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2023-09-07: Archives of the threads containing translations of Azuma's tweets are now on /archive/

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hey you lazy bums! you're missing the new Yotsubato ep featuring Fuuka! WTF is Ralena????
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I miss Miura.


I still haven't finished the others yet :[


is Ralen even alive? What was the discord's name?


Yes, that's where new chapters get posted originally before someone puts them on MangaDex or here
"Ralen's /azu/ server" and it's mostly off topic stuff and fanart now


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function getPostsById(id){
return $(".poster_id").filter(function(i){
return $(this).text() == id;

function getMasterPosts(parents){
if(!parents.hasClass("post")) return;

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hey wait a minute




uh oh


it works! /azu/ is living in 2050


The future is now!!!

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Nyamo or Yukari?



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I really love Osaka and wish she was real, my obsession with her is so unhealthy I have an actively growing file storage of just pictures and art of her I can find online, i only atleast 2 osaka plushies that i never go to bed without and all i want is to marry her.


Well, do you find this fixation is hindering your development socially and personally?


No but it has opted me to not go out much with friends in favor of being with her


>do you find this fixation is hindering your development socially and personally?

>No but it has opted me to not go out much with friends in favor of being with her
>it has opted me to not go out much with friends in favor of being with her
That's a "yes" then.


>growing file storage of just pictures and art of her I can find online,
train an ai and get infinite osaka pics


I do not like AI very much and it doesn't feel authentic, i like knowing every individual image was made by someone with as much love and passion for Osaka as me.

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What are they doing to poor Ena-chan?!?
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>Teaching her how to have fun
Ena already knows how to have fun. She looks at frogs on YouTube with her friends.
I don't think that's what she's doing in OP picture though. I'm like 60% sure that's not it.


>She looks at frogs on YouTube with her friends.
Is this canon?


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Yes, Ena loves to watch all kinds of fun frogs.


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wow......... i love weird little girls


Is Ena a fan of Pepe, then?
Or she only likes some frogs?

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From Ralen:
>After more than a year we finally have new ichigo. Sorry I added an extra month to that by taking so long.
>It says new chapter in the January issue (the one that just went on sale) but that was a lie, so who knows when we'll see it again.
>I like how it reminds the reader that this is a serial publication since it hasn't been in print for 15 months
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are glasses canon?


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looks like Miu is playing doctor again in chapter 90, from barasui's latest tweet




I wanna play doctor with Miu.


I wanna play gynecologist with all 5 of them if you know what I mean

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Did you know there are no kids like Osaka in Iceland?
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Osaka's 18 at the end of AD and she still looks like a child, a feat only asian girls seem fully capable of which is a big part of why JAV is so popular around the world


This may be a stretch... maybe. But none of the characters really differ in appearance despite aging, i guess it was because changing them through the course of the school years would ruin the appeal.


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>What do you define as like "Osaka"?
Probably what OP meant.


She doesn't have Down Syndrome though, osaka is a pretty girl


>literal pedophile millenial
Why do you call him that?
It can't be just because he wants to fug Osaka, right? Because if that's the reason, well, throw me in the same pit as him.

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Finally got the whole collection!
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I will give osaka my pure genes so we will have beautiful children!


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Finally finished all 13 volumes, and 14 is on the way, where can I find volume 15 being worked on?


Do you mean scanlations? On MangaDex?




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Finally got my hands on it

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It sucks this board isn't as active as the original, atleast there IS a home for Azu despite it not being as popular.
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this is what happens when no new chapters get released


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Yes, new chapters of cute manga are the key for world peace.

Look at Ena. Look at her and see how you don't feel like fighting.


The world would be a better place if so much time and money wasn't wasted on stupid shit nobody cares about like taxonomy. Those resources could be spent on something productive like making more seasons of all my favorite anime and making all apes extinct so humans wouldn't have to deal with them anymore.


yes, i got here from https://imageboards.net


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I'm currently reading Volume 12, i still have 13 and 14 ready to read. But I feel 12 is more appropriate for this time of year

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Why does he make n00bs seethe?
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At her age, for peeing and the ocasional infection.


if I clean it properly multiple times per day with my tongue she'll never get any infections


You don't know much about saliva.


You don't know much about saliva.


It depends on what's causing the infections. If it's because she's wiping back to front after pooping, she wouldn't need to use toilet paper or a toilet anymore if she was my daughter/wife.

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