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2023-09-07: Archives of the threads containing translations of Azuma's tweets are now on /archive/

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Yomi is sexy


Yomi's vagina should never not be around my penis.


nyamo clears i'm sorry


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Osaka is cuter, I love her.


>Osaka is cuter
Cuter? Probably.
Sexier? No way. Yomi has the legs and butt of my dreams, and Nice breasts that drive me insane.

I wanna impregnate her, and take not just responsibility, but responsibility plus. That's when you impregnate a girl and then marry her and also the baby.


anal sex


Anyone else wants to see Yomi pregnant and taking a shit?
Am I the only one?
I can't be the only one, right?


not into glasses or girls who look like they could be adults


What's wrong with chicks that looks like adults?


That begs the question of which is better; a 10 year old that looks 18 (Hotaru from Non Non Biyori) or an 18 year old that looks 10 (Konata from Lucky Star)?


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I found a website i used to visit as a boy on wayback machine. the links/pics are broken so theres no point looking it up, but its nice seeing an old site again






>tfw you will never fuck Yomi


How do you know?


>which is better; a 10 year old that looks 18 or an 18 year old that looks 10?
A 10 year old that looks her age is not an option?
If it isn't, then I choose the 18YO that looks 10. But she better look really really 10. As in, totally flat and naturally hairless down there, and no menstruation.


She's not real


That sounds like an excuse. An excuse to not even try!


how could I even try?


Do you believe in multiverses?
Or humanoid robots?


Sounds unrealistic
>humanoid robots
I don't want to fuck a robot


>I don't want to fuck a robot
But I'm talking about Blade Runner type robots. Basically humans, except artificial. With designed memories and identities, you could have a Sakaki that believes to be Sakaki.


Thats still just a robot


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The Nexus are more human than human. If you're gonna see them as machines, then you should see humans as machines too.
Artificial proteines are still proteines, and they have free will (as much as we do) so they're just like us. Sure, they're made with pre-conditiined aspects to their personalities, but then again so do we.
With that tech you could make a Sakaki,a Yomi or a Chiyo, and they're gonna live their lives believing to be what they're compelled to believe to be, which would make them actually be that.


theres too few episodes, youre going to build a person off of maybe 500 lines of dialogue?


Totally could. We know enough about her:
She loves cats, cute creatures, and fancy things. Is shy, gets embarrased easily, doesn't like to see posteres of sick people, dislikes creepy stuff, is intelligent, kind, cries when something is moving...


>As Yomi from Azumanga Daioh, I might have spent today juggling my studies and hanging out with my friends. I probably started off with a morning class, trying to keep my focus while dealing with the antics of my classmates. After school, I might have enjoyed some time with Tomo, Kagura, and Osaka, trying to keep things in order while they make it a bit chaotic. I could have also indulged in some snacks or maybe even done a bit of studying, hoping to keep up my grades. Throughout the day, I would have tried to balance my serious side with the fun and silly moments that come from being surrounded by my unique group of friends!

its a little off, you know?


Yeah, she hates being around Tomo and the other Bonkuras as a group. She wouldn't admit to munching either.


I agree

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