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134946 No.206091     Report  

What do you think of this sweater I got in the mail yesterday?

  No.206092   Report                
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When I got it, there was the slightest hint of booze on it. Perhaps beer was spilled on it.

  No.206093   Report                

I like your blanket.

  No.206094   Report                

as it should be

  No.206116   Report                
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That's when you know it's the real thing.

  No.206122   Report                

Are you a girl? if not... just don't, please.

  No.206124   Report                

Post pictures of you wearing it, you tease.

  No.206125   Report                

Hand made. Sense of style. Love it.

Where can I buy one?

  No.206127   Report                

Yukari only ever wore that sweater in like one episode, didn't she? How did it come to be so strongly associated with her?

  No.206128   Report                
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Very nice!

Now, for your next order...

  No.206129   Report                


It's distinctive, it looks good on her, and it appears in the very first color page of the manga?

  No.206139   Report                
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Well, as a guy, I wouldn't want to be caught dead owning that quilt it's sitting on.

But that's just me.


  No.206140   Report                

Op here. I'll try to take pics this week and I'll post some here. The girl I commissioned it to, neoedo2009 on deviantart, wants pics of it for her website.

I have to mention her name and give her credit for making the sweater.

  No.206148   Report                
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Pics incoming!

  No.206149   Report                
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  No.206150   Report                
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  No.206153   Report                
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Chiyo-Chan is tired because she stayed up all night studying. Not a good enough excuse for sleeping in Yukari's class!

  No.206154   Report                
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Please forgive my weeaboo-ness. I couldn't resist doing this with cup-noodles.

  No.206155   Report                
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  No.206156   Report                

Gordan Freeman?

  No.206157   Report                
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  No.206158   Report                
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  No.206159   Report                

Yukari has rockin' tits, this guy has no tits.

  No.206161   Report                

Well, you look pretty teacher-y alright.

  No.206173   Report                

Maybe he has a rockin' dick?

That's pretty awesome. In all the years I've been here I don't anyone has showed themselves doing any /azu/ related cosplay. If you're going to be at AX this year maybe we can team up - I'll be a half-black/spic Nyamo half nakid ;)

  No.206181   Report                

Oh,mein Gott........

You get points for actually wearing it.

  No.206187   Report                
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Well done.

And, just in case some of you absolutely need to see it on a woman...

  No.206188   Report                
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  No.206191   Report                

No offense man, but if I were you I'd consider getting a different haircut. ANY other kind.

  No.206200   Report                

He should get one like SoDa.

  No.206201   Report                

oh shit, is that pot plant the trick or treat buckets McDonald's use to give out during Halloween?

  No.206240   Report                
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That doesn't look like a pot plant to me.

...Is she reading the Bible?

  No.206264   Report                
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If she's anything like Yukari, it's probably a Bible like this one

  No.206314   Report                


My goodness... I want that sweater.

  No.206425   Report                

My goodness...I want that Bible.

  No.206466   Report                
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If Yukari were real, I would love to toke with her and listen to stories about her teaching experiences.

  No.206468   Report                
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it was so easy, i had to do it

  No.206469   Report                

I just hope she isn't one of those stoner chicks that refuses to shave their armpits and take showers.

  No.206473   Report                

I think >>206201 meant plant pot, not pot plant.

  No.206475   Report                

Some people also say "pot plant" when they mean "potted plant."
Kind of like how some people say "drink driving" when they mean "drunk driving."

  No.206476   Report                

hey I appreciate you getting my back, Ralen. you didn't have to do that, but the next time someone gives you shit about being chef gordon ramsay I'll fuck them, fuck them in the head.

  No.206477   Report                

That would be great. I love those kind of girls. Stinky girl-pits and pot make me feel at peace with the world. I doubt a Japanese woman (especially one of Yukari's caliber) would permit herself to have body odor.

Also, if one feels like it, shop the leaf in >>206468 into a green pot leaf, Yukari's eyes into red, bloodshot eyes, and smiling mouth. If anything, make the leaf into pot. Please and thank you.

  No.206483   Report                
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'cause you asked so nicely.

  No.206487   Report                
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A hero among men. Few think what they want. Even fewer try to get what they want.

Only you get what you want. Well done.

  No.206489   Report                


Tomo has a gimped hand.

  No.206492   Report                


Not to derail this thread even more than it already has been, but is there an anime out there that has a positive (or at least a neutral) stance on recreational drug use? Outside of drunkenness, of course.

  No.206493   Report                


  No.206494   Report                

Depends on what you see as positive; Serial Experiments: Lain, Red Garden, Cowboy Bebop, Welcome to NHK Boogiepop Phantom, etc. - maybe those aren't completely positive but they don't reach heroin levels.

  No.206495   Report                

Do they even do drugs in Japan?

The only drugs I've seen in anime are crazy scifi shit.

  No.206496   Report                


  No.206503   Report                


What we may view as "crazy sci-fi shit" has actually been commonplace for years in the Great Nation of Japan.

  No.206510   Report                


That's a good point! I have been watching anime for more than 10 years now, and while alcohol and cigarettes are VERY common, you don't see other drugs very often.

In fact, the only mention of other drugs that I can think of is when it is a specific part of the plot, as in Lain or Bebop. I can't recall any mention of simple recreational drug use in anime (again, except for the ever-present booze and cigs). Whoops, I lied. There is a scene in the first El-Hazard where Fujisawa-sensei runs out of cigs and smokes a rolled-up leaf from some random plant. I think he'd probably get along with Yukari really well....

  No.206515   Report                
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This is the only time I recall seeing drug use casually mentioned in anime/manga.

  No.206516   Report                



  No.206517   Report                

Mahoraba heartfull days

  No.206519   Report                
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Well, Ai Yazawa's Nana has got a character who's a crack addict, and another who's gotten arrested for possession of marijuana (which apparently gets a decent jail term over there). But they're rock stars, so maybe it's okay.

I had kind of wondered if there wasn't some weird censorship rule with drugs in manga, actually.

  No.206520   Report                
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  No.206529   Report                

My uneducated guess would be that the people who use recreational drugs generally aren't the types to either draw or buy much manga. So if there were a few works that featured a group of friends sharing a joint without their lives falling into disarray, few publishers would want a piece of it because it might turn off their perceived audience or cause some controversy.

  No.206530   Report                

Do any of the major comic book publishers in the US print books that present drug use in a positive light (besides alcohol)?

  No.206531   Report                


10 years ago? No. Now there are, mainly in the indipendant publishers. However, there's a good reason for that (in the USA anyway).

In the 1950's there was a moral panic in the US going on about how comic books were evil and so on. As a result, the comic book industry decided to self-regulate the content of comics and formed the "comics code". Until very recently almost all comics conformed to the CCA rules. There were a lot of rules, but some of the highlights:

The "good guys" always win over the "bad guys"
The use of drugs and alcohol was discouraged, and must be portrayed in a negative light.
No nudity or graphic violence
No vampires, werewolves, zombies, etc.
Police, judges, etc. must always be portrayed in a positive way.

anyway, that pretty much nixes any recreational drug use in western comics, at least until very recently when many publishers stopped adhering to the code.

  No.206532   Report                


I don't know about the laws in Japan, but I would assume that there was nothing similar. Part of the appeal of Manga in the west is that it doesn't follow the same "rules".

In most western comics the good guy always beats the bad guy, and there's a very clear sense of "right" and "wrong". Manga/anime doesn't follow those rules at all. Often times the "bad guys" win--and that's if there even is a clear distinction between the "bad guys" and "good guys". Manga also contained "adult content" of various sorts that simply never appeared in western comics, as well as graphic nudity, violence, and all the other things that the CCA banned.

Personally I think this was the reason for the huge surge in popularity of Anime/Manga in the west between the 90's and today. Western media followed "the rules" so consistently that there were no real surprises and the outcome of the story was pretty much a given. Then westerners discovered manga and all that went out the window. Suddenly we saw corrupt public officials, graphic violence, sex, vice, and you didn't always know if the good guys were going to win or not. It was a major breath of fresh air!

Independent comic book publishers started figuring this out in the last 10 years or so. Image comics, for example, got popular because they broke from tradition and started going beyond what the CCA allowed, and were very successful as a result of it.

  No.206533   Report                


I wouldn't know about major publishers (which is not what the original poster asked, btw), but writers such as Grant Morrison and Warren Ellis have written positively about recreational drug use, at least as something normal. Morrison's "Invisibles" series comes to mind.

  No.206534   Report                

Has "American" become a dirty word in America or why is it that Americans nowadays constantly say "Western" when they mean "American"

  No.206535   Report                


  No.206537   Report                

>>206535 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Link_To_A_Wikipedia_Article_And_Leave_It_To_Others_To_Guess_What_Point_I'm_Trying_To_Make_If_Any

  No.206538   Report                

>>206535 linked directly to the post containing the question, then provided a link that contained the answer. Concise and easy to understand.

  No.206541   Report                

The question was, if you take >>206538 literally, "Has 'American' become a dirty word in America?".

The actual, underlying question was, if I get >>206538 right, "Why does that guy talk about "Western" when he means "American?".

The "concise" article (several thousand words) gives a lot of definitions for "West" which we are all aware of, I think. None of those equates the West with the USA.

tl;dr I don't understand that either.

  No.206542   Report                

The gist was that while America is a part of the west, western things are not exclusively American. "Western" encompasses the entirety of western civilized nations and their cultural views on things. This includes the United States, Canada, Western Europe, and possibly Australia.

  No.206544   Report                

The original question contained several false assumptions that all seemed to stem from lack of familiarity with the term "Western", which most people learn in high school.
Chief among these are the perceptions that the use of "Western" is somehow recent and restricted solely to America, both of which even a cursory glace at the article would refute.
All of this would suggest that the original questioner's only exposure to the idea of "Western" is from anime image boards, where the distinction between Western and non-Western cultures are built into forum rules- forums which have only gained prominence in recent years, the same timeframe the questioner claims the term "Western" arose.
In other words, dumb questions can be prevented by even the smallest amount of research.

  No.206546   Report                

That sounds better than what I said.

  No.206547   Report                


  No.206548   Report                
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Agreeing that as major US publishers go, not so much with the recreational drug use -- but underground/indie comics definitely figured out they didn't have to follow the CCA earlier than 10 years ago. Though I haven't read anything with an actual publishing house where drugs were casually used for non-comic effects and without immediate/negative consequences earlier than mid-80s-90s, with Love and Rockets.

  No.206549   Report                

I just figured it wasn't so much of ignoring regulations or fallowing them, drugs just didn't seem to fit with the people writing about them.
Weren't pot jokes common in Doonesbury?

  No.206551   Report                


> The original question contained several false assumptions that all seemed to stem from lack of familiarity with the term "Western", which most people learn in high school.

Eh ... duh? How do you get that idea?

As I read it >>206534 is well aware about the defintion of "Western". It's >>206531 who isn't (or much more likely simply doesn't give a shit). It's just that >>206534 used heavy sarcasm.

Bottom line,
>>206531 comes across as the steroetypical ugly American, >>206534 felt trolled and trolled back.

Be assured, I grew up with Western comics that where nothing like that, which might or might not be because they weren't American. But they weren't.

  No.206552   Report                

...drugs just didn't seem to fit with the people writing about them.

? Sorry, not quite following, especially this bit. Doonesbury had pot jokes, but heck, if there's any drug I'd associate with a comic born during an American writer's liberal college years in the 60s, it'd be that.

  No.206553   Report                

As in drugs weren't an integral part to any story for the writer to show in a "positive" light. To put it in context, drug using and dealing was common in gangster rap, but used in the same light in comics during that era with comic writers?
Unless there's a superhero out there that didn't gain his powers from radioactive insects and whatnot.

  No.206558   Report                

How on earth did >>206531, >>206532 come across as ugly/trolling?

  No.206559   Report                


Let's set this straight.

I wrote 206531 (and the immediate follow-up) and I used the word WESTERN becasue I meant WESTERN, and not USA only. If I had meant "USA" then I'd have said "USA".

I have lived in England, Canada, Denmark, and the USA and at least in my experience the content of comic books was very similar in all of those countries.

There were a few comics in Denmark which featured sex jokes which were a bit more risque than I'd expect to see in mainstream American comics. Likewise there were some older British comics (Viz magazine) which pushed "toilet humor" pretty hard, but in general I'd say the content of comics was very similar in all of those countries. And those particular exceptions were all in very silly, slapstick, sort of situations, not in comic titles with a serious tone and more realistic art style.

Obviously the CCA doesn't apply outside the USA, but the CCA rules did affect all the major blockbuster titles, as they came from American publishers. The Spider-Man comics I bought in Denmark were no different from US Spider-Man.

  No.206561   Report                
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As in drugs weren't an integral part to any story for the writer to show in a "positive" light.

<-- Little Annie Fanny in 60s-80s Playboy? More about sex than drugs, more about satire than "serious" use, but pot, when used, was defended.

To put it in context, drug using and dealing was common in gangster rap, but used in the same light in comics during that era with comic writers?

During the era of gangster rap -- 80s-90s? I think Love and Rockets again fits... for example, in a scene one character has just dropped acid and is driving around a groupful of people; she frets a bit, but no one else is concerned and her friend tells her what's really gonna kill her is cheap beer. In the early 90s, a couple of stories show a lot of casual drug use between characters, including a whole family that smokes pot (though it's generally matter-of-fact to positive about pot and pretty negative about heroin). But yeah, again an indie publisher.

Unless there's a superhero out there that didn't gain his powers from radioactive insects and whatnot.

True enough with superheros (though the argument's been made about Popeye :P).

  No.206562   Report                

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Japanese people simply don't use as many "recreational" drugs as Americans do. Methamphetamine (which the Japanese invented) was historically the biggest drug of abuse in Japan, together with huffing of various sorts. Cocaine and pot are certainly present in Japan, but not nearly as common as in the U.S. Japanese certainly like to drink; what about alcohol abuse? Does alcoholism get discussed much in manga?

  No.206563   Report                

I'd say yeah, alcoholism does get a lot of manga coverage, though usually it's played for laughs. You get the wacky drunkard regularly in shounen manga. As for the negative sides of alcohol abuse, it's a lot less common, though it shows up here or there in abusive/self-destructive characters. Mostly alcohol is an excuse to carry a cute passed-out girl home, though I might be wrong.

  No.206571   Report                

rape and incest are covered in manga more than drugs and alcohol

I hear divorce is taboo in japan too

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