot, w/o the balloon pointer. And certainly something weird for a clerk to say (at least from a western reader's perspective). But then she is a little strange.

>> No.90655  
File: 1179895618641.jpg -(159690 B, 561x1170) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I pick up a few things.
pic of top to bottom:

Perhaps, Miura has not gone to Hawaii yet. I suppose this もう means "Miura has already decided to go to Hawaii."

It's the same as page 7, about ついで.

This original is children's song, "Aye-aye."
おさるさん is monkey.

That Yot has said doesn't suit calculation.

>even if I eat once per week, I could eat everyday.

So, woman looks like something's funny.

>> No.90656  

Making sure I understand my errors correctly

1: "Miura is already going to Hawaii" (rather than Miura has already gone to Hawaii)

2:"I'll buy you some too, while I'm at it"

3:"Raaa-men, Raaa-men, It's a monkey!" (I actually got 'monkey' as one of the possible translations, but I thought that couldn't be it since it didn't make any sense. Knowing about that song helps)

4:"If there's this much, I figure I could eat it once a week... ...and still be able to eat every day..." (another thing which doesn't make sense, but it's like that on purpose?)

>> No.90657  


> >
> >I guess it's carrying-down of subtraction.

Grade-school math method. E.g., subtract 5 from 1302. You take 1 from the "130," "borrowing" it as a 10 to add to the 2.

- 5

129 1
130 2
- 5

(I tried various ways of getting that 5 to line up under the 2, but couldn't do it and still keep the strikethrough format.)

Too tired to comment/critique further, I'm afraid. Long day at work, and I've got another one tomorrow...

>> No.90658  

Thanks for the translation. A very enjoyable chapter, though I was expecting something more from the very end.

>> No.90662  

PLEASE, upload it to rapidshare

>> No.90665  
File: 1179905633735.jpg -(50574 B, 420x324) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yotsuba's pretty good at reading for someone who has never been to school.

>> No.90667  
File: 1179906311937.jpg -(184661 B, 734x682) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

she could read only hiragana.

>> No.90669  
File: 1179907701335.gif -(582704 B, 538x446) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.90670  


kids learn the kana in kindergarten or even earlier.

>> No.90676  

Thank you!

vc: cuyen [pepper?]

>> No.90680  

Argh, fucking MegaUpload

Someone upload it to Rapidshare, please!

>> No.90685  

Alright, I get what your saying (never heard it called that before though) but I still don't see how that relates to what the store clerk said.

I'll put one on Rapidshare once I've corrected my mistakes (and I'll correct them once someone verifies that what I've said in >>90656 is right).

>> No.90687  


Simple, she was deducting the cost of the one item Yotsuba had decided not to buy, and she was voicing the math process out loud. It does look a bit odd, though. I'm surprised she wasn't using the cash register to do it.

Re: Those asking for RapidShare vs. MegaUpload
I'd gotten the impression over the last several months that MegaUpload was more favored. Did I miss the meeting where that situation changed? Maybe it depends on which one is offered first...

>> No.90695  

Maybe those who complain about megaupload use Mozilla Firefox and do not know the trick for downloading stuff from Megaupload on Firefox.
It's in spanish, but it's easy to understand.

>> No.90697  

Page 6, first bubble:

>> No.90704  

That's only to solve the "download slots for your country are full" problem. And a needlessly long one at that. I just modified one entry of about:config.

The problem is the bandwidth reserved for members thing.

>> No.90706  

Well, I have not had a single problem with MU since I did what that link said.
And it was months ago.

>> No.90709  

So it's kind of like saying "carry the one"?

Ah thank you for that, at first I thought Koiwai was talking about something on TV, but I couldn't make any sense of it, so I decided he was talking about when they got the TV from Fuuka instead, but now I get it.

I'll make the changes that have been pointed out to me soon, and re-upload to rapidshare and megaupload.

>> No.90724  

Alright, here's a megaupload and a rapidshare of Chapter 46 with the corrected pages and a couple of foot notes (like the TV show "First Errand" or the song "Aye Aye"). I hope I've corrected all of my errors properly.



>> No.90725  

Arigatou, Ralen sama ^^.

>> No.90730  


Awesome work once again. Thanks.

>> No.90731  
File: 1179958191843.jpg -(26696 B, 301x250) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Excellent. A thousand internets desend upon you all.
Loved this little moment just after Yotsuba says: "I'm nothing like those children!"(that cry when they're lost). You can almost hear him think: "that's right, you're nothing like them, are you?" It's like he feels proud of her confidence there for a moment.

>> No.90734  
File: 1179958407433.jpg -(101625 B, 600x872) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yep, she's nothing like that...

>> No.90736  

Cool :)
I'll read it soon.

>> No.90737  

...damn, completely forgot about that scene. I guess his expression is more ironic than proud, then.

>> No.90744  

Chie! That was then, this is now... ;-)

>> No.90748  
File: 1179971995905.png -(18419 B, 512x405) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I can't belive that stupid bitch wouldn't lend her 46yen. What is that like 21 cents

LOL!!!! VC:queff

>> No.90750  

Actually, I think the lady did the right thing. Children learning the value of things is the more responsible thing to do than just helping them all the time. Plus, it's cute to see Yotsuba fret over which to put back.

>> No.90751  


That's his "O RLY" face.

>> No.90754  

I use Firefox, and I've never had download trouble with MegaUpload. Or much with RapidShare, for that matter. However, MegaUpload's benefit for me is that I don't have to wait X minutes or hours between downloads if I want to do two or more in a row. Granted, I still haven't used either a whole lot.

(MegaUpload's only quirk is that it insists on displaying in Portuguese ever since I set it once to display in English...)


Exactly, yes.

>> No.90756  


i'm getting more of a "ya rly" vibe from that

>> No.90757  


>> No.90761  

Warning: Much nitpickery ensues. Constructive, but nitpickery nonetheless. Feel free to skip down if this bores you.
Dad: What, you came? (Nanda /= Nande)

Yanda: I DID say "May I come in" this time.

I'd have picked "BLAM" as a more appropriate little-kid missile sound effect, but that's just me.


Yanda1: You can't fire a missile from your mouth!

Yanda2: You'd get burned!

(Side note: This whole missile-from-mouth sequence really cracked me up. So did her ferret-like sleeping style.)

Yanda1: Sigh...

Yanda2: Be nice if I could go play somewhere...

Yanda1: I know--Hawaii! I'll go to Hawaii!

Large Caption: Do you remember your first time?
(This likely refers to the first time the readers went on errands by themselves.)

Dad: Guess we should have lunch soon, too, huh?
(I could be wrong, but it looks like he's asking, probably half-musing to himself.)

Dad2: They get lost, stumble, fall down and cry.
(Yeah, this is way too long for that little balloon. Yours actually gets the idea across nicely within the limited space. I just wanted to be sure you knew what it was saying in full.)

(You might want to drop a font size for Dad's dialog.)

Yotsuba: Which ones are spicy?

YotsubaFX: I won't have the red ones.
("Yameru" here means "to quit" or "to lay off of." Your line is funny, though.)

Dad2: Don't drop it. ("Don't lose it" works too; this is just a bit more literal.)

Dad3: And be sure to bring back the change.

Dad2: Don't wander. (That is, stick to the route--straight to the store and back. "Stay close to the road" doesn't quite seem the same to me.)

Dad: Is she really going to be okay...? (My interpretation. Yours is just as valid.)

(Just commenting that the shirt business was another big-laugh moment.)

Clerk1: Welcome. Please...

Clerk2: ...come in.

Yotsuba: Right!/Okay!
(I just felt the exchange flows better like this.)

Yotsuba2: Slipped my mind. (Again, this just feels more natural to me. YMMV.)

YotsubaFX2: It's/He's a monkey. (The song is meant to describe, very simply, what an aye-aye is. It's a primate, though not a monkey, but this is a song for little kids, after all.)

Yotsuba: THAT'S NOT RED! (A minor difference, I know. Again, this just sounds better to me.)
(Also, this was another big-laugh moment.)

(I'd have chosen "Chili Pepper," since "cayenne" seems a little specialized (and harder to pronounce for a 5-year-old), but again, that's purely personal taste.)

Yotsuba: Let's see, which one should I get for me? (Just clarifying she's picking her own meal now.)

(Bet this panel gets redrawn for the TPB. :-) )

(Here's the wind-up...and the swing!)
(Artistic hopefuls, please note: It's stuff like those shelves and the street scene on pages 9-10 that are expected of the background artists that Azuma-sensei's recruiting now.)

Clerk: All right, I'll just sticker this, then. (This is like what I've seen some grocery stores do: place a piece of colored tape on purchased items that are too big to bag, so the customer can carry them out and not be suspected of shoplifting. Seems a bit much for a shop operated by one person, as there are no other employees to get suspicious. Perhaps it's for the benefit of other customers or passers-by.)

YotsubaFX: Nnnf!

("Home run" is two words, not hyphenated.)

Clerk: You just barely got tagged out. (She's still making with the baseball talk.)

Yotsuba: I'm going back home. (Her original sentence is short and abrupt, so this feels closer in tone to me.)

Clerk1: If you leave out only one thing you can buy the rest. (This "leave out" is another example of the meaning of "yameru" from earlier.)

(Just for space's sake, you might want to transfer "you owe..." to the clerk's second balloon.)

(I'd use "Yay!" or "Wow!" myself. More personal preference stuff.)

Yotsuba: What about the sticker?

Clerk: Huh? Sticker?

Yotsuba: Sure was! I bought it all! (Partly personal aesthetic, partly avoiding a repeat of "did great" only two panels later.)

Dad: You're just hopeless. (More personal preference.)

>> No.90793  

First off, I'd like to say to everyone that I won't be able to do next month's issue, since I'll be out of town.

Thanks for the comments. I especially appreciate that you included some positive ones along with the corrections. Now a couple of comments/questions of my own:

>I'd have picked "BLAM" as a more appropriate little-kid missile sound effect

I was interpreting the "Gaaaa" as the sound of the missile's engine roaring, so I thought it fit alright.

>Yanda1: You can't fire a missile from your mouth!

I didn't see a negative here, but I did see a か at the end, so I interpreted it as a question ("Missiles come out of your mouth?").

>Yanda1: I know--Hawaii! I'll go to Hawaii!

Wow, you really are being picky. :P But that brings me to a question, I noticed several instances in this chapter where characters would use the volitional form of a verb (おう) even though they were referring only to themselves. What's the deal with that? I've never seen it used that way before.

>YotsubaFX: I won't have the red ones.
>("Yameru" here means "to quit" or "to lay off of." Your line is funny, though.)

I thought my interpretation was funny too. Would it be bad translator's etiquette to leave it that way?

>YotsubaFX2: It's/He's a monkey. (The song is meant to describe, very simply, what an aye-aye is. It's a primate, though not a monkey, but this is a song for little kids, after all.)

An "aye aye" actually is a monkey? (or a lemur judging from the picture in >>90655) I thought "aye aye" was just a general exclamation, like "hey hey." I didn't realize it was a kind of animal. (man, re-reading this I just thought "hey hey, we're the monkeys").

>(Bet this panel gets redrawn for the TPB. :-) )

TPB=Tankoubon? There's one at the end of page 15 from chapter 45 I'll bet gets redrawn too.

>Clerk: All right, I'll just sticker this, then.

My initial interpretation was that she was talking about some kind of anti-shoplifting sticker (it was a real bitch finding a definition for ほっとく by the way), but then I thought she was asking for his "seal," or his signature stamp (I know from reading manga that in Japan many people have a stamp they use to sign for purchases). Also, for the prior panel, knowing that いいから="not needed" (pointed out in a previous chapter) has come in useful for me more than once.

>("Home run" is two words, not hyphenated.)

I thought it was also an acceptable spelling to make it one word (homerun), I just hyphenated it because it wouldn't all fit.

>> No.90801  


>Thanks for the comments. I especially appreciate that you included some positive
>ones along with the corrections. Now a couple of comments/questions of my own:

I find it best to approach things that way. It's how I'd prefer people critique me.


>>I'd have picked "BLAM" as a more appropriate little-kid missile sound effect
>I was interpreting the "Gaaaa" as the sound of the missile's engine roaring, so I >thought it fit alright.

I know, but I can't see American kids using "gaa" as the sound of a missile launch. Maybe "Shoom," but "blam" seems a typical little-kid interpretation of the action, even though it's not really how the missile would sound at all.


>>Yanda1: You can't fire a missile from your mouth!
>I didn't see a negative here, but I did see a か at the end, so I interpreted it as a
>question ("Missiles come out of your mouth?").

It's an odd Japanese idiom. Negations are sometimes phrased as incredulous questions. I have often seen 知るか! as a way of saying "I don't know!" It could be phrased as "You think I know?!" if you want to make it a question, but that's not as punchy and less likely to fit in the word balloon.

A related example is ...たまるか!which means "<person> can't/won't just...!" (E.g., "You can't just steal something like that!" or "I'm not about to let you do that!"


>>Yanda1: I know--Hawaii! I'll go to Hawaii!
>Wow, you really are being picky. :P

I did warn you. :-) As I said, a lot of these were just done because I felt different phrasing flowed better, not because the translation was inaccurate.

>But that brings me to a question, I noticed several instances in this chapter where
>characters would use the volitional form of a verb (おう) even though they were
>referring only to themselves. What's the deal with that? I've never seen it used
>that way before.

I've taken it to mean "I should (probably)" or "Guess I should" when it refers to oneself.


>>YotsubaFX: I won't have the red ones.
>>("Yameru" here means "to quit" or "to lay off of." Your line is funny, though.)
>I thought my interpretation was funny too. Would it be bad translator's etiquette to
>leave it that way?

Maybe. I'm hardly above fudging dialog for flow or dealing with heavily ethnocentric references. However, here the line would have a totally different meaning without it being strictly necessary. You could do it, but at some point or another, some fan would call you down for it. :-)


>>YotsubaFX2: It's/He's a monkey. (The song is meant to describe, very simply,
>what an aye-aye is. It's a primate, though not a monkey, but this is a song for little
>kids, after all.)
>An "aye aye" actually is a monkey? (or a lemur judging from the picture in

A primate, as I said. Probably closer to a lemur than a monkey, but not really either.

>I thought "aye aye" was just a general exclamation, like "hey hey."

Also the nautical equivalent of "Yes, sir."

>I didn't realize it was a kind of animal. (man, re-reading this I just thought "hey
>hey, we're the monkeys").

Heh. Well, I'd never heard of the "First Errand" show before now. Always something new to learn.


>>(Bet this panel gets redrawn for the TPB. :-) )

Essentially. TPB stands for Trade PaperBack.


>>Clerk: All right, I'll just sticker this, then.
>My initial interpretation was that she was talking about some kind of anti-
>shoplifting sticker

More or less what I was describing.

>(it was a real bitch finding a definition for ほっとく by the way),

Yeah, you have to be familiar with the っておく --> とくslurring that sometimes occurs.

>but then I thought she was asking for his "seal," or his signature stamp (I know
>from reading manga that in Japan many people have a stamp they use to sign for

Those are referred to as "hanko" usually.

>Also, for the prior panel, knowing that いいから="not needed" (pointed out in a
>previous chapter) has come in useful for me more than once.

I can dig it.


>>("Home run" is two words, not hyphenated.)
>I thought it was also an acceptable spelling to make it one word (homerun), I just
>hyphenated it because it wouldn't all fit.

I've never seen it as one word. Of course, you're also talking to someone who refuses to accept "alright" instead of "all right," despite the increasingly common usage of the former. I grew up with it as two distinct words, and always considered "alright" to be an error along the lines of mistaking "alot" for "a lot" or "already" for "all ready" (the difference being that "already" is an actual word).

I've seen the usage occur so often that I don't bother correcting it any more unless it's something I'm personally asked/required to edit, but I still wince a bit each time I see it happen.

>> No.90803  


>I know, but I can't see American kids using "gaa" as the sound of a missile launch.

Ah, well I guess that's just a matter of personal preference then. When I translate, I try to remain in the mindset that these are still Japanese people, and I'm just offering a (mostly) literal translation of their words, rather than Americanizing it (one of the reasons I prefer to leave in honorifics).

>Yeah, you have to be familiar with the っておく --> とくslurring that sometimes occurs.

Ah, I actually am familiar with that, but for some reason it never even occured to me that ほっとく could have been ほっておく (maybe because I see ておく so rarely) which would have easily led me to the verb ほる.

>> No.90805  

Alright (or should I say all right), I made a few changes from Sprocket's suggestions, so here's the second (and hopefully last) revision.



>> No.90812  


...another comment if anyone felt that it should be added:

On page 14, when Yot asks "about a 5?" she's talking about a common "heat scale" used in many Japanese curry restaraunts (and others as well). When a customer orders food the waitstaff will often ask how hot they would like it. The scale varies, but typically 1=mild and 5=very hot. That's what she's talking about here.

>> No.90815  

Then how come the woman didn't understand what she was talking about? You would think she would be familiar with something like that too.

>> No.90816  

You need to add this:
「倍」( bai )
(「5倍」~ "5 times (hotter)" ) (5-alarm)
Because Yot did not add bai after 5, lady did not undestand.

>> No.90817  
File: 1180061970923.jpg -(33810 B, 240x320) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Forgot to post pic...
This is "10-times (hotter than ordinary) curry"
Some curry restaurant have "100-times"...

>> No.90834  

Read it now. The poor assistants! ;_;
Goddamnit, those pages from inside the shop...
There is really an extreme difference between AzuDai and Y& now.
But a good chapter :)

>> No.90838  


'Some curry restaurant have "100-times"... '

I suggest they try this place:



'To give you an idea of how hot the Curry Hell dish is, Vindaloo is like ice cream by comparison.'

vc - venition (Although there is a vegetarian option at said Curry House, they also do meat-based dishes; Venition being one)

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