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(and Barasui)
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2023-09-07: Archives of the threads containing translations of Azuma's tweets are now on /archive/

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Who keeps posting these?
Not /azu

Cool art though.

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This is what Barasui will be selling at COMITIA this weekend. I can't wait for the brand new doujinshi/book "Standing Statue of Saint Nobue" to get scanned.
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Obviously that's what I think?


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Already bought his new doujinshi and the ChikaMiu acrylic figures right when he tweeted that it got restocked.


if he drew their coochies take a pic and show us

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Yomi is sexy
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What's wrong with chicks that looks like adults?


That begs the question of which is better; a 10 year old that looks 18 (Hotaru from Non Non Biyori) or an 18 year old that looks 10 (Konata from Lucky Star)?


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I found a website i used to visit as a boy on wayback machine. the links/pics are broken so theres no point looking it up, but its nice seeing an old site again





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Azumanga APT


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No, no. Some Azumagals are apt, but Osaka and Kagura are inept.

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where am i


Inside a neko.
You woke up as a cat. Sakaki will pet you.


how did you get here


Don't ask cats how they got here or there. No one knows how they do it.
They just get into places.

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I happened to be near Hamamatsu today and I am sad to report that Miu has destroyed her & Chi-chan's houses. No more roof jumping. Managed to get this pic of the garage though.
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>new reddit


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>reddit soy tranny
One post btw
You good guy


>new reddit
different anon here but kys again


>using reddit
kys too


bring back BBSes and forums and id be happy to

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they are so awesome...
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omg so awesome


this thread rocks


tomo is mi waifu



I'm the OP, yes it is old

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Halloween will soon be upon us, how do you celebrate the occassion?
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Oh, neat! I didn't know he had one of those.
Who else is un it?



Only him


That counts as a circle?


Every exhibitor table showcases the work of a circle, and that can be any number of people
One-person circles are extremely common

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What if Osaka, but scary?


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What if Azumaga?


It happened!

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Yotsuba& Luce
artist: labuyoi
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That was quick...


I'm not Catholic but that character sure is cute, and seems to be working for the Vatican. It's already pretty popular.

Vaticunny, I've heard.


Cute. It took me a while to remember who Luce was. That was fast, wow.


I'm sure the latin speaking church says luce all the time, but they have to be aware, for the rest of us, theres only one well known context


Nice n wholesome

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