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/azu/ - Azumanga

(and Barasui)
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2023-09-07: Archives of the threads containing translations of Azuma's tweets are now on /archive/


We're a long-running and easygoing community for people who want to hang out, chill, share their day, encourage each other, and improve themselves. Shitposting is limited but we are not a hugbox so moderation does allow for disagreements and harsher language.


disgusting trannycord + self promotion, mods!


File: 1719748332455.png (424.52 KB, 657x661, tumblr_pl4o1dVQUH1v662cwo2….pnggoogle iqdb trace ascii2d

Every time a discord server advertises itself with the same choice of words always turns out to be the worst kind of server to join.


Not your place to spam/advertise off-topic stuff.
Link edited out.

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