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(and Barasui)
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2023-09-07: Archives of the threads containing translations of Azuma's tweets are now on /archive/

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>800 get
>it's about how cool it is to eat feces
Not sure if you're a glowie or something trying to psyop, or you're just gayer than everyone else who has used /azu/.


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Maybe the real psyop is portraying heterosexual anime girls in lesbian relationships to trick you into fantasizing about jerking off in a corner while watching them, instead of fantasizing about them being your harem like a normal healthy man does while watching anime. Do you think Kimura fantasizes about Kaori having gay sex with Sakaki? No, he wants to save her from that dead-end life of degeneracy by adding her to his harem and eventually impregnating her, and if something involving poop happens in that bedroom is it so wrong?


No normal healthy man wants to eat shit.


ok, an abnormal healthy man then.


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Why does she care about her weight so much? She clearly isn't fat but all she thinks about is her weight.


She's just insecure, standard high school girl stuff.


But that's what makes them hot. (Not her though.)


But Yomi might do anal if you ask her!


She only had a mild insecurity about it but Tomo keeps making it worse.


Tomi is hotter than any other girl

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Dear /azu/:

I, like many of you, suffer from problems. My problems don't involve any of your implausible ones, but mine are worth voicing to you in hope of getting some advice. Anyways, I began to watch Azumanga Daioh about a month ago, and as I dove deeper and deeper into the series, the more and more I fapped to hentai of it. I continued to do so until the last episode. Then I watched the series again...and again... and again... I found myself checking out Osaka every on-screen moment she had. I began to stop going to my regular sites just to look at hentai of one person: Osaka. I eventually had 1000s of pictures and some doujins of Osaka. I began to spend what others called absurd amounts of money on merchandise, and my apartment is coated with Osaka everywhere. I've shut myself off from family and friends and felt an urge to just snuggle with my Osaka dolls. Osaka is all I need. She probably wouldn't like the way my family is or how my friends behave. I'm in love with Osaka. I keep praying that she'll come to see me one day and decide to live with me. I have nothing left to live for but Osaka. I know she can hear me, so I always talk to her telling her to come and visit me so our union can take place. So this is where you guys come into the picture. You're an all-purpose advice board. You definitely must know a way to help Osaka break free from behind her glass prison. Please help! She's my perfect girl, and she's longing for me as much as I long for her.
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Now that I think about it, I couldn't say that I've ever had "weird" sex. Never done truly kinky stuff with any partner.
Maybe there are weirds forms of sex that would be fun, but I don't think Osaka would be into any of them. Sex with Osaka would be weird in a bad way.


I think she would enjoy watersports, and her reaction to having her anus tongued would be the best.


>anus tongued
Ew. No thanks.
I don't think Osaka would be into that, and I'm definetely not.
I've only done anal a few times, and only because the girl I was with wanted it and insisted, and I kinda hated it.
I personally prefer not to involve the butt with sex.
And I don't wanna play with pee.


>I put my penis in a girl's butt and I kinda hated it
this may be the gayest post I've ever read on the internet


She's neither fat nor a whore. She's the perfect waifu

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Yomi is sexy
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>tfw you will never fuck Yomi


How do you know?


>which is better; a 10 year old that looks 18 or an 18 year old that looks 10?
A 10 year old that looks her age is not an option?
If it isn't, then I choose the 18YO that looks 10. But she better look really really 10. As in, totally flat and naturally hairless down there, and no menstruation.


She's not real

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where am i


Inside a neko.
You woke up as a cat. Sakaki will pet you.


how did you get here


Don't ask cats how they got here or there. No one knows how they do it.
They just get into places.

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 No.807[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I found back cover pics of Digsy's Lunch and しろまま on Mercari, plus some other art I haven't seen anywhere else. What are some other sites I could hunt for rare IchiMashi art on?
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i bet baras personal sketch book is extensive


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Oh, you know that man has TONS of lewds of his own characters. I bet he has drawn VOLUMES of Ichigo Mashimaro manga we're never gonna see.
No joking, I think that's actually the case: the published stuff has to be less than the stories about Chi-chan masturbating, getting caught by Nobue, then Miu comes out from under the bed (where she was hidden the whole time), then Ana and Matsuri come in and they don't really know what masturbation is, that sort of thing.
Miu opens a package that came for Nobue, it's a vibrator, they discuss it with Chi-chan and Ana and Matsuri, they don't quite know what it is, Nobue comes in and sees them, is shocked and kills Miu for the 100000th time, makes up an excuse, Miu wakes up and does something outrageous.

And that's why Barasui is my nigga.
If only he would share those with the world...
But if he doesn't, still my nigga.


>Chi-chan masturbating
i forgot about this
please post the pages


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if this was a retail product in the usa i'd buy.



>implying being attracted to an 18 year old girl that looks 13 (Osaka) is edgy
>implying being attracted to an 11 year old girl with delicious budding breasts (Ana) is edgy
Being attracted to Ena, a fourth grader, could be considered a bit edgy since she's right on the edge of hitting puberty so she may not be ready for intercourse just yet.


ena is cute! CUTE!
(also fictional)


What did I miss?

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I've been thinking about Sakaki.

Now I have a cool erection.

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Was she actually a lesbian or was she still in her "boys are yucky" phase?
Supposedly there's an interview where Azuma said that none of them are gay and it's just a cultural thing, but the supplementary lessons 4koma looks like she's in denial.


She's at least bi, and her lust for Sakaki was real.


its a woman thing, girls think theyre gay all the time even though theyre not


>none of them are gay and it's just a cultural thing
Obviously. It's just the mentally ill American teenagers that think this.


i want mommy and sometimes desire mommy like Mizuki Shiranui or something mommy-like, its like inner desire.
I wonder if women feel the same or they want a man-like thing, in their carnal backend urges.


kys name fag

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Hello /azu/!
I want to make a flash parody of Azumanga Daioh.
Give me your silliest, funniest, or downright hilariously offensive ideas.
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>harassment campaign against that a small animator for using AI of Grey DeLisle's voice
I would like to know more about that case.

And I have to say, I don't like AI any more than any AI hater. In fact I would love to destroy all AI and every quantum computing research lab right now by any means necessary, even by convincing radical militia of going full Sarah Connor in T2 if that's what it takes, and see both made illegal everywhere.
But that's not gonna happen. No one is gonna stop it, at best we well see them regulated, AI and quantum computing are gonna keep expanding whether we like it or not, and even though the worst outcome that we can imagine may come true, it hasn't come true yet. Since we won't stop the advancement of AI by complaining, then why even complain?
For now, in the hands of fans and artists AI is a tool, and any tool can be used ethically or unethically. If OP uses it for a fun animation, I say go for it.


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>I would like to know more about that case.
Basically, some guy made a Rankin-Bass styled Scooby Doo parody where they catch Purple Guy from FNAF. He used AI for some voices, because of course it's the simplest and cheapest solution especially if you have a very small following. The voice of Daphne found out about this and went full "DAY TURK ER JERBS!!!" over it. She sicced fans to harass him, it was this whole thing. Supposedly they've made up and he released a version with actual voice actors. DeLisle would later show off art of Daphne she bought from somewhere which was clearly Aislop.
>AI is a tool, and any tool can be used ethically or unethically.
This. I don't like AI art but it's fun to toy around with. AI voices are also fun and great for making stupid shitposts. Helps keeping things cheap, which is a blessing for a poorfag like me.


How did this guy replicate Chiyo's voice so perfectly? A voice changer?


vocaloid program
they credit the vocaloid to mikumiku dance. which, while primarily a 3d animation program, does come with voices. i assume he either downloaded a special voice pack or altered the sound file until it sounded like her.


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