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File: 1182489071073.jpg -(392442 B, 818x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
392442 No.95267  

Chapter 47 - Yotsuba & the Farm
... wait... didn't we.....
Oh yeah, she got a cold.

Disproportionate amount of EPIC FACIAL EXPRESSIONS in this chapter.


>> No.95270  

Bless you, Internet.

>> No.95273  

The goats will need to be on their best behavior...

Thank you! I'll have to read it in the morning...

>> No.95276  
File: 1182493231704.jpg -(301814 B, 818x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Best. Page. EVAR!!!

>> No.95277  
File: 1182495322801.jpg -(91259 B, 780x476) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I have a feeling this frame will get a lot of mileage here.

>> No.95278  
File: 1182495888944.jpg -(92127 B, 780x476) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.95280  

Anyone know what kind of car does Jumbo drive?

>> No.95281  
File: 1182497056651.jpg -(17098 B, 420x301) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.95282  
File: 1182498172722.png -(604595 B, 818x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yotsuba wants to be the strongest swordsgirl in the world

>> No.95284  

Is it just me or is Yanda a flaming homosexual?

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.95285  

That is exactly what I was thinking when I saw that.
Kick ass

>> No.95290  

could someone upload this to an ip-friendly hosting site? please!? T_T like http://www.zshare.net

>> No.95294  

OH GOD, I fucking lol'd. Well played, /azu/

>> No.95296  
File: 1182514199006.jpg -(47944 B, 717x259) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

We're all going to die.

>> No.95297  

Is she using Nanto SeiKen?

I don't think so, I suspect that you're simply attracted to him, and got confused over which of you is gay.
Not that I blame you or anything. Yanda is clearly Mr. Koiwai's 'hot friend'.

>> No.95300  

Tight T-shirts are one of the sings of flaming homosexuality...
However, he is clearly Near's (of Death Note fame) father so maybe he's Bi.

>> No.95301  


>> No.95302  
File: 1182521495218.jpg -(41482 B, 704x396) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.95306  
File: 1182523227137.jpg -(14806 B, 398x318) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Tight shirts are gay?

>> No.95307  

That guy's no good.

>> No.95308  

No, it just means we're not entirely ashamed of our bodies.

>> No.95309  

this looks like a great chapter, even if they didn't make it to the farm. that's alright though, it took 'em like three months to finally make it to the beach.

and i honestly thought the NO was a shop until i saw it in the raw. that's BRILLIANT.

it looks pretty sunny out there. they better bring their suntan vc:lototion

>> No.95310  


>That guy's no good.

I'll say! He showed up without having called anyone to let them know he'd decided to join them (so he now had to apply for permission from Da Yots).
And Yanda just doesn't get it: "Are you stupid? The farm is interesting/fun! It has cows!"

But Y-chan still doesn't have this Time thing down yet: apparently she figured that if she went to sleep before dinner, the whole schedule would somehow move up...

Yeah, it probably will take another month to actually reach the farm. As we read this, Studio Yotuba is frantically trying to finish drawing all the animals...

>> No.95327  

Yanda looks like Meg Ryan in this chapter.

>> No.95337  

My God. Yanda's assholishness transcends all barriers of language and culture! He is the very model of a modern major ass-a-hole!

Thanks for the raw.

>> No.95338  

>>95277 This is possibly retarded of me, but I /r/ a, um, vector? That's what it's called? A vector of this panel.

>> No.95341  

So, can we expect translation? Please, Ralen?

>> No.95342  


patience, young padawan. i'm a veteran of over 20 /azu/ Yotsubato translations, and have never yet been let down by this board. the translations will come, you msu just give them time.

>> No.95343  

That's a tall order

Meshes are difficult to define in vectors

VC: tire
Or are they

>> No.95345  
File: 1182553864707.jpg -(289120 B, 818x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yanda is already dead.

>> No.95349  
File: 1182557489500.jpg -(103218 B, 725x339) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>95343 Though I don't understand much about it, I can understand why that would be a problem.

In other news, Yanda doesn't get to ride shotgun. He failed so hard! :D

>> No.95350  

>>95309 Yeah, it's like she's invoking the true name of some ancient demon in a tongue unknown to moratls.

>> No.95355  


I'd proclaim that the official "greatest yotsuba moment of all time" except that their are so many moments worth the nomination I can't really bestow the honor on any one.

>> No.95360  
File: 1182571633853.jpg -(38257 B, 360x248) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

lol, so Torako was able to take a shot before the incident happened. I thought she was too shocked to take that picture when yotsuba fell off the road

>> No.95364  


>I suspect that you're simply attracted to him, and got confused over which of you is gay.

It doesn't count as gay to be attracted to Yanda.
Doesn't make him any less gay either.

>> No.95365  
File: 1182576334517.png -(444598 B, 1280x781) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I don't usually take requests,but
Wait, yes I do.

Not if you cheat and just make it a gradient or something. The hard part for me are lines that I can't easily make out.

I've got most of the easy parts done.

>> No.95372  
File: 1182580121773.png -(198452 B, 1280x781) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

And more or less done.
I cheated on the inside of the hat though

>> No.95373  
File: 1182580943680.png -(320252 B, 1280x781) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

and now with color!
I have to say, I really enjoyed making this one.

>> No.95374  

The colors are based on the Dress Up Yotsuba thing, if anyone wanted to know.

>> No.95376  
File: 1182581529908.png -(319957 B, 1280x781) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here's the revised version with the bottom leaves now 12 points lighter than the ones under the hat.

>> No.95377  

Great. Thanks!
I lol'd

>> No.95378  


Usagi was shocked, Torako just kept taking photos.

>> No.95382  

>>95349 Words cannot describe how awesome that face is. It's the pure essence of triumph and mockery.

>> No.95384  


This is now my wallpaper. Many thanks!

vc:nedeing. Yeah, i was nedeing that.

>> No.95387  

>>95376 I'm the retarded requester. You have my gratitude, Danke!

>> No.95388  

So I guess it's time for the forty-seventh "this month's Yotsuba was interesting" meeting.

  • So I suppose the English title of this chapter could be "Yotsuba Buys the Farm"? Haw haw haw.
  • Page 5: Yotsuba... Mr. Koiwai... in a bath... together? ZOMG PAEDO GTFO
  • Page 6: Koiwai keeps ogling the Yots after she falls asleep. More evidence of teh paedo!
  • Page 14: She should have bowed to him. He'd probably bow too, and then if she shut the door she could gently carress up his face nicely.
  • Page 24: Wow, is it legal in Japan for pre-schoolers to ride in front? (And for cars to have the steering wheel on the left side?)
  • Page 25: Can anyone explain the "Cow Day" pun?
>> No.95393  
File: 1182614601844.png -(327642 B, 1280x781) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.



>> No.95399  
File: 1182617188793.jpg -(282661 B, 821x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>95360 >>95378
If Torako's camera has a motor drive, she probably got the pics before she realized what was about to happen. Here's the sequence...

>> No.95402  


> Page 24: Wow, is it legal in Japan for pre-schoolers to ride in front?
 Japan has tended to lag behind much of the industrialized world in regard to auto passenger safety.  Seat belts only became required somewhere around fifteen to twenty years ago (IIRC) and children's car seats have only become widely used in *this* decade.  I understand it was not unusual ten years ago to see children standing on a car seat while the vehicle was in motion...  So no one there bats an eye at Da Yots riding up front.
> (And for cars to have the steering wheel on the left side?)
 Since Jumbo's car is of foreign manufacture, the maker may not bother making "right-side" cars for the British/Japanese market.  I guess it's not a problem as long as you're *driving* on the proper side of the road.  (I think it's not illegal to drive a "right-side" car in the U.S.  I have seen one from time to time...)

Page 25: Can anyone explain the "Cow Day" pun?

Haha!  Google is indeed our friend!  I didn't get it either, but found stuff on *"ushi no hi"* here, for instance...  The height of Japanese summer can get pretty nasty (though, nothing our board-mate from Alabama would be impressed by).  It is traditional to send a special message to distant relatives and friends inquiring about their health around the middle of July.  Because of concerns about people's health during that time, there is also *Doyo no Ushi no Hi* [ http://web-japan.org/nipponia/nipponia34/en/feature/feature07.html -- top of page].

Koiwai is protesting Yanda's pun about "Cow Day", saying that's not what it means. BTW, this is one of the rare stories where we actually know the date...

>> No.95407  


Yanda actually comments to Jumbo about that, teasing that a ritzy, foreign-style car is pretty fancy for the son of a florist.

Jumbo snaps back that left-side steering versions were all they had in stock when he bought the car. Given the choice, he'd have taken a right-side version.

As for the "Cow Day" business, I'd suggest "one of the Cow Days of summer." Since "Ushi no Hi" involves the ox of the Chinese zodiac, punning on "dog days," which got their name from the daytime presence of Sirius, seems appropriate.

>> No.95418  


>Page 24: Wow, is it legal in Japan for pre-schoolers to ride in front?

No, it is illegal in Japan.

>> No.95434  

HA! Da Yots cares nought for your human "safety laws", mortal...

Seriously, I wonder why Azuma showed this if it's not legal for driving. (Obviously, we have a carload of scofflaws here...)

>> No.95437  
File: 1182633159816.png -(292223 B, 1280x960) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

added a top for anyone who wants a full wallpaper thing

>> No.95441  

Do you have any in 1440 x 900 and 1680 x 1050 sizes

>> No.95448  
File: 1182636595783.png -(434000 B, 1680x1050) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That was surprisingly difficult to do.

>> No.95450  

Thanks, all of you Anonymouses and Sprockets.

Hmm. Here (Czech Republic), seatbelts became mandatory only in this decade, too (and I don't agree with it, except on children, even though I always use the belt, but that's beside the point). But only persons taller than 150 cm and/or 12 or more years of age have been allowed to sit in the front passenger seat for as long as I remember.

About the "wrong-sided car", I asked mainly because I think it's got to be incredibly difficult to drive. Like, you can't see anything when you're overtaking another car...

>> No.95472  


Jumbo probably has a foreign car because he can fit into it. I'm only 6'-2" and I have problems finding cars I can fit into.

>> No.95504  

Funny how everyone expresses concern about a child riding in the front seat of a car when in a much earlier chapter Yotsuba and Ena ride in the bed of a truck.

>>Page 5: Yotsuba... Mr. Koiwai... in a bath... together?

I've gotten the impression that it's socially acceptable for children to bathe with their parents, even at that age.
Ever seen Shin-chan or My Neighbor Totoro?

>> No.95519  

>>95504 Ah, that part was kind of tongue-in-cheek. I vaguely remember bathing with my father, too, when I was like five. I feel kind of icky about it now, though, and can't imagine doing that with my kids (supposing I'll have any, which is not bloody likely).

>> No.95531  
File: 1182693278921.jpg -(136381 B, 818x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

In Japan, the children under the age of 6 are legally-required to use the "child-seat."

>> No.95533  

>>95531 (spit-take)

>> No.95536  


  D E S T R O Y E D 
>> No.95543  


right click, SAVE

>> No.95545  

Unnn... so young the power in this one is appearing...

>> No.95549  
File: 1182705257613.jpg -(386340 B, 818x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Should've spent a bit longer on it. Will post the template if anyone needs it.

>> No.95550  
File: 1182705396642.gif -(17142 B, 561x302) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.95577  
File: 1182715962925.gif -(156206 B, 369x207) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.95586  


Oh, wow.

>> No.95653  

okay guys, this shit has been out for a while now, is anybody going to get on their horse and translate this?

>> No.95654  

Damn, people are spoiled. I'm willing to wait for my FREE translation, whenever the nice people on here can fit it into their busy schedules.

>> No.95655  

i don't really care when it gets done, it's just that usually by now someone is saying "hey i'm working on it"

i guess i only ask if someone's working on it because if nobody's available, i can go see if i can round someone up who speaks moon.

but if someone is working on it, then go ahead and take all the time you want. i just want to know what's going on, i guess.

>> No.95683  


>okay guys, this shit has been out for a while now, is anybody going to get on their horse and translate this?

It's understandable that you want to know if there will be a translation, but when you say "shit" like this, it doesn't make them feel very appreciated.

>> No.95685  

I haven't seen some of the folks who have been doing the translations recently check in here for a while. So some of them could be out of school, traveling, or otherwise away from the 'Net (or at least this board).

Then there are some who have work and not all that much free time to deal with translating something here...

And, yes, griping about how fast you're getting something for nothing is not appreciated...

>> No.95688  

I love you /azu/!

>> No.95690  


you're right, that was a pretty dickish thing of me to type. sorry everybody


>> No.95691  

On behalf of the translator-types here, your apology and consideration are appreciated, thanks.

I'd love to be able to translate this, as I've already done most of it in my head. Unfortunately, work deadlines and an upcoming business trip just aren't going to give me the time until next week at the earliest. Ralen may have time to step in before then. (Actually, I'm a bit surprised he hasn't already, but I guess his schedule piles up too sometimes.)

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