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59885 No.208366     Report  

I think you all might like this.

  No.208380   Report                

This is awesome.
I wish some of those crazy Niconico dudes would get ahold of this and actually animate it, I'd be so happy I'd lose bowel control.
Wait, maybe that would be a disincentive if you're not too into poo. It would be funny, though.

  No.208391   Report                
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Holy shit, I remember when those pages were posted here for the first time, that was over three years ago. I just couldn't get the idea out of my head, I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to find the full song as an mp3 in the weeks that followed.
Then, a few months ago it suddenly appeared on Carnation's own Youtube channel and I was finally able to grab it.

You animated this yourself? Nice work, which software did you use?

  No.208392   Report                
REAL MAN.rar (913 kb)

Was I the one who posted those pages? I can't remember. I know I mentioned it once here before.

When I first saw those pages I tried really hard to find the song as well, but all I could find was the first 10 seconds as a sample on a music retailer's website.

The thread in >>208083 about music for a Yotsubato anime reminded me of this (mostly because it seemed like most of the music suggestions in that thread were lame jokes) so I made another attempt to find the song. I found it in about 30 seconds using google, first on Nico Video, and then on Youtube once I found out the band's name ("Real Man" isn't the most specific search string for Youtube).

Anyway, back to your question:
I used UltraGet to download the official music video from Youtube.
I used AoA Audio Extractor to get the audio file from the .mp4 format that UltraGet gave me.
I used Premiere to edit the audio track (this is an abbreviated version of the full song) and to synch up the frames to the music.
And I used Photoshop to edit the individual comic pages.

Here's a link to the official music video, and I've attached a .rar of the original doujin pages.

  No.208397   Report                

God, that works perfectly! I'd tune in every week just to watch that opening! And it really captures the spirit of the series.

  No.208399   Report                

Anyone else bothered by the incongruity of a song entitled Real Man being used for a five year old girl?

  No.208400   Report                


Perhaps the title refers to Yotsuba's tomboyishness, of either right now or in the future.

  No.208415   Report                
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Thanks for the explanation (I use Any Video Converter myself for converting YT videos into mp3s; good quality, and it's free too) I also forgot to compliment you on the timing, especially the separate panels popping into view.

So that brings me to these other 4 pages, that look suspiciously like a possible ending, I know that Carnation also released a song called 'Angel', would that be this song?
(it does sound fitting, I think)

  No.208425   Report                

Huh, I've never seen those before. Where are they from?
The scan quality is much better than the scans of the doujin that had the mock opening.

And yes, based on the clip you provided, that is the song being referenced in those panels.

Thanks about the timing. I spent quite a while making sure it was properly done. Although editing the individual panels from the collage style pages was more difficult I think.

Maybe it's because she's, like, real, man. Not some phony.

  No.208427   Report                

Man, that is awesome. I really wish Azuma would eventually agree to "Yotsuba & Animation!". I don't care what Azuma says, I think it would work well as an anime.

That reminds me of these things which I recently found but everyone here probably found years ago:

  No.208428   Report                
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Yotsuba's manlier than most dudes. Could a non-manly person grow a mustache like this?

  No.208435   Report                

Sorry, I couldn't watch the first one past "We're almost there Yoats-a-bah".

  No.208437   Report                


Yeah, those things are a mixed bag at best...Especially Koiwai and Jumbo's voices. It gets a bit better when they aren't talking

  No.208442   Report                

Why is it when I listen to this, I think about the old Baby Snooks radio comedies?

  No.208444   Report                
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I saved these from /azu/ on the exact same time as the other pages (april 15, 2007), but I don't remember who posted them - or if they were posted by the same person. I'll post the other pages, as there's only 3 more.

  No.208445   Report                
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3rd page.

Of course, should you feel motivated again, we're gonna have to hunt for the full version of this song once again... I've already looked around a bit yesterday, nothing so far. But maybe you'll have more luck searching on Share (I don't know how to use that)?

  No.208446   Report                
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Last page.

Those weren't... as bad as I feared, except for Koiwai/Jumbo both sounding like teenagers (especially in the first one).

  No.208447   Report                

Yeah, I didn't have any luck either. I might be able to find it on Share, but I have a feeling if it's not on the band's official Youtube channel, if I post a video that uses the song, it'll get TOS'd.

I can at the very least translate the lyrics though. They were almost impossible to read on the scans I had for the opening, but these scans are quite a bit better.

  No.208559   Report                

Looks awesome!

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