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/azu/ - Azumanga

(and Barasui)
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2023-09-07: Archives of the threads containing translations of Azuma's tweets are now on /archive/

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you're all big fags
be ashamed


How can we be fags if we all jack off to anime girls?


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There's nothing gay about watching Azumanga. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay.



>Straight men’s physiological stress response to seeing two men kissing is the same as seeing maggots
Yes, but that rection is a matter of taste, not a matter of morals. I don't quite like seeing two guys kissing either, but that doesn't mean it's wrong.


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>there's anything wrong with being gay
>Poop on dick
>STDs that always spreads because they can't live without gay sex
>Arabs throw you off roofs
>If you're a woman you'll get beaten by your lover
>This betch.


kaorin is the only fag i cant hate


If the majority of the populous react in disgust its very much not okay, thats like saying murder is okay because some people like it and others find it unmmoral.


Most people may be disgusted by the thought of two men or a man and a child making love but if both consent to it and do it privately then absolutely no harm is done.


>a man and a child making love
>if both consent to it and do it privately then absolutely no harm is done
I wonder who made this post...


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>man and a child


>>666 (Fitting digits.)
You lead them them back to here you bastard!


maybe he's this guy from 2006

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