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2023-09-07: Archives of the threads containing translations of Azuma's tweets are now on /archive/

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hey you lazy bums! you're missing the new Yotsubato ep featuring Fuuka! WTF is Ralena????


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Yotsbuba lookin oddly


I miss Miura.

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I made this edit of Tomo as a Neo-Cossack, what do you think Tomo's future job would be if she ditched working for Interpol?
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Kagura is a Jew?


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a convoluted joke i see.

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You think the Azu girls may be related to the Eizōken weirdos? Like, maybe Osaka is Asakusa's grandma?
I think the dates fit.


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is eizoken club a remake of eiken club?


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No. And I don't know what this is, but these characters look very very nice.


Both of these manga/series are good. Why do you feel the need to have them related?



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Well, I'm not an expert but I suspect this anime is all about big boobs and fetishes.

It even gave me a hard boner, even though I'm not into girls with breasts.
Sakaki is flat compared to these characters.

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Team Fortress 2 x Azumanga Daioh

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Out of the different Final Fantasy 11 private servers, I like Valhalla the most.

Valhalla has TRUSTs, 90 level cap, XP gain rate same as retail. Movement speed is increased, all Home Point crystal warps and outpost warps are unlocked. They have some nice extra content like a unique gear augment system, a few custom dungeons, Dynamis D raids are unlocked. Rise of the Zilart, Treasures of AU, Wings of the Goddess expansions are all unlocked and working properly.

So anyway if you are tried of the slow grind to 75 on the other private servers like Horizon or Eden, then come check out Valhalla.

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Cute creature. Is it a 9000 year old magical spirit?




this really is the greatest game i have ever played


lots of fun stuff lately, players running some custom level 90 dungeons together, and putting custom enhancement enchants on their gear too, which really makes us overpowered. BLU and PLD are gods on this server!


anyone tried it yet?

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This will be a sticky!


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not on my watch!




We're a long-running and easygoing community for people who want to hang out, chill, share their day, encourage each other, and improve themselves. Shitposting is limited but we are not a hugbox so moderation does allow for disagreements and harsher language.


disgusting trannycord + self promotion, mods!


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Every time a discord server advertises itself with the same choice of words always turns out to be the worst kind of server to join.


Not your place to spam/advertise off-topic stuff.
Link edited out.

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I found back cover pics of Digsy's Lunch and しろまま on Mercari, plus some other art I haven't seen anywhere else. What are some other sites I could hunt for rare IchiMashi art on?
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I OCR'd this with mokuro but I have no idea what it says. The two underspaces are things the OCR obviously got completely wrong. It may have got other things wrong too. The two 目 look like they might actually be 日.


ない。_ _ 授はチッ


this is enough, i googled the parts that seemed to match assuming some japanese had transcribed it, and it took me to the IM wiki where some japanese had transcribed it.
it says she was on cleanup duty the same day as miu and complained miu was not doing the work.



It's normal to draw the naked body first, then clothes. That way the artist won't draw the legs too far apart or something. Good catch though.


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Mashimaro pillows stole the 1K GET

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I don't get it


I think the point is that these are lines and shapes, and Azumanga is drawn with lines that form shapes.


My gut instinct is telling me that this is some secret way to embed spam shit into imageboards. Maybe it reveals something stupid or terrible if you change the file extention or open it with something.


or it could just be that "help me learn draw 6 figure art" retard and he forgot to type this time

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Did zoomers ruin Azumanga Daioh?
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This, as long as japs are smart enough to not pander to the new retarded western audience.


they already are with other shows though, especially as CR and western companies get more and more influence
subtitles are already getting butchered


If you ask your average anime watching zoomer about who Yotsuba is he will mention some quintuplets or something, all the zoomers that got into it were filtered previously by Azumanga Daioh's 26 episodes, I wouldn't worry about it.


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It upsets me greatly. Once I saw a reddit shitpost that had picrel and the comments were all "nazis? ew. Let's shoo them out of the fandom."
These fucks don't understand the meta beauty of Azumanga Daioh. It reaches and is adored by everyone no matter their beliefs or how/where they're born. I feel that this is what makes the series perfect.
And also they're filtered by Kimura and art of them in Nazi uniforms, which is pretty lame. Also, they get filtered the lewds and raep jokes. You can't tell me you find none of the azus erotic.


Reddit's userbase just naturally ruins any fandom it touches, scrapping away its old community and identity in favor of safe, non-edgy style of community. Even though uniting everyone of all creeds and beliefs is actually the best thing you can do.

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