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(and Barasui)
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2023-09-07: Archives of the threads containing translations of Azuma's tweets are now on /archive/

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Was she actually a lesbian or was she still in her "boys are yucky" phase?
Supposedly there's an interview where Azuma said that none of them are gay and it's just a cultural thing, but the supplementary lessons 4koma looks like she's in denial.


She's at least bi, and her lust for Sakaki was real.


its a woman thing, girls think theyre gay all the time even though theyre not


>none of them are gay and it's just a cultural thing
Obviously. It's just the mentally ill American teenagers that think this.


i want mommy and sometimes desire mommy like Mizuki Shiranui or something mommy-like, its like inner desire.
I wonder if women feel the same or they want a man-like thing, in their carnal backend urges.


kys name fag

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Hello /azu/!
I want to make a flash parody of Azumanga Daioh.
Give me your silliest, funniest, or downright hilariously offensive ideas.
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>harassment campaign against that a small animator for using AI of Grey DeLisle's voice
I would like to know more about that case.

And I have to say, I don't like AI any more than any AI hater. In fact I would love to destroy all AI and every quantum computing research lab right now by any means necessary, even by convincing radical militia of going full Sarah Connor in T2 if that's what it takes, and see both made illegal everywhere.
But that's not gonna happen. No one is gonna stop it, at best we well see them regulated, AI and quantum computing are gonna keep expanding whether we like it or not, and even though the worst outcome that we can imagine may come true, it hasn't come true yet. Since we won't stop the advancement of AI by complaining, then why even complain?
For now, in the hands of fans and artists AI is a tool, and any tool can be used ethically or unethically. If OP uses it for a fun animation, I say go for it.


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>I would like to know more about that case.
Basically, some guy made a Rankin-Bass styled Scooby Doo parody where they catch Purple Guy from FNAF. He used AI for some voices, because of course it's the simplest and cheapest solution especially if you have a very small following. The voice of Daphne found out about this and went full "DAY TURK ER JERBS!!!" over it. She sicced fans to harass him, it was this whole thing. Supposedly they've made up and he released a version with actual voice actors. DeLisle would later show off art of Daphne she bought from somewhere which was clearly Aislop.
>AI is a tool, and any tool can be used ethically or unethically.
This. I don't like AI art but it's fun to toy around with. AI voices are also fun and great for making stupid shitposts. Helps keeping things cheap, which is a blessing for a poorfag like me.


How did this guy replicate Chiyo's voice so perfectly? A voice changer?


vocaloid program
they credit the vocaloid to mikumiku dance. which, while primarily a 3d animation program, does come with voices. i assume he either downloaded a special voice pack or altered the sound file until it sounded like her.


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Did Yotsuba say this?
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i dont think yotsuba knows arabic
though i wonder how an arabic version of yotsubato would be written
Koiwai: Yotsuba, inshallah we are going shopping now
Yotsuba: yes father, allahumma malika almulkitu


yotsuba would just be adopted as wife, probably if that happened.
she would never be taught how to read too


>a new namefag has appeared


>yotsuba would just be adopted as wife
You mean she isn't? I've been reading this manga all wrong...

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What if Osaka, but scary?


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What if Azumaga?


It happened!


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But Azun, Osaka was always scary!

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Halloween will soon be upon us, how do you celebrate the occassion?
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Only him


That counts as a circle?


Every exhibitor table showcases the work of a circle, and that can be any number of people
One-person circles are extremely common


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I am born in Halloween.
>unknown file extension

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Did zoomers ruin Azumanga Daioh?
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It upsets me greatly. Once I saw a reddit shitpost that had picrel and the comments were all "nazis? ew. Let's shoo them out of the fandom."
These fucks don't understand the meta beauty of Azumanga Daioh. It reaches and is adored by everyone no matter their beliefs or how/where they're born. I feel that this is what makes the series perfect.
And also they're filtered by Kimura and art of them in Nazi uniforms, which is pretty lame. Also, they get filtered the lewds and raep jokes. You can't tell me you find none of the azus erotic.


Reddit's userbase just naturally ruins any fandom it touches, scrapping away its old community and identity in favor of safe, non-edgy style of community. Even though uniting everyone of all creeds and beliefs is actually the best thing you can do.


Yeah. Full of the most mindless types of people nowadays. They'll get mad and call you a pedophile if they even suspect you have any affection to any of the girls.
They're rabid tourists that ruin anything they touch.


It depends on the community and fanbase. I occasionally check some that are pretty OK, especially for smaller, independent videogames that attract an older & more mature audience.


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azumanga was pro-Israel, though from the very beginning, idk why racist hobos pretend otherwise.

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Hello world, as they say!
I tried to set up a new (imageboard-based) home for /azu/ after it died, mostly as a test. We'll see if this gets used or not.
I'm trying to get ahold of archives of the old site now. I don't think I can import them here but I could host them statically (read-only). Let's hope it's successful.
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I got told site ownership changed recently, who owns this website now?


The Green Party, the Russian mafia, and NAMbLA.


Me. :^)
I guess technically it changed ownership, sure, but more like it's just a different site built from the ground-up after the old one went down due to domain expiry & bot spam. But I wanted to (try to) retain some sort of community here in an imageboard format which I much prefer to a Discord server. Unfortunately 99% of posts from the old site weren't able to get backed up in any capacity (previous iterations/domains before that though are available).


Oh I thought THIS site changed ownership and you had stepped down, nevermind then :D


this place looks warm so far hope i can steal enough yotsuba pics.

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Them's not 420 cronics.
They're not green. What you see there are a bunch of tiny Canadas.


what's this from? cute


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>what's this from? cute
Cute, yes.
But the artist specializes in non-wholesome, non cute (for the standards of most people) grotesque and "body horror" pictures and I don't recommend his art unless you're specifically into that.
I found a few wholesomes in his lewd-filled gallery and one of them was of Yotsuba, so I posted it here... but the wholesomes are rare.

>4n (yon enu)

>Futaba channel artist who draws creatures and monster girls.

>Artist name: 4n (pronounced as "Yon Enu")

>See also

>Futaba gallery site managed by Munomi: http://hatoyt.web.fc2.com/4n/

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ah, yotsuba again really?...

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This is what Barasui will be selling at COMITIA this weekend. I can't wait for the brand new doujinshi/book "Standing Statue of Saint Nobue" to get scanned.
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Obviously that's what I think?


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Already bought his new doujinshi and the ChikaMiu acrylic figures right when he tweeted that it got restocked.


if he drew their coochies take a pic and show us

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Azumanga APT


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No, no. Some Azumagals are apt, but Osaka and Kagura are inept.

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