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File: 1181111220212.png -(313281 B, 626x454) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
313281 No.92758  

Hay guyz, is it just me or do these fanfic writers have a thing for Tomo? I mean, Tomo seems like a favourite when it comes to killing off characters. I just took a look today in the "angst" category on fanfiction.net and in every fic that kills off a character, Tomo is that one character...
Do people love her that much and feel the need to illustrate her friends' grief over her loss, or do they just hate her guts and take pleasure in icing her?

Anyway, just started up on those Azu fanfics, so it may be just me...

>> No.92759  
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>> No.92761  

Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever read "angst" fanfiction.

It's something 16 year old girls write when they're mad at their dad for grounding them and think the whole world is out to get them.

Guaranteed shite.

>> No.92762  
File: 1181112085074.png -(8026 B, 320x320) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Ya, well, I noticed that... The funny thing is that the "angst" section is almost always the prime source for lulz... The only tear jerkers there are grammar and punctuation. But that's not the point. The thing is, why the hell do they always do off Tomo and not some other character...

>> No.92763  

Dunno, maybe they think Tomo is "troubled" or has problems due to her fucked up personality, and find it easy to spin up some angsty nonsense about.

>> No.92770  

Well, Tomo was voted "most likely to spontaneously explode" in the school yearbook.

>> No.92772  

An Azumanga angst fic makes me want to lol in my pants. Talk about not getting the point of the series.

>> No.92773  

Tomo is the catalyst of the show. She creates the trouble the girls get into, and often creates the tension. Despite this, she remains a good friend to all. This creates the classic situation of "You don't know what you have until it's gone." Of course they'd miss Chiyo-chan, or Sakaki, or Yomi... but Tomo? How much she means as a friend would be surprising. So this is why she's the easy target.

However, this doesn't change the fact that they're all shit fictions.

>> No.92782  


That picture was perfectly timed.

>> No.92799  
File: 1181151623940.jpg -(144646 B, 720x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Fanfiction blows anyways

>> No.92803  

Not all of it. But alot of it does indeed suck. The good is few and far between, so much so that it's almost pointless to actually look for the good stuff.

>> No.92809  

The only angst style fic I ever really liked was Krull's fic. I usually can't stand most angst crap just because the area where I live seems to have the highest number of emo people per square mile than any where else in America. I usually stick to humor and occasionally romance(Shoujo-ai mostly)

>> No.92810  

When I think about writing a fan story on Azumanga or using those characters I think to make Tomo a central character. Not that the story would surround her, but that she would be a sort of driving character. I think if Tomo did that more respectively she would aquire the admiration she so frantically wants. I think Tomo is the biggest oversight for a good character in the Azumanga world.

On a side note: I think the best part about drifting classroom is the fact that Tomo goes on living even if it's crawling with one leg stabbed or cut off I don't remember which.

>> No.92811  

I feel like I would agree that Tomo is the most "killable" character for dramatic purposes, although I'm not entirely sure why that is. Maybe it has something to do with making you feel guilty for finding her annoying. Or maybe it's like >>92773 said, and it's because she's the catalyst of most of what happens, and things really wouldn't be the same without her.

Careful there Tomo, remember what happens when you remove an angel's halo.

>> No.92824  

She seems the most likely to die young. Her recklessness and what not.

>> No.92837  

It's like, for God's sake, why would I want the Azu characters to end up unhappy, or punish them for acting like fools? The show is very good at cheering me up; I have zero desire to "angst" it. There's enough angst in anime already.

>> No.92839  
File: 1181167979601.jpg -(33460 B, 339x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Everyone dies in this pic! Except Kagura

>> No.92843  

My favorite part of Azumanga angstfic is how, in the rare instances when Tomo is NOT killed off, she's given an abusive or broken family situation even though it's pretty explicit in the manga that she gets along with her parents uncommonly well. Why pick her when she's the one character who has actual canon proving you wrong?

>> No.92844  


Fanfic writers are known for manufacturing canon policy as they go. Remember, a lot of fanfic writers see themselves as "great" writers and huge ego problems.

On a partially off topic issue, was it ever clearly stated that Kagura had a mother as well? I got the impression from the anime that she only had a father. It would make sense given her tomboyish demeanor.

Oh hell, i'm probably giving the angst wankers ideas.

>> No.92849  
File: 1181177350237.jpg -(140475 B, 720x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I think it's cause Tomo is second only to Osaka in the number of teenage fans talking about how "i'm totally like her!! i'm energetic and happy and say totally random things all the time lol! my friend jessica is always spacing out and says hilarious things like osaka too!!"

So when they feel angsty and want to get it out there in an angst-fic, they mirror their own problems by making Tomo's attitude a facade to hide her true feelings, or putting her through a terrible series of events to make her a broken shell of what she was. Same theory works for Tomo and Yomi having broken families: authors put their own issues in the story even when it makes no sense.

Of course, some people just write angst fics for the hell of it, and if my theory were correct, there would be just as many Osaka death fics, so I guess there's something more.

>> No.92873  
File: 1181187904048.jpg -(155601 B, 660x1020) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Tomo loevs her some near-death experiences.

Which would be fine, if she didn't drag her friends into them at every opportunity.

Aw hell, I'm just looking for an excuse to repost this.

>> No.92874  
File: 1181187909007.jpg -(24318 B, 717x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Your theory is cynical but true. And for the reason why there's not so many Osaka deaths, is because it's Osaka who writes most of the death fiction.

>> No.92876  


>Careful there Tomo, remember what happens when you remove an angel's halo.

You slice your fingers off because its sharp like a Katana.

>> No.92879  

I meant what happens to the angel.

>> No.92883  

>>92879 it puts up an AT field?

>> No.92894  
File: 1181199330127.jpg -(60393 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


It gets explosive diarrhea.

Haven't you seen Dokuro-chan?

>> No.92915  
File: 1181201054498.jpg -(12402 B, 413x81) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

yeah for the most part fanfiction is crap because everyone goes ME 2!
azumanga has the most good fanfiction ration, this is because someone wrote a shit load of shorts in azumanga escueness a bunch of little good fics are still good fics, still if you want good fanfiction, you nearly garentee your going to be reading ranma fanfiction, as they are the only series with enough of a fanbase to criticaly succed 450 times. yes thats right, their fanfiction is over 9000.
the only anime that is FOR CERTAIN has more is gundam Wing,
heres the fics in FF.net Alone

>> No.92917  


>> No.92961  

I downloaded it years ago but never bothered

Now that summer is coming it looks like I no longer have an excuse

>> No.92963  


Osaka as Dokuro-chan, anyone? But I'd go Gay for Yomi as Sabato. HARD GAY.

BTW, later this year there'll be "Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan II":


>> No.92983  

>>92915 Referring to Silver Sailor Ganymede?
She writes a effin' load of Azu short fics. :/

>> No.92986  

See http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node=least%20publishable%20unit

>> No.93022  
File: 1181248550761.jpg -(12512 B, 179x240) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


OP here...

that's, like, some way for Osaka to get back on Tomo for her nickname?

But anyway, >>92773 kinda made a good point on this one. Tomo, although really obnoxious at some points, is a character that really gives flavour to the series... Now don't get me wrong, right now I can't think of a character that's useless to the series. But when you see Tomo all tied up in that jump rope or running around like an idiot in the cat costume, not to mention her screaming about that treacherous vending machine - you can't help but wonder how things would be without her.

>> No.93042  


In a way, though I hate to have to admit it, I partly agree with you. However, what I realy dislike about Tomo is her bullying of Chiyo. It happens in school of course, but I don't like it. Chiyo is just so naive, and always wants to be friends with everyone, including Tomo, so she will be accepted despite her being 5 years younger. It's funny, but painful to watch sometimes.

>> No.93046  


Yeah,like I said, Tomo can be really obnoxious at times... Like that one when Chiyo and Yomi were working to build a tent and Kagura and Tomo were playing around them. At some point Tomo pushed Kagura and she demolished the tent. This is where Kagura showed a great deal of maturity and assumed responsibility for the thing, offering to put the tent back up, while Tomo was laughing like an idiot in the back...

>> No.93058  


Speak English please?

I was on ff.net for three years, and the site is trash. Pretty much all of the good writers were run off the site by Xing in his effort to 'sanitize' the site and "make it more family-friendly" (translation: get money from ads).

Also, the Naruto section has over 80,000 entries. That's more than twice as many as Gundam Wing.

>> No.93061  


Weirdly enough, I never liked Tomo until I discovered this board. I think that if you just watch the series straight through, she comes off as something of an asshole. Maybe this board helps you see her "proper role," the way presumably her friends are supposed to.

vc: but now I like her mutch

>> No.93062  

Meh. Even with this topic, I can fully admit I have no love for Tomo at all. Never have, likely never will. While the girls tend to do rather cruel things to eachother, Tomo's jokes are often borderline sadistic. What's worse, she has NO sense of humility. She is totally incapable of apologizing or admitting she's wrong. Her ego is big enough to cause space/time distortions, and she tortures Chiyo in ways that make the most abusive parents look tame.

I can't stand her.

>> No.93065  

Much like certain people you and I have the curse of knowing personally, am I right

>> No.93098  

I think it's funny that the reasons why a lot of people hate Tomo are the same reasons why she's always been my favorite. Liking or hating Tomo is a self-perpetuating cycle of sorts: because I like her more than I like Chiyo, for example, it cracks me up when she torments Chiyo (not that I don't enjoy seeing Tomo get her just desserts later as well), while someone who's already a bigger fan of Chiyo will hate Tomo more for her Chiyo-torment, and then even more the next time, and so on. In the end, you end up either really liking her or not being able to stand her.

She IS "something of an asshole," and that's why I enjoy her so much.

>> No.93100  

man, that OP pic is fuckin creepy... who the hell would shoop something like that? i mean, it's just WRONG. whoever did that either loves tomo too much, in a sick and twisted way, or hates her guts... i have to admit though, the joke is pretty funny. sick, but funny.

>> No.93148  


I think we should 'take our hats off' to Azuma for his characterizations. We probably know, or have known people like each of the Azu-girls at one time or another, be they male or female. And maybe even the teachers. Yukaris sensei is NOT pure fiction!

>> No.93160  

I think in the end all the girls realize that Tomo is just having fun. DOes she pick on CHiyo cause she thinks less of her, no. I think if the girls had comebacks towards Tomo in the same playful manner instead of out and out seriousness I think it would level out the tension with Tomo. I think sometimes the girls take TOmo literaly, so it's easy to see why Tomo would react the way she does. A few seperate icnidents aside though, lke the toppling of the tent.

>> No.93163  

I think in the end all the girls realize that Tomo is just having fun. DOes she pick on CHiyo cause she thinks less of her, no. I think if the girls had comebacks towards Tomo in the same playful manner instead of out and out seriousness I think it would level out the tension with Tomo. I think sometimes the girls take TOmo too literaly, so it's easy to see why Tomo would react the way she does. A few seperate icnidents aside though, lke the toppling of the tent.

>> No.93170  
File: 1181329445435.png -(564622 B, 628x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Don't forget that Tomo also lives in a fantasy world, where she is the superhero worshipped by all the pupils in school, where she foils bankrobbers and rescues kitties from traffic islands. Besides which she thinks she can emulate Fujiko(?), AND join the ICPO! Dream on!

In some ways she is as away with the fairies as Sakaki is!

>> No.93173  


But when you were a kid, didn't you dream of being some kind of famous superstar when you grew up? Everybody does. It's a lot less depressing to hang onto that dream than to resign yourself to the reality where you're not special, you're not good at anything, you're not famous, nobody likes you and you're never going to amount to jack squat.

>> No.93179  


If Tomo was a boy, she'd probably be the hyper kid who fantasizes about being a Green Beret, takes shop classes, drops out and starts getting in trouble with the law. Mercifully, no one reflects at the end of the series, "Your friends drag you down...They were like drowning guys who are holding on to your legs. You can't save them. You can only drown with them."

>> No.93199  

>>93179 Planning story starring Yomi, to be titled 'Going Down For The Third Time'.

[NB: Double Entendre not intended!]

>> No.93298  
File: 1181365712544.jpg -(189260 B, 720x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Can't find a good picture of it, but I do want to remind Tomo-haters of one of the few really good things she does in the show (let's call it a redemption), when she leads and inspires the applause for Chiyo's honours during the graduation ceremony. Go on, watch it again and tell me she's a total asshole after that.

>> No.93307  


Well, she can be something of an asshole, but she's definitely not a total asshole. She's also redeemed by the HOT LESBO SEX she has constantly with a certain Koyomi Mizuhara. Admittedly the existence of this hot lesbo sex is open to some fan debate, but I for one am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.93312  

its quite easy to save a stupid drowning friend if you have a strength check of yes.

hey op, by start up do you mean your writing or reading?

>> No.93326  


Sorry, I'm not >>93179, I'm >>93170. Apologies for the confusion. I was responding to 93179, but I'm another Anonymous. <grin> However, I do write, and archive on FF.net.

>> No.93327  

>>93298 Yeah, a definite Kleenex moment.

>> No.93328  
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Nope, that's reading. Come to think of it, I never even tried to write a fanfic of anything, ever. I might do well, people say I'm good at writing, but I think it takes a special kind of fan to do a really good fanfic... It might also be some sort of embarrassment, maybe you can call it respect for the original author's work - I really feel I can't add something extra to that. Of course, there are always those stories that leave you craving for MOAR (like Azumanga for example). But IMHO, if you can't expand that in a canon way, just don't do it. Like people pointed out earlier, Azu is optimistic, light-hearted and joyful, changing that only hurts the overall idea of the series. This thread was meant to be some sort of ironic remark towards angsty fics and how character preferences affect those... If they affect them at all.

If i have a problem as a fan of the series... well, that might be me liking every character in some way or another. Each and everyone has ups and downs - I like Tomo for being a loose cannon and provoking some rather hilarious situations, I like Yomi for her seriousness and how it's sometimes just a facade - see the prank she played on Osaka. I like Osaka... Don't think this one needs any explaining. Also, the same for Chiyo. Sakaki - the loveliest would-be veterinarian I've ever seen. Kagura - "AI TI..." Don't think I need to say more hehe.
It's impossible not to like something at any character... Although I see that some people here have "love or hate" kind of preferences.

>> No.93338  
File: 1181394315769.jpg -(43718 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Sorry my copy isn't v.g.

>> No.93350  

Actually, one of the first things they teach lifeguards is how best to kick a struggling person to escape their grasp.

You'd have to be superman to rescue someone that's no longer acting rationally.

>> No.93361  

if your strong enough to help someone your not going to need to kick them to get them off of you.

also you dont have to be superman either, just need to use your ki effectively,

>> No.93365  

Indeed, if you're strong enough to lift the mass of two humans using only one leg, then you too can rescue a panicing victim from the water. Mere mortals, however, have to restrict themselves to rescuing sane people, and saving themselves from the crazed ones.

is an accurate representation of someone using their ki effectively.

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