Howdy, /azu/. It's been a long time since I've been here, maybe years. Today as I was cleaning out my closet I came across my Azumanga manga and DVD's. I popped in those DVD's and started reliving the memories and all the fun I had on this board.
After hours of browsing and watching I thought "I should watch the movie!" Remember the movie? yeah that six minute thing? It was cool in fact really cool-- I loved it. It encompassed everything about Azumanga in such a short time span and gave a prominent role to my favorite: Osaka.
So I went on over to Google video to only find that it had shut down...
You see, I can find the movie on youtube or another site; but I can't find it at the crisp high quality that it was on google video. And everyone can agree that the animation of the movie is superior to the TV show.
For old time's sake, /azu/... Is anyone willing to share or upload a high quality version of the Azumanga Daioh movie?