No, they just have a very meaningful friendship.
>>708The only way gay men can fuck involves someone getting shit on his dick so Sakaki could hold her poop in for 2 or 3 days and make a big solid turd to fuck Kaorin with. This would still be less disgusting than gay men fucking because lesbian sex is hot and homosex is gross. She could also put the turd in a condom unless Kaorin begs to take it raw.
i dont think any of them were actually gay, its just a "woman" thing women do in middle school and then grow out of.
I read a blog analyzing the azu girls and she wrote how, despite the many, many fanfictions made of them, it should and won't ever happen since the two are very abusive and destructive to each other.
Though, that would make it a realistic lesbian relationship doe hehehehhe.
1- Kaori is a lesbian, no matter what she said in the manga.
And that's fine. She could be bisexual, but she's at least bisexual. She's not straight.
2- The others are most likely straight.
3- Tomo and Yomi are just very good friends.
4- If any of the girls were confirmed gay or bi by the author, I wouldn't be shocked but it's not a reasonable expectation for any of them to be anything but straight.
5- Homophobia is wrong, and if you're a homophobe that likes lesbian acts because they're hot, then you're wrong and also a hypocrite.
6- Yes, males kissing is gross, even seeing them holding hands is creepy, but that's a matter of taste and not of morality. Leave them alone.
7- It's a pity that the gays, having gained all the rights they have, are now associated with destructive, radical left ideologies. There's no real need for that. In fact, such association only hurts their social acceptance.
>>715because an azumanga imageboard is the best place to have a debate about the ethics of getting HIV+ poop on your dick from 100+ different partners per year and calling it love
>>716>the ethics of getting HIV+ poop on your dick from 100+ different partners per yearYou're always the first to opine about such things.
>>715So if Homosexuality is not wrong by your own assertion but seeing them kiss and hold hands makes people feel disgusted, are you sure its not their homosexuality thats the issue?
I have yet to see someone feel disgust for a straight couple hand holding or kissing and thats primarily because its normal, it was never normal to do this between man on man or woman on woman, making lesbians an exception is indeed a plain hypocrisy though.
>>721>I have yet to see someone feel disgust for a straight couple hand holding or kissingIf it's a straight couple and they're both very old, or ugly, or fat, then you're gonna have plenty of people who don't wanna see the kissing. And yet, that disgust isn't a commentary on the moral value of being straight.
You don't wanna see fat or ugly people kiss because you have mirror neurons so if you see that, you kinda feel like you're kissing an ugly person.
And that's the same reason why I don't wanna see two dudes kiss. I don't feel attraction for men, so I don't wanna see it so I don't have to feel I'm part of it, but the fact that I don't wanna see it says nothing about the morality of them kissing.
>>723The point is, we can have a negative reaction to something without having a negative moral reaction.
I don't wanna see old tapes of my parents fucking, but it's important for my very existence that they fucked.
So you cannot argue the morality of gay relationships based on how repulsive they are to you viscerally, as a reaction, when you see them or think about them.

Taste isn't an argument.
I suspect the reason people are viscerally disgusted by seeing male gays but not lesbians is because male gays have always been butt-plague carriers because of the poop sex they engage in. Soap and modern medicine are recent inventions and even today you can't trust gays to actually use any of them, they often prefer to bareback that shit funnel without even cleaning it out with an enema first, not that enemas help all that much. I don't want to hear about ancient sheep intestine condoms, you know most gays weren't using those. The main reason male circumcision has been so popular for thousands of years is because you never know which kid is going to grow up to be a buttfairy and telling boys to voluntarily come to the hospital to get the tip of their penis cut off as soon as they discover they're gay is like telling stray dogs to come to the vet to get neutered, so billions of boys have their penis mutilated almost always without anesthetic just because a small percentage of them will grow up to be fudgepackers prone to getting shit particles stuck under their foreskin.
It says my post is too long, it's not that long it's only two paragraphs.
Part 2:
Girls are taught from an early age to be careful to not get poopoo in their vaginas by wiping from front to back so lesbians usually have the sense to not dip their fingers in the honey jar after they've been in the chocolate jar. Even the most degenerate lesbians that go elbow deep in the ass like they're trying to retrieve a lost ring or something still have two hands, so they can allocate five fingers for the pink and five for the stink. This likely explains why Azuma and Barasui chose to put a bit of lesbianism in their manga but no faggotry, because most people would be disgusted if the 5-2 teacher was lusting after Sasazuka the way Nobue does with Ana and Matsuri. If Kaorin, Sakaki, Nobue, Ana and Matsuri have a full-blown lesbian orgy together it's not going to create a plague of AIDS and 15 other STDs as long as nobody goes ass to mouth.
While I'm personally not against homo rights at all, I'm really glad that this kind of discussion can be had here.
Most places where Azu is discussed would've just had people wanting to "shoo out the nazis."
>>729Civil Discussion about this is good even if I disagree on homosexuality myself, you sadly don't see this level of tolerance towards discussion as much anymore.

i like tomboys