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/azu/ - Azumanga

(and Barasui)
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2023-09-07: Archives of the threads containing translations of Azuma's tweets are now on /archive/

File: 1695057249592.jpg (386.28 KB, 851x1200, __ayase_fuuka_yotsubato_dr….jpggoogle iqdb trace ascii2d


How come she's still single?


I would fuck (and marry) fuuka if you know what I mean


>if you know what I mean
Do you mean exactly what you said, word by word?


who would you kill?


Fuuka's hymen.


because Fuuka cannot be happy. she cannot hum. she cannot draw. she has her heart broken. she is obesity. the universe that Kiyohiko Azuma has created is by design against Fuuka.But I BELIEVE Fuuka will defeat the universe and obtain contentment.


Fuck you so much.




What did I miss?


She's to awesome


Built for Koiwai


Which mirrors reality...

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