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File: 1211144239062.jpg -(80495 B, 640x448) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
80495 No.125142  

In this thread we rate the azumanga characters. It's a variation on the old 'who is your favourite character thing, only this way you have to include every character. I don't want to see any name lists, you don't have to write essays for each character, or even give reasons for each one, but a little explanation would be nice.

#1 would be Osaka. I think she's the funniest & generally very endearing. I like that while she seems fairly random, there seems to be some bizarre internal logic to most of her comments, and that while they often seem to come out of the blue, other times you get to see how a daft idea gestated itself in her head.

Tomo's a close second. Nearly as funny as Osaka, probably the best for overall character interaction. She might be the only character who interacts with nearly every other character a fair bit(you don't really get any Yomi-Sakaki scenes, or Kagura/Kaorin, etc.). She irritates the hell out of Yomi, picks on Chiyo, has a bit of a love-hate thing with Yukari, varies from antagonising Kagura to being her best mate, and Osaka's her least antagonistic relationship. They're united by wavering attention, a lack of social appropriateness, and some strange mental common ground. While they and Kags form the Bonkuras together, there's always the chance that if Tomo says something stupid, Kagura would shoot it down, but if she's not there Osaka or Tomo can take one another's ridiculous thoughts and run with them.

I'd give third place to Chiyo, as like Tomo she interacts with the rest of the cast a lot, she's funny and down-right adorable. I'd say she's probably the closest thing the series has to a main character, and having a lot of scenes means that just about anyone'll have at least one Chiyo scene they enjoy.

Sakaki's a bit strange for me, because while I like the character, I often have to think hard to remember why. I guess my reasons'd be that her deadpan expression & stoicism lend themselves well to comedy, the schism between how she's perceived and what's she actually like, and that Chiyo's dad came from her imagination.

Yukari goes after her, because her completely unreasonable behaviour is hilarious, she's more of a child than just about any of her students.

Kagura's sixth, a good character but outclassed by the ones I've already mentioned. She is funny and likable, especially as she's got a lot of Tomo's traits but is far more considerate,

Chiyo's Dad gets seventh for sheer surreal appeal, and his mysterious nature(how can Osaka and Sakaki have similar ideas about him without having spoken about him?)

My favourite description of Yomi was that she "carries herself as the most mature member of the group". Not "is the most mature", but "carries herself as". She might very well be, but having it described that way seems more insightful, like it explains why she's Captain Sensible when her friends act foolish, or why she seems to make a point of looking out for Chiyo a little. An odd thing about Yomi I thought is that while she's invariably nice to Chiyo, she also seems to be the only one of the students who doesn't treat her as an equal.
While she's a good character, I don't find Yomi especially funny, though her acting snotty after her trip to Hokkaido was great.

Last time I wrote something like this, I put Kurosawa ahead of Yomi, though now for the life of me I can't remember why. Maybe I should re-read some old issues of the manga or something, as I mostly remember her as Yukari's straight man.

In tenth place I'd have Mr.Tadakichi. He benefits a bit from his dub name, because I find the idea of calling a dog, "mister" funny. But by God, does he deserve it. Stoically loyal, unfalteringly dependable, he is the ultimate epitome of masculine virtue.
And I love his blank little face, it's so cute.

Maya 11th, because while he doesn't do much, he is inherently awesome. He's a stoic, implacable bad-ass who takes no shit, and just seems totally self-assured. He's like the Kenshiro of kittens.

Kaorin goes twelth because I don't, for the most part, like her. She only occasionally made me laugh, and her Japanese voice irritates me. Especially when she squeals.

Kimura should probably go ahead of Kaorin, but I'm too lazy to cut and paste. He can be funny, I suppose.
Chihiro last because she's a total non-entity.

Sorry this shit ended up so long, I really didn't mean to go on like this. Congrats if you could be bothered reading all this shit.

>> No.125143  

Ah what the hey, I'm bored.

First would probably be Tomo, not because she's someone I'd ever want to actually be around but because she's the most... entertaining, I guess.

Second is Kagura, because she reminds me a lot of a lot of girls I've gone to school and worked with, so of all the characters she feels the most familiar.

Third comes Yomi because chicks with glasses are awesome. Also straight man characters.

Fourth is Sakaki, because while I'm a total cat person I can't shake the feeling that her obsession with cuteness would start to get on my nerves if she were a real person.

Osaka comes in fifth, because while she's funny and cute and all something about her just doesn't click with me as much as the others.

Of the main cast Chiyo-chan comes in dead last because... um, I'm not really sure. I guess because I can't help but be put off by all the pedos going after her on the internet. (Yes, blame the fans. That's a good strategy.)

I don't really have a strong enough opinion of the other characters to divvy 'em up by rank. Either that or I'd rather eat some food.

>> No.125146  


Tomo, Osaka

Yukari, Chiyo, Kagura, Sakaki

Yomi, Nyamo, Kaorin

Mr. Tadakichi, Kamineko


>> No.125152  

I love tier lists. It must be all those fighting games I play, and the fighting game boards I've hung around.

>> No.125154  

Decided based on who I'd want as a wife.

  1. Osaka - makes everything fun, very kind-hearted. Might not know how to add 2 and 2, but probably would understand concepts most people don't even think about. Could become smart. Probably the one most likely to start being interested in computers and other nerdy stuff after being around me.
  2. Chiyo - smart, kind-hearted. Only 10-13, but she'll grow up. Interest in academics in common.
  3. Sakaki - not much in common, but kind-hearted, easy to get along with. The fact that her body is absolutely flawless doesn't hurt.
  4. Yomi - intelligent and calculating, but otherwise too plain for my tastes.
  5. Tomo - dumbass and annoying but fun I guess. Might cheat on me, but only because she was drunk. Little in common.
  6. Kagura - nothing in common, wouldn't enjoy our time with each other at all. I do 1 hr cardio and lift weights every day, but that's very different from her activity.
>> No.125170  
  1. Osaka - I am hesitant to call Osaka truly "dumb." She lacks a lot of street smarts and common sense, but hell, so do I sometimes. I'm convinced that college would allow her to find something her unique mindset excels at, keeping her the same, fun character as always, but slightly less exasperatingly annoying. And, "so ronery" style fantasizing aside, she is simply a brilliant character with few equal counterparts, that I can think of, at least.
  2. Chiyo-Chan - Chiyo-Chan is incredibly fun to watch, as she represents a childish innocence, that high school life will inevitably alter. While she herself would be far too goody-goody to be enjoyable on her own, her reactions to other characters are often some of the high points of hilarity.
  3. Kagura - We don't get to see too much of Kagura, compared to some of the others, but I think what we do see of her can be quite interesting. Specifically, when breaking that tent brought her to tears, and offering to fix it herself. There's definitely more to her than just a stereotypical stupid jock.
  4. Yomi - If this list went by physical attraction, she'd be ahead by a long shot. But...ahem, as a character, I do enjoy her, and her outrageous outbursts as she tries to be a "normal kid" among a group of total eccentrics. Much like Chiyo, her interaction with other characters can be far more interesting than those characters on their own.
  5. Nyamo - Definitely my preferred half of the Kurosawa/Yukari duo. Mostly because I can't stand Yukari.
  6. Sakaki - Her obsession with cuteness can lead her to such teeth-grindingly air-headed acts, I think even Osaka would display more common sense. That and her embarrassment over having a great body? Wtf?
  7. Tomo - Ugh.
  8. Yukari - Double ugh.
>> No.125218  

The human females get ranked according to desirability, because I'm that shallow.

  1. Sakaki because I like the quiet type. Bonus for likely being able to kick my ass up and down the street. Double bonus because she would never even think about dishing out said ass-kicking. Unless I was harming animals or something.
  2. Osaka. Being smarter than her buoys my ego. Her ability to (very) occasionally out-think or out-wonder me buoys my soul.
  3. Yomi. Because I like jelly rolls.
  4. Kagura. Tomboy that's actually all mushy inside. I like.
  5. Kaorin. Sure, she's a lesbian. But maybe I can watch...
  6. Kurosawa is cute and not annoying.
  7. Chiyo. She may be smarter than me, but I can beat her up. If Sakaki's not looking...
  8. Yukari's extremely annoying, but kinda sexy.
  9. Maya is a very cool cat.
  10. Tadakichi-san is a very nice dog.
  11. Chiyo-chichi is... erm...
  12. Tomo's extremely annoying, and not sexy at all.
  13. Chihiro because she has 2 x chromosomes. I think...
  14. Kimura is just creepy.
>> No.125228  
  1. Sakaki - A hot babe that I can identify with.
  2. Kagura - Another hot babe who seems really fun and really nice, if not terribly bright.
  3. Chiyo - A wonderful mind and a winning personality who will one day be a hot babe.
  4. Nyamo - Fun, sensible, long-suffering and sympathetic.
  5. Yomi - The voice of reason in all matters except her weight. And she hits Tomo. A lot.
  6. Kaorin - An otherwise very sweet and sensible young woman with one single, fatal character flaw. She's not interested, Kaorin. Give it up.
  7. Osaka - Japan's Gracie Allen.
  8. Tomo - I want to beat this girl - - with a club.
  9. Yukari - selfish, mean-spirited, lazy. Physically attractive, but inside lurks a dark, scary place.
>> No.125230  
File: 1211197155413.jpg -(55803 B, 589x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

What's with all the Tomo hate today? She's really not THAT annoying.

>> No.125231  
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>> No.125233  

Don't worry Tomo, you're fun to be around for short intervals.

>> No.125237  

>>125170 here.

Okay, I was pretty harsh. I want to make it clear that there are no characters I truly hate or feel the show would be better off without. The Tomo and Yukari "ughs" come more from the fact that if I knew them in real life, I'd have little to no respect for them. As characters, they can still have their moments of being amusing.

That being said, I'm thinking of switching Yukari and Tomo around. I find Yukari more amusing in her complete inability to be a respectable human being.

>> No.125248  
File: 1211223735291.jpg -(92958 B, 500x695) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's okay Tomo, I think you're cool.

>> No.125251  
  1. Osaka, mainly because her personality is pretty close to mine "slow and spacy", that and she's cute, whats not to love.
  2. chiyo, she's just a fun live spirit, very smart and very cute.
  3. Sakaki, sort of a like an older sibling, tall, and cool. and comes to your defense when u really need it, plus i love that she tries to hide her love for very cute things.
  4. tomo, love her wild free spirit and her overactive energy. she can go a bit overboard some times, but doesn't mean she doesn't have a kind heart.
  5. yukari, mainly because she reminds me of one of my 7th grade math teachers.

and thats my top five, i'd list more but i am still a bit tired from working all night.

pulling grave yard shifts are fun!

>> No.125253  

Pfft, weakling. Every shift I work is graveyard.

>> No.125254  

Tomo is an immature mind that constantly needs attention, hence her actions. And people like that are ANNOYING. Beats me why Yomi puts up with her.

>> No.125255  
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Oh I think we all know why.

>> No.125256  
File: 1211228375021.jpg -(71452 B, 426x286) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Fuck you, /azu/, this is too hard! Are we talking 'importance to the story,' 'lulz,' 'waifu' or what? First stab in waifu order:

  1. Sakaki. She's bright, fit, great figure, good looking and yet modest about all of it.
  2. Osaka. If she could be 'earthed' she's be fascinating to spend time with.
  3. Yomi. Many of the same reasons as Sakaki yet her neurosis about her weight may get irritating after a while. Sexiest voice.
  4. Yukari. Selfish, drunk, delicious leftovers. Shame about her dress sense but Japanese women speaking English = massive turn on.
  5. Tomo. If I worked with her I'm certain she'd be the world's biggest laugh on a night out and yet I'd probably want to punch her lights out at work.
  6. Kagura. Don't think I've got anything in common with her at all and I really don't like her hair. Cracking figure, though
  7. Kaorin. Dead cute but her obsession with Sakaki might lead to bunnies being boiled.
  8. Nyamo. Bit dull.
  9. Chiyo. 11 years old and irritatingly perfect.

And now in lulz order:

  1. Osaka

2= Tomo
2= Yukari
4. Kimura
5= Sakaki
5= Kaorin (obviously)
7. Yomi
8= Kagura
8= Chiyo
10. Nyamo

And now in 'importance to the story' order:

  1. Chiyo
  2. Osaka

3= Tomo
3= Yomi
3= Sakaki
3= Kaorin
3= Kagura
3= Yukari
3= Nyamo
10. Kimura

I tried a similar thing with the SZS cast and ended up dividing by zero.

>> No.125263  
File: 1211230680222.jpg -(107390 B, 263x455) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
  1. Sakaki
  2. Sakaki
  3. Sakaki
  4. ????
  5. PROFIT!
>> No.125296  
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1) Chiriro
2) Ayumu
3) Koyomi0kun
4) Niyamo
5) Chiyomi
6) My Waifu
7) Handlebars
8) Sakaki
9) Kaori
10) Kagura

And my preferance goes on the basis of "Shoop-ness"....

... and yes, I went there people..... LOL.

>> No.125300  
  1. Kagura would be awesomely athletic, but may treat it as a competition. "Ha! I win again!"
  2. Yomi would satisfy, but would be very demanding and critical. Can you please her?
  3. Osaka would be kind and gentle, but would have the tendency to lose focus, or fall asleep in the middle.
  4. Sakaki would be awesome, if only she were into it. You're just not cute enough. Besides, Kaorin would kill you.
  5. Tomo would be an adventure, but is pure trouble. Expect public humiliation at best, a trip to the hospital or jail is more likely.
  6. Chiyo. You should be ashamed of yourself. But in a few years you know she'll be at the top of the list.
>> No.125316  


This is a pretty calm, civil place, as imageboards go. So most of the anti-Tomo people here just refrain from posting in Tomo threads, instead of trolling them.

But in a thread like this, where you're practically required to rank all the girls, Tomo ends up at or near the bottom of a surprising number of lists.

>> No.125341  

Oh yeah, someone asked whether we were ranking them according to who's the funniest, most important story-wise, hottest etc.
What I was basically looking for is who your overall preference was. So any criteria was fine.
Mine was based on how much a character made me laugh, and how endearing I found their personality to be, and those are both linked in my case.

A who's hottest list would've been rather different in my case, to my general character preference order.

>> No.125349  

In terms of who I could take in a fight:

  1. Chiyo-chan. Come on.
  2. Osaka. Her only advantage over Chiyo is her size and the possibility that she might get hold of a knife.
  3. Tomo. She doesn't strike me as much of a scrapper but it'd be like trying to beat up Daffy Duck: she wouldn't stand still long enough to land a punch. Fortunately she'd use up all her energy in short order and she'd be too impulsive to outwit me.
  4. Sakaki. She's easily one of the most powerful, but her soft-hearted personality means she probably wouldn't put up much of a fight.
  5. Kagura. Not only does she work out obsessively but she'd definitely fight back and could probably kick my ass. Fortunately I own firearms.
  6. Yomi. She would take me to school in the car of pain. Unless I was packing heat I wouldn't even get involved.

[Disclaimer: Social Disaster does not actually condone violence on women.]

>> No.125352  

BAH, Osaka would fuck you up something terrible, there's always that psychotic glint in her eye.

>> No.125353  

Even taking that into account, I'm still pretty sure I could take her. She can't beat Chiyo in a race and she's so stiff she can't even touch her toes. It doesn't matter how psychotic her mind is if it's stuck in such a crappy body.

>> No.125354  

thats just a front she puts forward to prevent herself from being found out, it's all a ploy. Just when you think you have her, BAM, shes behind you with an ice pick in your skull.

>> No.125355  

I'll just play it safe and shoot her from a safe distance then.

>> No.125357  

You think Osaka Doesn't pack heat like the secret psycho she is, think again. Osaka is not one to be crossed lightly, I think she may have mind powers.

>> No.125359  

Tomo is great, she's so suggestible that you could abuse her for all she's worth and then just throw her away like a wet rag and move on to the bigger fruits like Sakaki and Yomi.

>> No.125360  

Well, yeah, there is that.

But after sex, Tomo would probably start teasing Yomi about the little noises she makes during sex and Yomi would end up having to kill her.

Then she'd have to find a detergent that took blood stains out of sheets.

>> No.125361  

When did this thread become about Fight Club? I thought that was against Rule #1?

I rail against the VC:unjuthe -ness of it all.

>> No.125372  
File: 1211309876099.jpg -(160093 B, 370x681) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

sorry there social disaster but, osaka would fucking kill you dude.

>> No.125378  
File: 1211314607993.jpg -(91180 B, 850x680) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

If she was a murderer, Osaka would most likely be one of those who would leave the cops who found her victim (s) completely traumatised but would ask them why sewage is called 'raw' when you never hear of 'cooked sewage' in the interview. Then she'd spend the rest of her days looking after potted plants in the equivalent of Broadmoor, completely oblivious to the fact that all the nurses and staff were shit scared of her.

>> No.125381  
File: 1211314842419.jpg -(31137 B, 683x409) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

They don't call her 'paper-fan Ayumu' for nothing.

>> No.125387  

Wouldn't you need to get bloodstains out of the sheets anyway?

>> No.125390  
File: 1211318203358.jpg -(22482 B, 193x359) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thread Unrelated.

>> No.125439  

Heaven help me, I LOL'd. I've been up way too long.

>> No.125440  

i can see it now, it began with an offhand comment, made in jest, from yots. Until it escalated into a battle of wits between the young and the odd. With yots boundless energy and Osaka's endless desire for warm man-flesh, torn from the carcass of a virginal child this would truly be a battle for the ages.

>> No.125450  
File: 1211390766628.jpg -(34737 B, 487x653) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So that's why my sata andagi always came out greasy! Not enough human flesh.

>> No.125477  

What the hell, I think I'll take a stab at a hottest list-thing.

2)Manga Nyamo
3)Volume 4/End of the series Tomo
6)Anime Yukari
8)Anime Nyamo
9)Manga Yukari
Everyone else: unrated.

>> No.125501  

A hotness list, I guess.

1: Yomi. Normally girls with glasses don't do it for me, so I think this is her curvy body plus her no nonsense attitude.
2: Sakaki. Has the best body and a quiet, polite attitude. Also is tall enough to make it not awkward.
3: Osaka has almost nothing going on bodywise, but she's cute. And I get along with people who think like her easily.
4: Kagura. Nice, athletic bod, but I've never been one for the dumb jock, even if she's nice.
5: Tomo. Good for a laugh but since this is a sort of waifu thread, eh. She'd get on my nerves real fast.
6: Chihiro. Dunno anything about her.
7: Chiyo. Maybe in 8-10 years.
8: Kaorin. Lesbian. Futility isn't my style.

>> No.125513  
  1. Kagura
  2. Tomo
  3. Sakaki
  4. Yomi
  5. Kaorin
  6. Yukari
  7. Nyamo

My list does not go any lower than that, there are certain places you just do not go. A lot of which has to do with the vc: law.

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