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/azu/ - Azumanga

(and Barasui)
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2023-09-07: Archives of the threads containing translations of Azuma's tweets are now on /archive/

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Good thing her best friend forever Yomi is here to comfort her and help her cope.


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Isn't Sakaki just 14, as is Tomo?
I don't know about adrechrome, but if children have it, shouldn't 14 year old girls have it too? Maybe they have less of it, but they have it. Right?

If that thing even exists, which I doubt.
And if it does, Sakaki should just take it from Chiyo.


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Adreno​chrome being an elixir of yo​uth or even a way to get really hi​gh is a myth, the real way is with a loli's po​op. This is why everyone is so inexpli​cably obsessed with loli but​ts even though it's so tab​oo. This is why sites like Gelb​ooru ban scat while allowing far more disgusting stuff like gu​ro and fut​anari, to coverup the truth about the prob​iotic de-a​ging and inte​nse euph​oric effects of cons​uming Chiyo and Osaka's poo​p. The mo​ds of this very board will probably dele​te this post under the guise of it being "gross" or "schiz​ophrenic" but that's just more proof the gover​nment doesn't want you to know about lo​li po​op.


>800 get
>it's about how cool it is to eat feces
Not sure if you're a glowie or something trying to psyop, or you're just gayer than everyone else who has used /azu/.


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Maybe the real psyop is portraying heterosexual anime girls in lesbian relationships to trick you into fantasizing about jerking off in a corner while watching them, instead of fantasizing about them being your harem like a normal healthy man does while watching anime. Do you think Kimura fantasizes about Kaori having gay sex with Sakaki? No, he wants to save her from that dead-end life of degeneracy by adding her to his harem and eventually impregnating her, and if something involving poop happens in that bedroom is it so wrong?


No normal healthy man wants to eat shit.


ok, an abnormal healthy man then.


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how do i see secret gif files, am i doing it wrong?


I think they were just calling attention to the fact it was a .gif for no reason.


Hey man, that's just the same format it was on Gelbooru. Don't know why it's a gif.

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