>I don't think you'll do much good by slinging pedophile accusations around. People don't like being told something they do is wrong.
No shit. Maybe because they know what they are doing is pretty fucked up and against the law in most countries?
And "underage according to the letter of the law"...Yes. The same law that can get you prosecuted for child pornograhpy.
Doesn't matter if the Japanese law says 16 (if it in fact does) You aren't in Japan. Most people here aren't either.
You can't justify and rationalize this shit.
And for the record?
I'm here because my Wife and son and I love the Yotsuba Comics. We appreciate the guys who translate them, and like to read them since it take so lomg for the collected English versions to come out.
But you know the sad part? My wife won't come here any more because she got tired of seeing all the shit that gets posted. The drawings, and the stories, and the posts about how you want Ena or Asagi to have giant dicks. It disgusts her. And my little son? Do you thing he would benefit from seeing a little girl like Yotsuba get fucked by Yanda?
Or any of the other things that show up here?
I can't let him look at stuff that is supposed to be designed FOR KIDS!
I'm here because I have to weed through all this, and find the good stuff that some of you do so we can enjoy a comic we like.
Think about that for a minute. My child can't sit on my knee and read through this board about an innocent, sweet little girl in a comic, because some twisted fucker has to broadcast his perverted fantasies about sex with children.
And you have the nerve to try and say it's ok, or even to try and justify it?
Jesus Christ some of you people seriously need to be locked up.