Monday -- MosakandayTuesday -- TomoesdayWednesday -- KaorensdayThursday -- ChiyursdayFriday -- YomFRYdaySaturday -- SakacaturdaySunday -- KaguRUNday
source of that frame?
>>93669Oh god no... that doujin was just messed up. It's better you don't know, for the sake of the children.
Oh god no... that doujin was just messed up. It's better you don't know, for the sake of the children.
>>93667 >>93670Tomo has very kissable wrists.
>>93667 >>93670
Tomo has very kissable wrists.
>>93669SPOILERS>In case you're interested what happens after, it's nothing interesting. She simply gets fucked while high. That's all.END SPOILERS
>In case you're interested what happens after, it's nothing interesting. She simply gets fucked while high. That's all.
post teh kaori
the same people that made this doujin did a Negima doujin as well, which sucked BADLY, I hate the ending
>>93784I was totally expecting something like this to happen
>>93808"Okay, which one of you little bastards put a ground up super mushroom into the punch?"
>>93825 Shortcat is - deese (So Marilyn Manson has left Tita Von Deese. Silly sod. I'd hit it (after marrying her) like the fist of an EXTREMELY pissed off creator of God!)
Shortcat is shrt.
vc - deese (So Marilyn Manson has left Tita Von Deese. Silly sod. I'd hit it (after marrying her) like the fist of an EXTREMELY pissed off creator of God!)
>>93698 Want!
Well, it's Chiyursday.