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2023-09-07: Archives of the threads containing translations of Azuma's tweets are now on /archive/

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How are you celebrating the Jolly Season?
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But... French Fries came from Belgium!


Then you have to buy Osaka dolls in Belgium?


>French Fries came from Belgium
You're probably thinking of Freedom Fries.

How many anime have good Christmas episodes?


Toradora! is one. Obviously.
And IM.


My bad

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Azumanga as American cartoons. Discuss.
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i dont think that would be the main issue



True. But they wouldn't include him, they would replace him.
Or, if they keep him, he won't be suspicious that way. He would be weird and goofy, but not a perv.


I feel they would probably just change aspects of his character rather then outright removing him


Yeah, that's probably what they would do.

I wonder if Cartoon Network or some other network would make a show similar to Azumanga.
Or maybe this is where some of you tell me that they've already produced shows like Azumanga.

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Would they of ever got together after graduation?


I don't know if Sakaki is bi, and I'm pretty sure she's not a full dyke.

Maybe she's bi. Sakaki and Kaorin would be pretty cute together, but Sakaki would probably would want a baby. Kaorin can't impregnate Sakaki.





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>Kaorin can't impregnate Sakaki
But also, maybe Kaori can clone hersels once more.

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When is Koiwai gonna go for Fuuka?
They're such an obvious couple, and it would be the best for Yotsuba.

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Well, Fuuka started the manga being 16and is now 17.

What is Koiwai doing? How much of a fool is he?


Maybe Koiwai is gay. Gay for Jumbo, in particular.
And if he is, can you blame him?


Prefectural laws were all set higher anyway. Also stop namefagging.


No :3


Well, even if their prefecture states that it's illegal for Fuuka and Koiwai to have sex, they should still date. Or is holding hands also illegal now?

It's obvious that they should date, that doesn't mean they would start having sex right away. They NEED to be together, they are great together and also Yotsuba needs a mom.

Also, didn't the law change recently? The manga takes place in the early 00s, right?

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What are your New Year's Resolutions?
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I wish you both luck in the New Year!


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I hope to improve on my self when it comes to my anger and getting less fat.


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I wish you the best of luck!


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Thank you dood!

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Christmas is tomorrow!
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Garakei, feature flip phones? Japan did up until like 5-10 years ago when smartphones finally took hold there...


I wanna see Jumbo dressed as Santa. He would be a great Santa. I wanna sit on his lap.

I wanna see him wearing nothing at all, also. That would be a merry christmas. I'm not gay though.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.



I'm just saying, I want to be Santa.


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Keep forgetting to post this here. There was a showcase of a bunch of Kiyohiko Azuma's Yotsuba&! art and previously-unseen rough drafts, production sketches, etc. in an old, quirky museum dedicated to manga on the outskirts of Tokyo that just wrapped up last month. I went and took a ton of photos, documenting pretty much the whole exhibition. Figured people here would be interested:
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thats cool
this is the best i can do without tryharding.


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I think I did okay.


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Hey hey hey!


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Hero, everynyan.


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I meant that I've never been able to do these, genius: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autostereogram


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all i do all day is edit sprites and tilesets so maybe it comes easier to me


>all i do all day is edit sprites and tilesets so maybe it comes easier to me
You should make games.
Wait, do you make games?

>I've never been able to do these.
You mean you can't see the 3D effects?


Correct, can't see the effect, and can't cross my eyes on command or by my own will like that.


sorry :(

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where is Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaleeeeeeeeeeeeeeen???????
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Fixed page 20 dialogue


Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenk youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu for the new chapter, Raleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!


Great chapter! Thanks!

I miss Jumbo though. I miss him so much.

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How come she's still single?
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What did I miss?


She's to awesome


Built for Koiwai


Which mirrors reality...

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