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(and Barasui)
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2023-09-07: Archives of the threads containing translations of Azuma's tweets are now on /archive/

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Out of the different Final Fantasy 11 private servers, I like Valhalla the most.

Valhalla has TRUSTs, 90 level cap, XP gain rate same as retail. Movement speed is increased, all Home Point crystal warps and outpost warps are unlocked. They have some nice extra content like a unique gear augment system, a few custom dungeons, Dynamis D raids are unlocked. Rise of the Zilart, Treasures of AU, Wings of the Goddess expansions are all unlocked and working properly.

So anyway if you are tried of the slow grind to 75 on the other private servers like Horizon or Eden, then come check out Valhalla.

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Cute creature. Is it a 9000 year old magical spirit?




this really is the greatest game i have ever played


lots of fun stuff lately, players running some custom level 90 dungeons together, and putting custom enhancement enchants on their gear too, which really makes us overpowered. BLU and PLD are gods on this server!


anyone tried it yet?

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This will be a sticky!


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not on my watch!



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They seem easy to make.


They kind of look like minature meatballs


Don't eat these
you will turn into Osaka


Mentally? Of physically?

I don't wanna become dumb, but I would be fine with becoming physically cute.


I'm recently cooked sata andagi. They're tasty and kinda solid.


"Kinda solid" in what way?

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Can anyone share scans of the azu playing cards? Back in the day I had a Windows cards.dll made from them (file that holds the shared card images for Solitaire/Freecell/etc on WinXP and older) and am looking to recreate it. If anybody still has that old DLL that would be even cooler :>


Oh, right! I forgot about these.


I want that Osaka card


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Osaka Banpaku has these low res pics of them


sankyuu that's a start and could be traced!

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Yotsuba and Miu are both on the cover of the upcoming issue:
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Glad to know he's still alive.


Ninin ga Shinobuden!!!!!



What's "Yotsuba"?

I seem to vaguely remember something called "Yotsuba", but that was a long time ago.


I also remember something called yotsuba. I think it's a series of novels from the Muromachi period.

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Is this how the famous and celebrated child genius Cheeto-chas (from Azumanga) if she was an American character?

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My osaka plushies came in today


I know you must be thinking about cutting a hole in the crotch and replacing the stuffing with PB&J then fucking it but don't do it. Even if you use sugar-free jelly and low carb peanut butter it will still attract lots of ants, flies and other bugs. Your dream of having a PB&J filled fuckable Osaka doll will quickly turn into a nightmare as she is eaten alive by bugs and your house becomes infested with thousands of bugs. Do your research and look for something safe that's squishy and slippery to fill her with instead.


average coomer

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>blocks your path
your response?


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Man, I love crossovers.
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TF2 had an Azu mod? I was only aware of the Touhou, FemClasses and MLP ones.


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I actually started the mod in VRChat of all places. It was a crossover to show Azumanga to more people and to get TF2's gun to work ingame too.
I only made it a mod once VRC thinks my avatars are crashing the game, which I later fixed.


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This one is for Pre-Fortress 2, which has Sakaki and Myamo.


Geez I still remember when TF2 modding was still big and gamebanana was absolutely king for it, kind of died with community servers after meet your match though...


Sucks that most viewmodel mods are broken, since they combined viewmodels and worldmodels into one single model

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So, were they fucking?
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I suspect the reason people are viscerally disgusted by seeing male gays but not lesbians is because male gays have always been butt-plague carriers because of the poop sex they engage in. Soap and modern medicine are recent inventions and even today you can't trust gays to actually use any of them, they often prefer to bareback that shit funnel without even cleaning it out with an enema first, not that enemas help all that much. I don't want to hear about ancient sheep intestine condoms, you know most gays weren't using those. The main reason male circumcision has been so popular for thousands of years is because you never know which kid is going to grow up to be a buttfairy and telling boys to voluntarily come to the hospital to get the tip of their penis cut off as soon as they discover they're gay is like telling stray dogs to come to the vet to get neutered, so billions of boys have their penis mutilated almost always without anesthetic just because a small percentage of them will grow up to be fudgepackers prone to getting shit particles stuck under their foreskin.

It says my post is too long, it's not that long it's only two paragraphs.


Part 2:

Girls are taught from an early age to be careful to not get poopoo in their vaginas by wiping from front to back so lesbians usually have the sense to not dip their fingers in the honey jar after they've been in the chocolate jar. Even the most degenerate lesbians that go elbow deep in the ass like they're trying to retrieve a lost ring or something still have two hands, so they can allocate five fingers for the pink and five for the stink. This likely explains why Azuma and Barasui chose to put a bit of lesbianism in their manga but no faggotry, because most people would be disgusted if the 5-2 teacher was lusting after Sasazuka the way Nobue does with Ana and Matsuri. If Kaorin, Sakaki, Nobue, Ana and Matsuri have a full-blown lesbian orgy together it's not going to create a plague of AIDS and 15 other STDs as long as nobody goes ass to mouth.


While I'm personally not against homo rights at all, I'm really glad that this kind of discussion can be had here.
Most places where Azu is discussed would've just had people wanting to "shoo out the nazis."


Civil Discussion about this is good even if I disagree on homosexuality myself, you sadly don't see this level of tolerance towards discussion as much anymore.


i like tomboys

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