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157181 No.208980     Report  

How does she come up with a name like that for a Beddy Tear?

  No.208981   Report                

I'd imagine she simply heard the word somewhere before.

Duralimin is a trade name for a particular aluminum alloy which is used for lightweight parts on bicycles, motorcycles, airplanes, golf clubs, etc. It's not like she simply made it up.

  No.208984   Report                
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>Beddy Tear

You mean a Beary Gellar?

From chapter 10, it sounds like Ena told Yotsuba one of her bears was named Julietta, but Yotsuba kept saying it as Julalumin (which is how 'duralumin' sounds in Japanese), so now she thinks bears are called Duralumin.

Kids come up with their own names for things like that all the time. When I was little, all Volkswagen Beetles were "beep-beep cars."

  No.208990   Report                
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The more I think about the word "duralumin" as a name for a teddy bear, the more appropriate it sounds to me.
It's just cute-sounding. Not as cute as "beep-beep cars", because that shit is adorable to the max, but still pretty cute.

  No.208993   Report                

I know what Duralumin is. I just didn't really see how (even with Yotsuba's logic)she equated that with a Teddy bear.
I get the Tsukutsukuboshi/cicada thing, and the "Daddy is a konnyaku maker", that makes sense in a convoluted way.
Duralumin just seemd way out of left field.
The Julietta/Julalumin makes a little more sense, but still..

  No.208994   Report                

No I meant a Beddy Tear.
That's the way It was translated in the version I read, and I'm sticking with that.

  No.208995   Report                

I know, I was just pointing out that if you think Duralumin sounds weird, "Beary Gellar" (what she actually says instead of "Teddy Bear") is even weirder.

  No.208996   Report                

It was a mispronunciation of "Juliet" the name of one of Ena's teddy bears.

I think Duralumin sounds sort of kind of like Juliet if you're Japanese and deafened.

  No.208998   Report                

What did/would you name your teddy bear?

Named my teddy bear yousaties when I was 8. Nonsense word..

  No.209000   Report                

I thought I "discovered" masturbation when I was 8. It wasn't a hidden secret as it turns out, but it was a great discovery nonetheless.

  No.209001   Report                

It makes you wonder who was the first guy to share his discovery of masturbation with someone else.

  No.209003   Report                


>>I just didn't really see how (even with Yotsuba's logic)she equated that with a Teddy bear.

Seriously? She's a little kid! They do that kind of thing. There was a little girl who lived down the street from me back when I was in High School. She named her dog "Chevrolet" after her dad's car...

  No.209004   Report                

I use to run around naked with no shame at Yot's age. Maybe she had a phase like that or will, yet.
Wouldn't mind Shimauu going through that phase, either.

  No.209005   Report                

Yeah, actually.
Yotsuba comes up with some convoluted stuff, but 9 times out of 10, you can see how she came up with it. You can follow the thought process.
X-->Y, by way of 5, eventually comes to Z.
My son is the same way. He'll come up with something totally out of left field, but if you walk through the steps, it makes perfect sense.

It's completely adorable that she calls her bear Duralumin. I'd just like to understand her thought process.

  No.209006   Report                

>>209000 >>209001 >>209004
Did you really think that was important enough to share?
And >>209004
Seriously you better get some counselling and deal with that pedophilia before you ruin a kid's (or several kids') life.

  No.209007   Report                

Bitch, since when was Shimauu underage?
And, no, I was born butt-naked and I'll die butt-naked!

  No.209009   Report                

There's probably a step somewhere that we're missing. Something that made her associate the word 'Duralumin' with stuffed animals. We may never know what that is though.

Important? Masturbation has got to be the greatest discovery in the history of mankind. Would you keep that knowledge all to yourself?

  No.209010   Report                

"Duralimin" is not a common word in the west--even in the relevant industries. The US uses other names for the same material. However, it would not be unusual in parts of Europe or in Japan. One likely place where she might have heard it would be in the bike shop in chapter 36.

  No.209011   Report                
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I've said this before, but the teddy is not the first manga/anime character named Duralumin. Pictured here is Grand Duke Duralumin.


>Important? Masturbation has got to be the greatest discovery in the history of mankind.

I think >>209006 was asking what possible motivation could have made >>209000 share that information. As in, "do you think it's important that we know that? Ewwwww!..."

Now, you're wrong when you say masturbation is a great discovery in the history of mankind. It is a marvellous discovery, of course, but it was not discovered by humans. It was most likely discovered by pre-human hominids and I would bet some masturbatory techniques were passed as cultural information back then, so fapping is part of our evolutionary and cultural legacy. The dangerous and painful fracture called Colles fracture is the price all hominids have to pay for the versatile wrists we need in order to fap, and I say that's a fair price. Evolution is a series of trade-offs, and we've made the right choice.

  No.209012   Report                

Really? I must've missed that.
Interesting. Maybe Yotsuba saw that on TV or something.

I figured that's what >>209006 meant, but I was just messing with him.

>discovered by pre-human hominids

Wouldn't that still be covered under "The History of Mankind" though?

Yes, we went from a discussion about teddy bears to masturbation in 10 posts.
For shame /azu/.
We can be faster than that.

  No.209014   Report                


>Wouldn't that still be covered under "The History of Mankind" though?

Well, I think so. For some reason I thought you were talking about modern humans when you said mankind.
Still, our direct ancestors got it from somewhere. I mean, all apes fap (with amazing techniques) and I've seen a lot of monkeys doing it too (quite crudely), so I think it goes way back. Maybe the discoverer was a lemurid.
Well, whatever the creature was it was pure genius.

  No.209019   Report                

I think mankid just put his penis in stuff and history unfolded from there.

  No.209021   Report                

I think that sentence is destined to become a proverb.

Mankid just put his penis in stuff and history unfolded from there


  No.209024   Report                
>There's probably a step somewhere that we're missing. Something that made her associate the word 'Duralumin' with stuffed animals. We may never know what that is though.

i like to think of it like this: ever hear a kid say something odd and the phrase you automaically think is "where on earth did you hear that?"? that might apply in this case. i don't think it wouldn't be giving azuma too much credit if he did that intentionally.

it actually reminds me of my cousin when she was about 10 and she started pole dancing...erotically. of course she could have either have gotten that from her aunt or from late-night tv.

  No.209025   Report                

! Maybe Azuma's making a reference to Tezuka's Duralumin? His hair kinda resembles teddy bear ears...

  No.209027   Report                


...that's certainly possible!

  No.209028   Report                
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I remember thinking male pattern baldness looked like wolf ears when I was little, so it could be similar.


>ever hear a kid say something odd and the phrase you automaically think is "where on earth did you hear that?"? that might apply in this case

I think that was exactly Azuma's intent in this case.

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