When is Koiwai gonna go for Fuuka?
They're such an obvious couple, and it would be the best for Yotsuba.

>>340I also predict 2026, right after 2025.

Is Fuuka legal? Is it legal for a man Koiwai's age to be with a 16 year old in Japan?
Maybe he's waiting.
>>348"As part of revamping its laws relating to sex crimes, Japan has raised the age of sexual consent from 13 to 16 years. The limit had remained unchanged for over a century and faced flak for being one of the lowest in the world"
>>349Well, Fuuka started the manga being 16and is now 17.
What is Koiwai doing? How much of a fool is he?
>>351Maybe Koiwai is gay. Gay for Jumbo, in particular.
And if he is, can you blame him?
>>349Prefectural laws were all set higher anyway. Also stop namefagging.
Well, even if their prefecture states that it's illegal for Fuuka and Koiwai to have sex, they should still date. Or is holding hands also illegal now?
It's obvious that they should date, that doesn't mean they would start having sex right away. They NEED to be together, they are great together and also Yotsuba needs a mom.
Also, didn't the law change recently? The manga takes place in the early 00s, right?