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(and Barasui)
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2023-09-07: Archives of the threads containing translations of Azuma's tweets are now on /archive/

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I don't get it


I think the point is that these are lines and shapes, and Azumanga is drawn with lines that form shapes.


My gut instinct is telling me that this is some secret way to embed spam shit into imageboards. Maybe it reveals something stupid or terrible if you change the file extention or open it with something.


or it could just be that "help me learn draw 6 figure art" retard and he forgot to type this time


What am I looking at?

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Halloween will soon be upon us, how do you celebrate the occassion?
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do kids even do that anymore, i feel like since coronavirus theres been less and less children each year
just empty the change drawer and give them pennies nickles and dimes


It's still a big thing, which country do you live in?


usa america


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Oh interesting, when my grandad was younger it wasn't even a thing but it slowly became a thing in the late 90s, atleast the candy is cheaper on halloween.


If you don't stop namefagging you're going to get this site taken down. Please don't ruin it for everyone.

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Why does he make n00bs seethe?
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At her age, for peeing and the ocasional infection.


if I clean it properly multiple times per day with my tongue she'll never get any infections


You don't know much about saliva.


You don't know much about saliva.


It depends on what's causing the infections. If it's because she's wiping back to front after pooping, she wouldn't need to use toilet paper or a toilet anymore if she was my daughter/wife.


Yomi is very erotic, she has a spectacular body.
Therefore, she's basically a art. Her bod is art like a miost delightful sculpture, and so, it's OK to post her naked.
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Osaka is flat and child-like. Yomi has the body of a woman.


Who said a loli body is bad? It is far more desirable




>a art
ESL detected


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It's an very old meme.

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It sucks this board isn't as active as the original, atleast there IS a home for Azu despite it not being as popular.
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this is what happens when no new chapters get released


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Yes, new chapters of cute manga are the key for world peace.

Look at Ena. Look at her and see how you don't feel like fighting.


The world would be a better place if so much time and money wasn't wasted on stupid shit nobody cares about like taxonomy. Those resources could be spent on something productive like making more seasons of all my favorite anime and making all apes extinct so humans wouldn't have to deal with them anymore.


yes, i got here from https://imageboards.net


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I'm currently reading Volume 12, i still have 13 and 14 ready to read. But I feel 12 is more appropriate for this time of year

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Finally got the whole collection!
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I will give osaka my pure genes so we will have beautiful children!


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Finally finished all 13 volumes, and 14 is on the way, where can I find volume 15 being worked on?


Do you mean scanlations? On MangaDex?




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Finally got my hands on it

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Did you know there are no kids like Osaka in Iceland?
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Osaka's 18 at the end of AD and she still looks like a child, a feat only asian girls seem fully capable of which is a big part of why JAV is so popular around the world


This may be a stretch... maybe. But none of the characters really differ in appearance despite aging, i guess it was because changing them through the course of the school years would ruin the appeal.


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>What do you define as like "Osaka"?
Probably what OP meant.


She doesn't have Down Syndrome though, osaka is a pretty girl


>literal pedophile millenial
Why do you call him that?
It can't be just because he wants to fug Osaka, right? Because if that's the reason, well, throw me in the same pit as him.

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Anyone still alive here? I'm brick in the azu discord, just thought I would come back here while I'm in school and check up on anyone since I can't use my phone for the time being
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I was friends with one of the mods and he eventually turned on me and banned me


Maybe it's because you didn't show him your dick.


Maybe its because i'm not an aids ridden faggot


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It's been a year, Anglo. I let go of it, you should too.


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I only brought it up because it relates to the thread topic though.

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From Ralen:
>After more than a year we finally have new ichigo. Sorry I added an extra month to that by taking so long.
>It says new chapter in the January issue (the one that just went on sale) but that was a lie, so who knows when we'll see it again.
>I like how it reminds the reader that this is a serial publication since it hasn't been in print for 15 months
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are glasses canon?


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looks like Miu is playing doctor again in chapter 90, from barasui's latest tweet




I wanna play doctor with Miu.


I wanna play gynecologist with all 5 of them if you know what I mean

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Yomi is sexy


Yomi's vagina should never not be around my penis.


nyamo clears i'm sorry


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Osaka is cuter, I love her.


>Osaka is cuter
Cuter? Probably.
Sexier? No way. Yomi has the legs and butt of my dreams, and Nice breasts that drive me insane.

I wanna impregnate her, and take not just responsibility, but responsibility plus. That's when you impregnate a girl and then marry her and also the baby.

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