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477418 No.228204     Report  

the title says it all

  No.228206   Report                

My favorite edit of this is the one with the album Loveless.

  No.228254   Report                
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  No.228279   Report                
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  No.228351   Report                
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Name "voodoo lily" for konjac sounds amazing. "Devil's tongue" too.

  No.228373   Report                
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Yotsuba and camera (chapter 74).

Do we know any TV stars, journalists, entertainers and other public persons convicted of mischiefs?
Max Clifford - Britain’s best known celebrity publicist – is now a jailed sex offender, got eight-year term for a string of indecent assaults. His victims were as young as 15.
(quote: http://www.euronews.com/2014/05/03/british-pr-guru-max-clifford-jailed-for-eight-years-for-sex-crimes/ )
Rolf Harris - entertainer - was found guilty of 12 charges of indecently assaulting four girls. Some of the victims were as young as seven or eight.
(quote: http://in.reuters.com/article/2014/06/30/britain-rolf-harris-idINKBN0F51HC20140630 )
Stuart Hall - presenter - pleaded guilty to having indecently assaulted 13 girls, aged between 9 and 17 years old.
(quote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuart_Hall_(presenter) )
Jimmy Savile - presenter - committed sexual abuse, his alleged victims ranging from prepubescent girls and boys to adults.
(quote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Savile_sexual_abuse_scandal )

Now if that guy from the picture on the left was Dick Wolfsie - TV presenter and writer - what's your bet, how high scores could be?

  No.228390   Report                

Soundtrack for >>228254

  No.228391   Report                

Regarding first Youtube link of >>228390
Find 5 differences:
Matt Jones (principal of Logansport High School, IN) on the left - unknown SS officer on the right

  No.228392   Report                
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And missing picture :)

  No.228393   Report                
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And another joke.

  No.228397   Report                

Original for all of those

  No.228398   Report                

Plus "Willie's Lady" (child ballad #220 in "Roud Folk Song Index")

  No.228399   Report                

Opinion about this song being Luftwaffe SS hymn is wrong (at least it seems so), because before 1976 when Bots made it Zeven dagen lang song existed only in breton version.

  No.228400   Report                
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This one /azu/ regulars probably know, and Azuma knows for sure as he's Japanese.
I'd say with many bricks kids would build complex structures.
But Yotsuba's habit of building brick towers (it was more than in one chapter, pic taken from chapter 60) reminds following element of buddhism.

Sai no Kawara (Riverbed of the Netherworld, Japanese Limbo for Children)
"The legend of Sai no Kawara is attributed to the Jōdo Pure Land Sect from around the 14th or 15th century AD. According to the legend, children who die prematurely are sent to the underworld as punishment for causing great sorrow to their parents. They are sent to Sai no Kawara, the riverbed of souls in purgatory, where they pray for salvation by building small stone towers, piling pebble upon pebble, in the hopes of climbing out of limbo into paradise. But hell demons, answering to the command of the old hag Shozuka no Baba (also called Datsueba, or Jigoku no Baba), soon arrive and scatter their stones and beat them with iron clubs."
(quote and all info from http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/sai-no-kawara.html )
In my opinion, concept of Ten Judges of Hell has flaw, which is in question "Who will judge the judges?".
It must be such a pleasure to sit in Hell eternally! Yes? No? There's saying which means something like prisoner and his warder are almost in the same situation.

  No.228403   Report                
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Who is who (products and origin). Image is badly composed mix of panels from chapters 56 and 60.
Danish "gavn" is synonym of "tarv", which means "bull" (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gavn and http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tarv )
It has the same root (is related to) as Danish "gavne" (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gavne).
"Gavne" in it's turn seems to come from the Old Norse "gagna" - "to serve" (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gagna), which is related to French "gagner" - "to win" (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gagner )
If you remember Tarvos Trigaranus and start to click links from http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/trigaran to http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/trigar , you'll find out it means "to be late" (this one looks more of a joke).
Sorry for the following examples being a bit rusty, but it can't be helped, it's the way languages mutated.
"Говно" ("govno", means "poop") in Russian comes from the same root as these words like "gavn" meaning "bull" (http://ru.wiktionary.org/wiki/говно#.D0.AD.D1.82.D0.B8.D0.BC.D0.BE.D0.BB.D0.BE.D0.B3.D0.B8.D1.8F )
"Говядина" ("beef") too.
Any other synonyms and related meanings (like "steer”, "need", Ancient Greek one) you can find by clicking links in articles (if you want).
I guess this post was a gag. You can call it bullshit, but it's full of win, even if that's Pyrrhic victory (means "winning the battle but losing the war"; all this world is non-stop war so far; if I lose war, what is this "not war" that left for me?).

  No.228404   Report                

wow fascinating

  No.228419   Report                

Imagine Yotsuba's role in manga is impersonation of any kind of power - solar, electrical, etc. Then Azuma drew variantions for different kinds of disaster.
Chapter 9 - "Many, many to kill, up your sin!" (http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/10678-mene-mene-tekel-upharsin)
Or "More chi cause love!"

  No.228422   Report                




  No.228455   Report                

Miura is someone who goes "mew-mew" like when cats and kitties in March go "mrow". Its gender is uncertain (Jumbo makes fun of it). By impersonating Danbo Miura "играет в ящик".

In chapter "Yotsuba and pizza" Koiwai and Yotsuba argue about how many to get - 10 or 2. But binary 10 is the same as decimal 2. Do you know how "тупица" is pronounced?

  No.228476   Report                
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Yotsuba and fun of timejumping (chapter 81).

Imagine linear timejumping is possible. Jump forward ten years takes ten years.
Immediate jump backwards from ten time ahead takes ten times too.
Result: what arrives back is twenty years older than what left. Or, if you like, birthday of newly returned is twenty years earlier.
Possible effect: jump leaves after person some "antiperson", or "hole". Maybe such action would have impact on gender and memory.
Maybe this way are possible interactions between version and antiversion of such timejumper. Like, for example, one can be own's mother or rapist.
One can't get to any better world this way.

Ah, "today is the most enjoyable day" (Yotsuba&! motto) is philosophy for people with mental disorder who can't remember what happened yesterday, it's like chronic amnesia or statist from "Groundhog Day".

  No.228481   Report                

This was kind of the premise of time travel in the movie Primer.

The only way to travel back in time was to relive the same amount of time in reverse. So to go 24 hours into the past, you would have to experience those 24 hours backwards in order to get there.

  No.228483   Report                

So basically you wouldn't be able to go back or forwards to any point in time that wouldn't be in your lifetime anyway?

  No.228486   Report                

Time can be non-linear in general.
I don't know if it can be "personally" non-linear. When panzer's track makes one full turnover, wheels inside it make few.
I saw videos titled "In loving memory of..." dedicated to supposedly dead persons, but looking at dates of birth and death and comparing them to images I'd say they lived 35+ years, but looked 60+ of age. Maybe just life was hard?

  No.228487   Report                

In the movie at least, no, the time travel was backwards only.

You could theoretically travel to a point before your birth, but in the movie's logic, the time machine has to be activated at the point in time you want to return to.
So you turn it on, leave it running while you go about your life, then if/when you want to travel to the past, you turn the machine off, climb inside, and ride it back to the point where you first turned it on.

  No.228506   Report                
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First you need to wear them to do so.

  No.228507   Report                
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Images used: "Yotsuba & Drawing", "Yotsuba & Night", Rubber Duck by Florentijn Hofman, 67P by Rosetta.
Collage technique used: close enough.

  No.228514   Report                
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One of the obvious instances of power in Yotsuba (image from chapter 37).

(Willpower is translated as "сила воли". "Воля" in its turn has two meanings - "will" and "liberty/freedom". It as well starts with familiar (at least to me) set of letters "вол". "Воля" in meaning of "freedom" is like omnivolume - volume without borders.)

  No.228516   Report                

Иди нахуй уже, уёбок

  No.228517   Report                

/Azu/, meet cretins who sit one floor above.
They have no reason to, they are the one who fucked up, but as it is with morons, they refuse to recognize their own fault.
For a cleaner look of imageboard would be better to remove last two comments.

  No.228518   Report                

Go find a /b/ased racism board. Oh wait...

  No.228519   Report                


  No.228520   Report                

can somebody just remove this whole shite thread?

  No.228521   Report                

Your post makes LESS sense than the one above it which can’t be translated correctly.

  No.228528   Report                
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Saw these "fake dead" more than once.
Like for example this guy, who looks Cernunn >>228373
Name's Gary, supposedly dead at 44 y.o.

  No.228529   Report                

You probably have never read Yotsuba&!, don't you?

  No.228531   Report                

LESS sense. thanks for confirming.

  No.228532   Report                

Yeah, this thread doesn't make any sense

  No.228533   Report                

Nothing makes any sense when Yotsuba is gone.

  No.228551   Report                

Told someone who never had her.

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