Yeah... about her desire to become a veterinarian... let me be serious here, perhaps for the first time ever.
Look, a close friend of mine is the best veterinarian I know. I always wanted to ask him something that I asked like three months ago.
The conversation went more or less like this:
-Dude, in your first year of vet school were there many students that were there because they always wanted to be vets because they really, really liked animals?
-Of course, fucker! (he actually talks like that)
-But I mean, kids who love animals in that "that's soooo cute" sort of way...
-Oh, yeah fucker. Lots of those fuckers, fucker
-Yeah... how many of them graduated?
-Those fuckers don't last two months, fucker!
So, yeah... being a vet is not actually for the kawaii enthusiast. I took that dude to a pig factory once and I'm not gonna say the pigs were in evident pain, but they weren't happy either. And this friend of mine drilled a hole on a goat and kept it alive for months for research. That's the sort of thing vets have to do.
I don't see Sakaki doing that...
So, yeah. A guy can dream, but you'd have to also dream vet school being completely different from what it really is.