>>940I think it's the fact that Ralen doesn't use it anymore (fuck Discord) and it was offline for quite a while so the userbase has had to be rebuilt through word of mouth
Wonder what ever happened to Chileanon too
>>941I used to be in the 'cord but i got banned by one of the mods due to personal drama, what is ralen up to nowadays?
Aren't IBs in general pretty dead?
How active is the Reddit Yotsuba page? Or how active are the Twitter communities?
I'd rather use an imageboard with <5 PPD from triple digit IQ users than a site like twitter or reddit that's flooded with retard/bot posts, bans you for saying anything that opposes any gov agenda and requires doxing yourself or buying a burner phone number to signup (discord also fits the last one).
>>944That's fine, and I can understand it but wouldn't you prefer that this IB had plenty of users?
>>946>none of the franchises are really aliveYotsuba is alive, and so is Ichigo Mashimaro. Ichigo Mashimaro doesn't come out often, but it's still going.
And Yotsubato will come back soon, I believe this in my heart.
>>944True, i tried to setup my own imageboard similar to azu but i'm to braindead to use linux otherwise i would prefer the IB system over modern social media.
>>942>personal dramaThis is why it should be for the series & releases only, not a "community" for politics and personal blogs and other issues.
>>943The reddit used to be good but it's overrun by zoomers and TikTok memes now
what's this about discord? qrd?
>>949i agree but eh, ralen's discord kind of became the new hub for azu so nothing much you can do, theres channels for all sorts of non-yotsuba/azumanga things like LGBT and politics, mods had personal beef with me so i got perma banned
>>952Less than 200 people who are mostly under 20 do not constitute even 1% of the fanbase of a two decade old series. At least chan culture will continue to repel them.
>>954Do those even exist anymore?
>>954AllChans is still active but most of the chans on there are dead
>>941>>942>>952I always wondered why Ralen decided to use Discord instead of something like IRC?
But yeah, the discord feels like its just become another tight discord circle like *cough cough* azuland (albeit much less rabid than the latter).
>>1157Also filled with teenagers, which is exhausting.
>>1157I got banned there for being on the pissy side of one of the admins, what is it like nowadays?
>>1161No idea, I left there over a year ago now. I'd imagine its not that different.
I assume the mod you pissed of was that Konata person?
>>1162lol yeah it was actually
>>1163Ah lol
Yeah sounds like something he'd do. He was always pretty emotional when it came to certain things.
Ching haven
Jappy haven
Havenry peesu
im new here what was the original
>>1190There was an old site from years back but the owner left i think so this new version has been started to continue the legacy.
>>1194Wakachan my beloved
>>1252instead of txt2vid someone who is less lazy could generate one behind-the-shoulder image of yotsuba's dad, a background, and use controlnet or inpainting to generate a few consistent images of yotsuba walking and spend 3 minutes in a video editor animating it.
>>1253i tried to give it the easiest prompt i could, something like 'manga character yotsuba walks out of the manga panel waving at the camera'
I just thought it would be cool if you could really make your own animations.
my impression of this ai is its constrained to a number of pre-set images in its database, and maybe only uses ai to alter them
>>1252Sometimes its surreal that we're living in a period where we can have artificial intelligence create entirely new products, tell this to someone 200 years ago and they'd think you were crazy.
>>1257A Product by definition can be, something altered or remixed, so this is technically something new.
>>1256>tell this to someone 200 years agoeven 10 years ago.
AD seems too be going through a revival of some sort, at least looking through xitter.
No idea if these people would use an anonymous board, though.
>>1324but there aren't any people on twitter, just cattle and bots
>>1324>anonymous dealbreaker for them, they all live for the fantasy of getting 1000+ likes. its the only reason they tweet.
>>1324It's just the zoomers spilling over from TikTok.
>>1325>just cattle and botsI don't remember this post looking like this yesterday...
surely the admin of this site isn't enough of a faggot to stealth edit the word nigger out of someone's post, right? surely there must be some other explanation, right? there aren't even any advertisers to appease here.
>>1324What do you mean? Also I don't use twitter so I wouldn't know.
>>1325I swear this said a different word yesterday.
I bet the posts are being edited by a self-loathing honky cracker.
Filter nigger to YANDA
There could be YANDAs anywhere

"Yanda" is less offensive than "Yander"?
>>1336But most people like Yanda, why slander his name?

>>1333>>1334>honky crackerNotice how that pic is allowed to stay up, and these racial slurs remain unedited. My experiment worked.
Dude, don't have doble standards about slurs. Either they're all fine, or none of them are. I'm not saying racist speech is okay, what I am saying is that by editing anti-black slurs and allowing anti-white slurs you're showing that you think racial slurs are fine if they're against certain people.
Racism is racism. Don't be racist.
Again, I don't think racist speech is okay... But clearly you do.
>>1341This was a good experiment.
>>1341The average IQ in africa is 75, and in america where niggers get trillions of dollars in welfare (tax dollars stolen from everyone else in america) and have about 30% white DNA from racemixing, their average IQ is still only 85. They are 3/5 human, 2/5 ape. Would you continue "not being racist" if the government officially classified gorillas as human and called you racist for saying that gorillas are less intelligent than humans?
>>1343>They are 3/5 human, 2/5 apeThat's like saying "my pet if 3/5 greyhound, 2/5 dog".
Or "My cat is half cat, half mammal".
Dude, humans ARE apes. There's no "3/5 human, 2/5 ape". All humans are 100% ape, and all apes (whatever the species) are 100% ape.
You're making zero sense.
>>1345If I was making zero sense you wouldn't have to resort to "apes are equal to me" nonsense/semantics. If you truly aren't racist you should be able to come up with a better defense of niggers than that.
>>1347It's not just semantics. You either know what an ape is or you don't.
You clearly don't, if you think an organism can be "part human, part ape".
>>1359The soyentific consensus is that niggers are equally as intelligent as humans which is clearly false, and you're also going to believe them when they say you're no different than a chimpanzee? If they tell you a man wearing a wig and lipstick is a woman would you believe that too?
>>1364>you're also going to believe them when they say you're no different than a chimpanzee?No one has ever said that humans and chimps are the same or "no different", just that humans and chimps diverge in taxonomic terms at the level of genus (genus homo for humans, genus pan for chimps), which is way past the level of infraorder, which means we share the same infraorder. That infraorder being simiiformes.
You can't deny this any more than you can deny that we're mammals.
And if you think you can, go ahead, come up with your own taxonomic system and prove it to be correct with evidence.
>When a pack of niggers is beating and robbing your family
Why exactly would that happen to me or around me? You think I live near savages?
I don't. I don't associate with savages or the uneducated either. So much so that I'm barely motivated to talking to you.
>>1370While you were wasting your youth sitting at a desk listening to propaganda about how apes are equal to you to get your useless certificates of education I've been successfully doing crime, getting enough cash to retire in my early 20s, and popping cherries. You're probably not even married yet and you're surely going to be wageslaving until at least your 60s if you think your high school monkey penis education is worth anything.
>>1371>I've been successfully doing crimeYeah, see? This part I believe.
And humans are apes, whether you like it or not. You can't Say "half human half ape", because that's meaningless.
You may as well point to a half duck, half vertebrate.
If you don't like the fact that humans are apes, then develop a new and improved taxonomic method.
this is what happens when no new chapters get released
>>1373Yes, new chapters of cute manga are the key for world peace.
Look at Ena. Look at her and see how you don't feel like fighting.

>>1372The world would be a better place if so much time and money wasn't wasted on stupid shit nobody cares about like taxonomy. Those resources could be spent on something productive like making more seasons of all my favorite anime and making all apes extinct so humans wouldn't have to deal with them anymore.